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Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« on: January 14, 2013, 06:01:19 PM »
It's Not "Game Over"
It's Time for the GOP to Counterattack

By Kurt Schlichter
Jan 09, 2013

The current state of the GOP brings to mind the surviving Marines in Aliens, with no shortage of demoralized hacks lamenting their inability to resist by channeling Private Hudson: "Maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events but we just got our ass kicked, pal!"

So what? So we took a hit on the Fiscal Cliff. Stand up, brush off and get back into the fight. This is no time for self-pity, no time for weakness. Every combat leader knows that when you take a hit, you regroup, reorganize, and prepare to counterattack. The defense is but a temporary, transitory period that serves just one single purpose, to prepare your forces to resume the offensive.

We don't need wimpy handwringers trying to excuse Republican fecklessness by repeating stupid clich's like "Elections have consequences." Maybe I missed something, but everyone in this new Congress won the last election and the House kept its majority. If President 50.6% has a mandate, so does every single GOP member. And that mandate wasn't to tuck-up into the fetal position and sob.

Here's another consequence that the election had now that the tax cuts have expired, Obama can't do anything unless we say "Yes." From here on in, if he wins it's because we let him win. So don't.

This guy has a glass jaw. He had tax increases by default on everyone, yet he had to walk away with a $450,000 ceiling instead of the $250,000 definition of "millionaire" he'd been selling to the low-information types who make up his base. Oh, and this week these same slack-jaws opened up their pay envelopes and found out that The One failed to get the payroll tax cut extended. Moreover, the AMT is fixed and the estate tax is improved somewhat. The GOP may have lost, but contrary to the cheerleading by the government-controlled mainstream media, so did progressive President Pyrrhus.

Obama has the initiative today, but hand this guy a couple defeats and he'll go right back to ground hoping 2014 will bring him a liberal majority again.

The GOP needs to clearly understand its objective, because right now they are acting as if this is politics as usual, just with a particularly liberal president. Wrong. Obama is a dedicated progressive ideologue who wants to permanently change this country for the worse and he intends to clear his path to doing so by ruthlessly destroying all opposition. That means you, GOPers.

He isn't playing a game; he's fighting a war, and it better dawn on the GOP that Obama doesn't want to just shift the needle a bit. He wants us defeated, disarmed and docile so he can turn us into the progressive, extra-Constitutional Utopia his faculty-lounge buddies have been fantasizing about for the last century.

Obama and his minions are serious about defeating us, so we need to be serious about defeating them. Let's banish cheesy talk about "Working together for the good of the country." The only thing that is good for this country right now is defeating Obama's leftist agenda, fully, completely and in detail. You can't work with him, you can't compromise with him, you can't convince him. He's a progressive Terminator and the Constitution is Sarah Connor.

You have to beat him, and that means counterattacking to seize the initiative by getting on the scoreboard with some wins and restoring our team's morale.

Obama's getting cocky, this guy always believes his own hype and his prissy press cheerleaders aren't doing him any favors telling him he's mastered the opposition. Unless we let him, he's mastered nothing. In his overconfidence he's over-extending himself, and that means opportunities.

It looks like he's going to nominate Chuck Hagel for Sec Def. Even Chuck Schumer is having trouble swallowing that. Republicans, time to get out the long knives and get to work and make sure you let the world know that besides Hagel's terrible policies you're doing it on behalf of the Jews and gays he detests. Filibuster him if you need to, if Harry Reid wants to eliminate the filibuster he can do it on behalf of an anti-Semitic homophobe who thinks we're too mean to Hamas.

Obama loses even if he "wins", squandering capital and forcing his Democrat pals into terrible votes they'll be hearing about at re-election time. And GOP senators, we don't need to hear about deference toward one of your own. Hagel sold out the GOP when he supported Obama. Nor do we need to hear any sanctimonious crap about deference to the president in nominations, if you still think this is business as usual, you're either a fool or in a coma.

Obama is now talking about taxing the successful even more by eliminating deductions. Hand him another big goose egg. He got his tax increases, you need to be out of the revenue increase business. How about the House pass a payroll tax cut, paid for by slashing corporate welfare to Obama's Hollywood buddies and his green energy scam cronies?

Spending cuts? Obama doesn't get a say. Sequestration is going to happen unless the GOP agrees to change it. That's a $1.2 trillion cut. Let it happen, and let Secretary Hagel deal with the defense cuts. Obama loses again unless you save him.

And guns, talk about a golden opportunity to defeat Obama while also helping set the stage for a Democrat wipe-out in 2014! Obama and his progressive pals are giddy with the idea that Newtown will let them jam through a whole slew of Second Amendment-trashing measures before everyone starts thinking again. If Obama's actually foolish enough to proceed and I am not sure he is, he's setting himself up for a huge loss.

GOP, remember Napoleon's admonition to never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake. Let Obama try and force the red state Democrat senators to come out against guns. Let the Democrats tear themselves up while we watch and gobble popcorn.

Heck, we should egg them on,  like by trying to force a Senate vote on, say, a provision which reaffirms the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms for the protection of their families and communities and directs that all federal law shall be interpreted toward preserving and protecting that right. Let's see how all those Democrats paying lip service to the Second Amendment feel about voting on that.

And if some bill finally limps out of the Senate, hopefully without a single GOP vote, Speaker Boehner should mimic Harry Reid's fiscal cliff antics and just let it die. No debate. No discussion. No vote. Obama?s dream of disarming his opponents, paid for with the careers of several sitting Democrat senators, will die in the hopper.

It will be a thing of beauty.

Remember, this is an existential crisis for our country. Now is not the time to "govern;" it's the time to defeat Obama and his radical left-wing agenda. No, you can't say that out loud, simpering wimps will shudder and fret. Just do it, even as you talk about working together and compromising and hugging and all that goo-goo baloney.

Republican, quit shouting, "Game over, man! Game over!" Counterattack, seize the initiative, and start winning again. Play for keeps. Stop channeling Hudson and start channeling Ripley. It's time to figuratively nuke the site from orbit,  it's the only way to be sure.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 06:08:34 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2013, 08:29:26 PM »
The Republican'ts are assholes, traitors to this country and shall be so perceived by all but a few dipwad fanatics.

Remember what happened when the Newtster shut down the government. He was thrown out of the Speakership, driven out of the House, and never elected to any office again.

Watch and see what the stupidity of these treacherous Koch-sucking assholes gets them this time.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 08:35:32 PM by Xavier_Onassis »
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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2013, 08:44:19 PM »
There is nothing traitorous or assholiness about insisting on fiscal responsibility with the taxpayers money. Actually it is just the opposite.

Newt wasn't kicked out of his speakership because he shut down the government. Which he didn't by the way. He resigned his post because all the alleged ethics charges against him were a distraction.

The Koch's have little to do with the GOP , they are more libertarian minded. Just another boogeyman the press told you to hate. Read up on them, learn something.


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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2013, 08:52:44 PM »
The Kochs support the evil baggers, and get serious, everyone knows why the Newtster was thrown out. The fact that he was corrupt as well was just icing on the cake. That is exactly how the country saw it. Note that even after the ejected this slimeball from the government, they were soundly trounced in the next election

This is NOT about fiscal responsibility. It is about preventing our President from eb=nding this recession, which, by the way, was caused by dipwad  allies of the Republican'ts.

Go ahead, cheer on these inept Bircher assholes as they step on their dicks, tumble down the stairs, plummet from power and end up on the ground like so many bags of hairy strawberry ice cream.

Go play with your guns. It will do you more good.
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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2013, 09:10:07 PM »
There is nothing evil about the Tea Party. What the Tea Party and the Koch's have in common is a desire for a smaller government. And if the GOP can't deliver on that then the end of the Establishment GOP is near.

It is amazing how truly misinformed you are.

What was Newt convicted of? The IRS didn't go after him and that was at the heart of the ethics charges.

The President has no intention of ending the recession, he is using it to foster a dependent client state. The GOP is trying to slow that.

I have no guns to play with, but i have read the constitution and have a decent understanding of the bill of rights.


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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2013, 09:31:47 PM »
What the Kochs want is more market share. They want to own more, they want to grab an even larger share of the wealth of this country, especially from the citizens, because they realize that wresting it from Trump, Buffett or the rest of the Oligarchy would be more costly and less effective. They know that the 'baggers are too effing stupid to dress themselves, and so they ally themselves with RogerAiles, Limbaugh and the Foxfools. That is why the Kochs funded the Tea Party movement, composed largely of lumpenproletarian simpletons who actually think that giving more of the wealth of this country to turds like the Kochs will enable them to hit the jackpot, like Joe the Plumber and his wacko plan to buy out his boss and hire underlings to make him rich.

He'll never make it. In fact, he has given up plumbing entirely. He ran for Congress and got a stunning 30% of the vote.

The deal was that the GOP had to throw the Newtster overboard to avoid a trial. Remember that he was also behind the stupid, failed attempt to impeach Clinton.

Again, it will be fun to watch the GOP step on their schlongs and hurtle over the precipice into obscurity.
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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2013, 09:40:58 PM »
What the Kochs want is more market share.

How do they get more marketshare by supporting organizations that are of like mind with the belief that is the tea party?


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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2013, 10:24:58 PM »
all but a few dipwad fanatics.

You live in a complete fantasy world.
Obama got 50.6% of the vote.
The American People re-elected Republicans to control the US House.
The Democrat Party holds 53 of the 100 Senate seats.
So about half the country voted Republican...a far cry from your fantasy land "a few fanatics".
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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2013, 10:40:39 PM »
It's Not "Game Over"
It's Time for the GOP to Counterattack

By Kurt Schlichter
Jan 09, 2013

The current state of the GOP brings to mind the surviving Marines in Aliens, ...........................................................This guy has a glass jaw. He had tax increases by default on everyone, yet he had to walk away with a $450,000 ceiling instead of the $250,000 definition of "millionaire" he'd been selling to the low-information types who make up his base. Oh, and this week these same slack-jaws opened up their pay envelopes and found out that The One failed to get the payroll tax cut extended. Moreover, the AMT is fixed and the estate tax is improved somewhat. The GOP may have lost, but contrary to the cheerleading by the government-controlled mainstream media, so did progressive President Pyrrhus.

Obama has the initiative today, but hand this guy a couple defeats and he'll go right back to ground hoping 2014 will bring him a liberal majority again.

The GOP needs to clearly understand its objective, ....................................................You have to beat him, and that means counterattacking to seize the initiative by getting on the scoreboard with some wins and restoring our team's morale.

   Yes , that is how hardball is played, I agree with most of this , in particular Vice President Biden is going to deliver a real problem to the administration when he composes a new assault wepons ban , the guy doesn't know a thing about the subject , I know this because he was one of the authors of the really ineffective and irritating assault wepons ban that did no good at all for the ten years it lasted.

I disagree about Chuck Hagel for Sec Def., I dont see much liability for Obama there and I can't see Obama nominating anyone better if he doesn't get Chuck.


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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2013, 01:04:52 AM »
I am all for Hagel. There is little hope of ever getting any sort of settlement in Palisrael if we are too biased towards Netanyahu. I don't think anything he said about gays is particularly relevant today. The President has the right to appoint whomever he wishes, and there is nothing wrong with any of his candidates.

There was not a thing wrong with Rice, either.
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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2013, 01:23:57 AM »
Rice was a trojan horse for Kerry


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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2013, 01:49:48 AM »
I am all for Hagel. There is little hope of ever getting any sort of settlement in Palisrael if we are too biased towards Netanyahu. I don't think anything he said about gays is particularly relevant today. The President has the right to appoint whomever he wishes, and there is nothing wrong with any of his candidates.

There was not a thing wrong with Rice, either.

The problem here is that no one in Palisrael wants to call it that.


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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2013, 02:01:57 AM »
Rice was a trojan horse for Kerry

Yes, I can see that.
If the President was serious about her as a canadate, he could have presented her a bit better.

But why would President Obama want Kerry for a Secretary? I am totally unaware of any special skill the man has that would make him the outstanding canadate, I am also without a clue for what the President might owe him or expect from him.

Isn't he risking the seante seat in the next election?


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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #13 on: January 15, 2013, 07:46:05 AM »
Perhaps with the new found powers he has found in executive orders, he feels he might not need the legislative branch to do what he wants.


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Re: Quit crying and punch back! Twice As Hard!
« Reply #14 on: January 15, 2013, 10:49:16 AM »
I am totally unaware of any special skill the man has that would make him the outstanding canadate, I am also without a clue for what the President might owe him or expect from him.

Kerry is quite fluent in French, which means that he will be able to communicate directly with maybe twice as many heads of state as most other candidates, and has been quite helpful in a number of diplomatic missions. Perhaps you need to read up more on Kerry. Kerry has been in the government for a long time, and understands how it works, which is also essential.

The GOP used bogus crap to shoot down Susan Rice because they hope to grab Kerry's Senate seat, but I don't think they will succeed at this.

I cannot imagine anyone more qualified for Secretary of State that Romney would have appointed.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."