<<Nice effort but false premise. There never was any nefarious push to link Saddam with 911 . . . >>
Of course there was. That was the whole fucking point of Richard Clarke's book. The administration alleged that al Qaeda reps had met in Prague with Iraqi intelligence prior to Sept. 11
Of course there wasn't. Were these "Iraqi intel folks" under orders of Saddam? Who were these AlQeada reps? Who's made that claim of 911 <--> Saddam?? Show us this connection being made, not just innuendo. You wouldn't even be able to indict a ham sandwich with that kind of vagueness
and polls taken of American public opinion after a concerted Bush administration campaign to spread innuendo linking Saddam to 911 even showed that a majority of the Americans polled had bought into that garbage.
Polls are nothing more than a snap shot of a portion of folks who think something at a particular time. It's simply a snapshot of some portion of group mindset at that particular time. That's all. IT PROVES NADA, ZIP, ZILCH. Don't believe me, trying using regional poll to get a conviction of a particular criminal case. Hell, Civil Case. You can't, because a poll doesn't allow for those polled to have access to all the intangibles, facts, specifics, EVIDENCE.
That's bullshit and here's a link to a CONSERVATIVE source (Conservative Voice) which recaps the Bush administration's attempts to mislead (lie) the American people into thinking that Saddam was linked to the Sept. 11 attacks: http://www.theconservativevoice.com/article/10432.html
Editorial debunked by the FACTUAL Robb-Silberman commission conclusions
Sure they all picked up the same misleading lies planted by the same interested party (the Iraqi National Congress) which was in bed with the Bush Administration
Boy, you sure proclaim a ton of folks, including that of the French, Russians, Germans, and your UN folk of being even more a moron than Bush, if they bought into everything Bush. And for those reading this fine tidbit from Tee, notice NOT 1 SHRED OF PROOF TO HIS CLAIM. Not even circumstantial evidence. Just his verson of "logic", and what he argues as "reasoning". Don't worry, it gets better down the road here
..who had hand-picked its convicted swindler leader Ahmed Chalabi to be the head of the new Iraq once the current head of state was removed by force.
And with all this power that the U.S. is supposedly wielding, that's why Chalabi is now in charge of Iraq. Oh wait
AND they were strongly discouraged from picking up anything that didn't fit the preconceived report that Bush and the rest of the lying bastards wanted to have in their hands.
proof?....evidence?....anything even remotely resembling rational objective thought??
<<The National Intelligence Estimate of 2002, BLAH offered with "high confidence" BLAH." Lawrence Wilkerson, BLAH "the consensus BLAH intelligence community BLAH overwhelming" BLAH an arsenal of chemical and biological weapons BLAH in all probability well on the way BLAH nuclear capability BLAH Kenneth Pollack, BLAH Iraqi WMD. BLAH twenty former inspectors BLAH a secret centrifuge plant BLAH secret calutron plant BLAH BLAH>> What a load of unadulterated garbage. OF COURSE Saddam had chemical weapons
Well, that's a small victory I guess
is no indication in any of that ton of bullshit that Saddam planned to attack the U.S.A. None.
Which of course also dovetails nicely into AT NO TIME DID USA CLAIM SADDAM WAS PLANNING TO ATTACK THE USA. NONE. This folks, is more examples of that Tee-leaf logic masguerading as "reasoning" to Tee, I referenced earlier, since he's not going to be able to provide any quote to such, only a reference by Condi or Bush in wanting to prevent a mushroom cloud from occuring before we realize the danger Saddam could become to the region
<<And if it's "well, he tried to manipulate the intel". . . that pesky fact of the bipartisan Robb-Silberman commission . . . >>>>
Uh, yeah, sirs, I'm afraid it is. Oh, yeah, the BIPARTISAN Robb-Silverman commission. As if the decision to invade Iraq itself was not bipartisan. Unfortunately there is no partisanship in the Middle Eastern policies of the US, so a "bipartisan" commission is really the War Party investigating the War Party.
See? Here again is Tee at his normal approach to debating this issue. It's not bi-partisan because he says its not. You can't accept their official conclusions, because he says you can't. He has concluded, minus any assemblence of proof or facts to support such, that the Commission simply white-washed the whole thing. He has to believe that because the template is already in place. Bush is evil, American military is Evil, ergo, anything that supports what Bush has done or clears Bush from anything sinisters, is to be declared null & void, no evidence necessary. Anything & everything else is to be rationalized & justified
<<Analysts universally asserted that in no instance did political pressure cause them to skew or alter any of their analytical judgments." was their offical and FACTUAL conclusion>>
Unfortunately there was nothing FACTUAL about it - - http://mediamatters.org/items/200603060001
Yep, let's pull up the infamous leftist web site to support a leftist claim. Way to go Tee
Significant evidence to the contrary was simply buried by the "bipartisan" commission. Not only was there pressure on the analysts but the results were cherry-picked by the administration. That almost all of the intelligence relied on by the Bush administration emanated from a single, interested source (Iraqi National Congress) was never mentioned by Bush or his administration in any public address.
Which again is debunked by the NIE and the near concensus by the global intelligence community on the disposition of Saddam's WMD. What is this "buried evidence"?
Sorry Tee, I'm going with the FACTUAL Global reports, and bi-partisan commisions over your OPINIONATED editiorials and left wing web links.
<<Which [lying to the SEC investigators] he was indicted for of course, being a Federal offence and all. >>
Confused again, sirs? The issue was whether Bush is a liar, not whether his family connections can save his ass.
I guess the confused one here is you,
minus again any facts or evidence, just that omnipotent Tee-leaf logic, since you're claiming Bush lied to the SEC, thus committed a felony, thus the follow-up indictment. Ooooops. See, no proof necessary, just Tee's say so that daddy saved him
Actually, the liar is YOU because the yellowcake letters (which I never claimed represented an actual purchase) were in fact forgeries and Bush did in fact rely upon them. Bush relied upon forged documents and at a time when he had been told that their authenticity was in question. You created a little straw man there
No, I simply presented THE FACTS. You know, those pesky things that keep getting in the way of how evil Bush is supposed to be. FACT IS Bush never claimed Saddam purchased yellow cake. FACT IS, the intel used demonstrated Saddam attempted to. FACT IS that's what Bush claimed in his SOTU. FACT IS the British intel backs up that claim. FACT IS, so did Wilson ironically
Just to digress for one instant - - you just accused me again of lying. "Another lie" were your actual words. Of course there was no lie.
Yes there was. You want to call it an egregious distortion on your part instead?, fine. The real liar in this is Joseph Wilson. But don't let that stop you. You're on a roll
In your case, however, I find that you are a lying, weak, stupid, despicable and repulsive individual with no respect for the truth and no hestitation in falsely branding anyone who disagrees with you a liar.
Only to those that do, and are too ideologically blind to rationally debate this issue. Only to those who are so blinded by vitriolic hatred for the man Bush, that he's compared to a moronic version of Hitler. Only to those who blindly insists X (such as
Bush claims Saddam is going to attack the USA), when Y consistently debunks X. Only to those who insist on implying their accusatory opinions as well established fact (Sun will rise = Bush is a liar), that's consistently refuted by a overwehlming amount of facts/evidence/logic to the contrary
I suddenly realized in the midst of the post that I was being thoroughly sickened by having to respond to you, and I also realized if that's how it makes me feel, then why bother? So the rest of my answer will be short, simple and to the point, although not really responsive and reasoned: Go fuck yourself.
And to the rest of our saloon patrons here, they'll note at no time did I ever stoop to such a vulgar low. So there's the gammit of Tee's "reasoning & logic" when argueing the case of how Bush lied us into war. Selected facts, reference to a book, editorials, and a LW web site, and the cou-de-gra, how it's all 1 big massive governmental cover-up, with all those poor European & UN blokes duped by that moron Bush. All of course, with not 1 shred of proof, outside of Tee's say so & Tee-leave logic. Whatever makes you feel better, Tee
And may I add, if Bt, or Plane, or Js believe I've crossed some repulsive line, that I can't see (I concede my consistent condescending tone, in pretty much all my posts), I offer myself to whatever disciplinary action is deemed appropriate