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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #75 on: February 07, 2007, 12:05:04 PM »'re a moron...rant...Bush is Evil...blather...I'm right, you're wrong...rant

Must feed the template....must feed the template.  All evidence & facts to the contrary must be demagogued or ignored.  Must feed template
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #76 on: February 07, 2007, 12:51:14 PM »
<<Must feed the template....must feed the template.  All evidence & facts to the contrary must be demagogued or ignored.  Must feed template>>

The only one feeding the template here is you.  The obvious conclusions, backed by fact and logic are that Bush is a murderous lying bastard as are the people around him, that hundreds of thousands have already died because of him and a country lies in ruins.  There's a fucking tragedy going on under your nose, but that BUSH - - who ordered the bombing, who pursues the conquest of a nation fighting to free itself from foreign occupation when they aren't fighting with each other, whose forces bomb, blast, torture, kidnap, murder at will - - HE'S not the evil one here.  Well, if Bush isn't the evil one in the picture, who the fuck is?

YOUR template is "America good, Arabs bad (except those who accept U.S. domination and collaborate)" and "America can do no evil."  That's fine - - the families of the hundreds of thousands of dead, maimed, tortured and imprisoned Iraqis know better, although in your sick little fantasy world they're all on their knees thanking America for the "freedom" they have brought to Iraq.


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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #77 on: February 07, 2007, 01:39:41 PM »
<<Must feed the template....must feed the template.  All evidence & facts to the contrary must be demagogued or ignored.  Must feed template>>

The only one feeding the template here is you.  The obvious conclusions,...

LOL.....yea right.  The "obvious conslusions" are that Bush is an evil murderous lying bastard and the American military is evil groupd of raping murdering thugs, because Tee says so, supported by his version of "facts & logic".  But I'm the one with the template

Priceless     ;D

YOUR template is "America good, Arabs bad (except those who accept U.S. domination and collaborate)" and "America can do no evil." 

This folks is where Tee routinely ignores my frequent criticisms of bad decisions, and frequent references that no country is perfect or can do no wrong.  This is where he routinely ignores my specific references to the Arab Terrorists & militant Ismlamics as "bad", while Arabs in general are perfectly fine.  This folks is precisely the type of debate you get from Tee, when this topic comes up.  Just scroll back and watch it unravel.

But if I had a template, it would include giving the benefit of the doubt to both Bush & our military, until FACTS are presented to the contrary (read, NOT Tee's say so, or Tee-leaf logic).  It would actually include rational objective thinking before making conclusions, based on the information present at the time.  It does include that Bush is naive, and at times stubborn, but reasonbly principled, even when those principles are leaning away from that of Conservatism.  What it doesn't include is unadulterated unsubstantiated garbage claiming how Bush is a stupid version of Hitler, who was the only one to know that Saddam didn't have WMD, but was able to convince everyone else even those in the previous administration (excluding the far superior smarter folks like Tee of course) that he did

the families of the hundreds of thousands of dead, maimed, tortured and imprisoned Iraqis know better, although in your sick little fantasy world they're all on their knees thanking America for the "freedom" they have brought to Iraq.

Subtracting any support for any of our soldiers that have knowinly & purposely tortued anyone, that's right Tee.  The majority of Iraqis still believe that taking out Saddam was worth it.  The polls I provided you before point that out, and given your new found love of polls, should be a clue to just how blinded you are to rational reasoned debate, on this issue
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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #78 on: February 07, 2007, 01:49:25 PM »
<<Must feed the template....must feed the template.  All evidence & facts to the contrary must be demagogued or ignored.  Must feed template>>

The only one feeding the template here is you.  The obvious conclusions, backed by fact and logic are that Bush is a murderous lying bastard as are the people around him, that hundreds of thousands have already died because of him and a country lies in ruins.  There's a fucking tragedy going on under your nose, but that BUSH - - who ordered the bombing, who pursues the conquest of a nation fighting to free itself from foreign occupation when they aren't fighting with each other, whose forces bomb, blast, torture, kidnap, murder at will - - HE'S not the evil one here.  Well, if Bush isn't the evil one in the picture, who the fuck is?

YOUR template is "America good, Arabs bad (except those who accept U.S. domination and collaborate)" and "America can do no evil."  That's fine - - the families of the hundreds of thousands of dead, maimed, tortured and imprisoned Iraqis know better, although in your sick little fantasy world they're all on their knees thanking America for the "freedom" they have brought to Iraq.

I suppose you havent noticed this but our oppositin presently kills innocent bystanders , if we killed more than they I would be very supprised.


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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #79 on: February 07, 2007, 01:59:38 PM »
BUSH - - HE'S not the evil one here.  Well, if Bush isn't the evil one in the picture, who the fuck is?

Easy question with easy answer......the Islamic terrorists who target and kill innocent civilians, the insurgents who target and kill innocent civilians.  The sectarians who target and kill innocent civilians.

Note also how it's not some vague reference to "Arabs bad"
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #80 on: February 07, 2007, 02:20:22 PM »
<<The "obvious conslusions" are that Bush is an evil murderous lying bastard and the American military is evil groupd of raping murdering thugs, because Tee says so, supported by his version of "facts & logic".  But I'm the one with the template>>

Yeah, because I say so.  That a minimum of 100,000 Iraqis have died because of Bush's decision to invade is a fiction.  Bush is bad because I say he's bad, not because of any real-life consequences arising from his actions.  What fucking planet did you say you were from?  (And that was not even counting the wounded, the maimed, the tortured and the jailed.)   

The American military had nothing to do with any of those deaths, they didn't shoot any families at checkpoints, they didn't bomb any populated areas, they never tortured anybody and they never harmed a single hair on a single head.  They're humanitarians, actually.   Get it through your head, sirs:  they're trained killers, and what they were sent over there to do was to kill and to keep on killing until all resistance to their occupation of another people's homeland was completely and utterly crushed.

And if you noticed, none of their misdeeds is wrong because I say it's wrong, and they're not evil because I say they're evil.  They're evil because of what they do and what they do is unmistakeably real.  So the problem isn't that Michael Tee fails to recognize what good, noble and wonderful human beings these murderous thugs are; the problem is what the murderous thugs are actually doing, even as we speak.


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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #81 on: February 08, 2007, 03:36:06 AM »
<<The "obvious conslusions" are that Bush is an evil murderous lying bastard and the American military is evil groupd of raping murdering thugs, because Tee says so, supported by his version of "facts & logic".  But I'm the one with the template>>

Yeah, because I say so.  That a minimum of 100,000 Iraqis have died because of Bush's decision to invade is a fiction.  Bush is bad because I say he's bad, not because of any real-life consequences arising from his actions. 

You have to love the act of desperation.  Blow everything into absolute hyperbole, and play like that's what your opponet is saying.  A) MOST of those 100K have died at the hands of terrorists and other Iraqis,  B) There's a war going on, so how its deemed "fiction", can only be understood in Tee's universe.  And C) EVERY FRELLING WAR leads to unintended real life consequences. 


What fucking planet did you say you were from?

Earth.  What's your excuse?

The American military had nothing to do with any of those deaths, they didn't shoot any families at checkpoints, they didn't bomb any populated areas, they never tortured anybody and they never harmed a single hair on a single head. 

For someone who's supposed to pride themselves on rational reasoning, you can't seem to get much more irrational than you are currently.  I can alomst visualize the foam coming out of the mouth.  See above for more examples of that desperate hyperbole, referenced earlier

They're humanitarians, actually.   Get it through your head, sirs:  they're trained killers, and what they were sent over there to do was to kill and to keep on killing until all resistance to their occupation of another people's homeland was completely and utterly crushed.

Close...they're trained to target and kill the enemy, which has currently been identified as Islamic terrorists & insurgents.  They do not target and kill women and children like the terrrorists, insurgents, and sectarians do.  Those that do are either doing so out of perceived self defense, or they themselves have no business wearing the American uniform, and be prosecuted to the fullest extend possible

And if you noticed, none of their misdeeds is wrong because I say it's wrong, and they're not evil because I say they're evil.  They're evil because of what they do and what they do is unmistakeably real. 

So says Tee

So the problem isn't that Michael Tee fails to recognize what good, noble and wonderful human beings these murderous thugs are; the problem is what the murderous thugs are actually doing, even as we speak.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #82 on: February 08, 2007, 08:59:22 PM »
<<You have to love the act of desperation.  Blow everything into absolute hyperbole, and play like that's what your opponet is saying.  A) MOST of those 100K have died at the hands of terrorists and other Iraqis . . . >>

ALL of them died because (a) they were directly killed by U.S. forces or (b) because the U.S. invasion created anarchy which local forces freely exploited.  BTW, I assume you have the facts to show how many actually were killed by "terrorists" and "other foes?"  No?  Oh, I forgot, the U.S. "doesn't do" body counts.  Convenient, eh?  Allowing its cheerleaders to make unverifiable claims of who causes most casualties.

 << . . . .B) There's a war going on, so how its deemed "fiction", can only be understood in Tee's universe. >>

The "fiction" remark was sarcasm, aimed at YOU, moron.

<< And C) EVERY FRELLING WAR leads to unintended real life consequences. >>

YESSSSS!!!  Which is why decent, peace-loving, respectful-of-human-life people DO NOT START WARS, for non-existent or manufactured reasons.

<<. . . irrational . . . the foam coming out of the mouth.  . . .desperate hyperbole . . . >>

This was the entire substance of sirs' answer to my point that U.S. forces did in fact commit horrific atrocities.  No, I am not kidding.  Go back and check it out.  Of course, he wasn't as concise as I was in boiling down his "argument" to its essence, but believe me, you will find nothing more of substance in his entire rant.  Conservative "reasoning" at its finest.

I'm going to skip over some of sirs' rant here, because it's the usual technique of cut, paste, add "priceless" or some similar snark and voila - - another point or argument "demolished" - - or at least "demolished" in whatever unique neural wasteland passes for sirs' mind.  Not really worthy of any response, but what the hell - - it would be rude to ignore it.


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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #83 on: February 09, 2007, 01:41:56 AM »
<<A) MOST of those 100K have died at the hands of terrorists and other Iraqis . . . >>

ALL of them died because (a) they were directly killed by U.S. forces or (b) because the U.S. invasion created anarchy which local forces freely exploited. 

Every life that dies in war is directly as a result of someone killed by someone purposely or accidentally.  Anarchy is being caused by Iran & Syria, fueling the civil unrest, both directly with militants coming in from those countries, and indirectly with the military arms they provide, while AlQeada tries to simply fight back.  Take away those 2, and there'd be no anarchy.  Take away the U.S., and you have Terrorist Heaven.  But I do appreciate you conceding that the vast majority of lives lost are at the hands of terrorists and Iraqis

BTW, I assume you have the facts to show how many actually were killed by "terrorists" and "other foes?"  No?  Oh, I forgot, the U.S. "doesn't do" body counts.  Convenient, eh?  

No, actually logic and common sense.  You should try it some time.  How far back you want to go?  Hundreds, if not thousands of Israelis killed by homicide bombers, over the last 2+decades.  Beirut in 83, Russia in 92, Madrid, Bombay/Mumbai, Nigeria, Bali, Dahab, Somalia, New York, DC, etc., etc., etc.  This is more of that ignrorance you demonstrate, that I referenced earlier.  Facts that go against the template of how evil Bush and our military are supposed to be, must be either demagogued, or in this instance, ignored

The "fiction" remark was sarcasm, aimed at YOU, moron.

Perhaps you should stick with sarcasm, since civil & substantive debate is definately not your strength

<< And C) EVERY FRELLING WAR leads to unintended real life consequences. >>

YESSSSS!!!  Which is why decent, peace-loving, respectful-of-human-life people DO NOT START WARS, for non-existent or manufactured reasons.

Your opinion of non-existant/manufactured reasons is duely noted

<<. . . irrational . . . the foam coming out of the mouth.  . . .desperate hyperbole . . . >>

This was the entire substance of sirs' answer to my point that U.S. forces did in fact commit horrific atrocities.  No, I am not kidding.  

Yes, he is, since the issue of some American Soldiers committing crimes, including rape & murder isn't an issue.  Of course isolated events at locations like Abu Graib have occured.  And those folks are condemned & prosecuted. The issue, continues to be Tee's grand proclaimation of the U.S. military as a whole being this barbarous out-of-control raping machine, then using hyperbole to supposedly validate it.  The dire stench of desparation

Go back and check it out. 

Oh please do.  And pay close attention to some of this hyperbolic stuff like "they're trained killers, and what they were sent over there to do was to kill and to keep on killing until all resistance to their occupation of another people's homeland was completely and utterly crushed", and that it's a war against all Arabs. 

You can't pay for this kind of unadulterated garbage.  Well, I suppose you could, but you get it here for free
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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #84 on: February 09, 2007, 12:10:33 PM »
<<Every life that dies in war is directly as a result of someone killed by someone purposely or accidentally.  Anarchy is being caused by Iran & Syria, fueling the civil unrest, >>

Funny how before the U.S. invasion there was no civil unrest to fuel and most Iraqis polled now say things were better before the invasion.  Funny also how nobody really knows WHO is fuelling the "sectarian" killing, since the average folk there aren't that concerned about the religious divide in what used to be (under Saddam) a secular nation.  And funny who really benefits from all the killing, isn't it?  "We can't go now, there'll be a bloodbath."  Anarchy is caused DIRECTLY by the U.S. invasion and right now we don't know exactly WHO is behind the sectarian killings.  In Lebanon, some of the civil strife violence including the Hariri assassination is now being traced back to Israeli-organized hit squads using Arab manpower.  Who says the same techniques aren't being employed right now in Iraq?

<<both directly with militants coming in from those countries, and indirectly with the military arms they provide, while AlQeada tries to simply fight back.  Take away those 2, and there'd be no anarchy.  Take away the U.S., and you have Terrorist Heaven.  But I do appreciate you conceding that the vast majority of lives lost are at the hands of terrorists and Iraqis>>

No I didn't - - there's a reason why Tommy Franks said "We don't do [civilian] body counts."  A very good reason.  You DON'T WANT TO KNOW how many Iraqis you have killed.  Which suggests it's one hell of a lot of Iraqis.

<<No, actually logic and common sense [tell sirs that "terrorists" kill more than Americans kill.] You should try it some time.  How far back you want to go?  Hundreds, if not thousands of Israelis killed by homicide bombers, over the last 2+decades.>> 

Adding up to a fraction of the number of Palestinians, Lebanese and Israeli Arabs killed by Israel in the same period. 

<<Beirut in 83, >>

I guess you are totally unaware of the fact that about TWENTY THOUSAND Lebanese were KILLED in the first Israeli invasion of Lebanon, without even counting the thousand killed in the latest one.

<<Russia in 92, Madrid, Bombay/Mumbai, Nigeria, Bali, Dahab, Somalia, New York, DC, etc., etc., etc. >>

Yeah, what's that add up to?  One Falluja plus a couple of bunker-busters and a willie peter?  Ten wedding parties plus a dozen family cars lit up at check-points?  GET REAL for once in your life. 

<<Perhaps you should stick with sarcasm, since civil & substantive debate is definately not your strength>>

When my sarcasm sails right over your head and draws the same kind of response most sane and normal people would give to serious debating points, I think it's the sarcasm I should give up completely and try to concentrate on building my civil and substantive debate skills up to the point where they can match yours.

<<Of course isolated events at locations like Abu Graib have occured.  And those folks are condemned & prosecuted. The issue, continues to be Tee's grand proclaimation of the U.S. military as a whole being this barbarous out-of-control raping machine, then using hyperbole to supposedly validate it.  >>

What's hilarious is that every time it occurs, it's another "isolated event."  That the folks "condemned and prosecuted" include not a single senior officer despite the fact that most of the torture occurs within the four walls of prison compounds and not in the field, sails right over sirs' head.  That the "condemned" suffer at most an original eight-year prison sentences (always reduced on appeal) andat least mere reprimands is never mentioned.  That the "President" has instructed his legal officers to defend his right to define "torture" and refuses to submit his troops to the scrutiny of international war crimes courts means nothing to sirs.  That the practice described as "isolated" has cropped up in American prisons separated by hundreds and even thousands of miles is of no significance.  That the President's legal advisers have declared the Geneva Conventions "quaint and old-fashioned" is undoubtedly also an isolated instance.  What we have here is not an inability to connect the dots, ladies and gentlemen, it is an inability to see a picture that is as plain and unambiguous as a Renoir painting, only a lot uglier.

<< pay close attention to some of this hyperbolic stuff like "they're trained killers, >>

No, they're psychiatric social workers and Professors of Greek philosophy.

<< . . .and what they were sent over there to do was to kill and to keep on killing until all resistance to their occupation of another people's homeland was completely and utterly crushed">>

No, they're ordered to party and boogie all night long and then teach little kids how to read Arabic and study Koran.

<< . . . . and that it's a war against all Arabs.>>

Now THAT'S not true.  The war is against all Arabs who have oil and won't give it up to the Americans or have land and won't give it up to the Israelis.  The rest of the Arabs can all go fuck themselves, unless of course they choose to come to the assistance of the "bad" Arabs who won't give up their oil or their land.  But you knew that.


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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #85 on: February 09, 2007, 05:14:50 PM »
The "insugency " in Iraq has as its most frequently used tactic the killing of other Iriquis.

I do not see them deserveing your sympathy.

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Re: "Great Iraqi Victory" a massacre + a cover-up?
« Reply #86 on: February 09, 2007, 06:28:22 PM »
<<The "insugency " in Iraq has as its most frequently used tactic the killing of other Iriquis.>>

To be perfectly honest, at this point we do not really know WHO is killing the other Iraqis or what is the involvement of the U.S. and/or Israel in the killing.  The recent discovery in Lebanon of networks of Arab killers acting under contract to the Mossad to create chaos, to stigmatize Syria and Hezbollah, is indicative of a tactic that could very well be working to great effect in Iraq today.  The cui bono question alone points the finger of guilt directly at the U.S.A. and/or Israel.  There certainly seems to be little benefit to Iraq in all this random and devastating violence.

<<I do not see them deserveing your sympathy. >>

Even allowing for the possibility that what we are witnessing really is a case of internal Iraqi-on-Iraqi violence, as improbable as it now seems, there is nothing admirable about it.   Such killers would not have my sympathies.  Who but a lunatic could sympathize with anyone setting off explosives in a crowded marketplace?  But there seem to be plenty of lunatics, because there is no shortage of folks who would sympathize with U.S. pilots firing missiles into a wedding party or a collection of so-called "safe houses" with enormous civilian loss of life and limb.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2007, 06:30:07 PM by Michael Tee »