So we can put to bed, once and for all, if the left has any credibility in claiming a Bushmaster was responsible, for any of the murders.
According to the State of Connecticut the Bushmaster was brought into the school.
I suspect in the worst case NBC was planting a red herring or best case their story wasn't properly vetted.
As they are part of the biased MSM i wouldn't put much faith in their version.
I wouldn't get too caught up in chasing liberal credibility on this issue, when the truth is the better weapon.
And the truth is greater gun control restrictions are not needed because of the children of sandy hook when the children in chicago are being killed at a more consistent rate in a municipality that has some of the strictest gun laws in the land. I read somewhere one mother has lost four of her children to this violence.
Sandy Hook just serves as an emotion laden opportunistic power grab.