Author Topic: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling  (Read 3015 times)

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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #15 on: February 10, 2013, 02:06:40 PM »
One man's stupid is another man's investment opportunity, if they CHOOSE to go that route
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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #16 on: February 10, 2013, 02:07:37 PM »
all your blather and trash talk is still wrong

my MAK90 rifle is an asset I own that has greatly increased in market value.
That's the goal of most investors, buy something that increases in market value.

read logic and weep!

purchased for $130 now worth close to $1000
plus unlike stocks I got years of use from it at the same time it was increasing in value
it's basically a "two-fer"....usable and greatly increasing in value!

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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2013, 02:42:13 PM »
plus unlike stocks I got years of use from it at the same time it was increasing in value

Years of use.

plinking at paper targets? Saving the world from menacing invasions of skeet?

Get serious.

Go outside and play with your toys, now, crissy.
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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #18 on: February 10, 2013, 03:07:46 PM »
Your ignorance shows no bounds when it comes to firearms, Xo
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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2013, 03:18:09 PM »
Years of use.

Yes...years of use.
Hunting, protecting my home and business, tinkering with, target shooting, having fun with.
I don't decide your hobbies....why do you in your control freak ways want to decide mine?

Can you explain why it is not usual for people to collect all kinds of things...
people have stamp collections
people have coin collections
people have car collections
people have date nail collections
people have hammer collections
people have license plate collections
people have fishing lure collections
people have bumper sticker collections
people have bat collections
people have political button collections
people have knife collections
but somehow when someone has a gun collection they are a "nut"?

I would say what is nuts....are control freak nuts!
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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2013, 03:39:47 PM »
None of those other items will pose much of a threat after you are gone and the collectibles are sold,lost or stolen. Your gun collection could arm a bunch of homicidal maniacs. Your stamp collection and "date nail" collection (whatever that is) are surely less a threat.

Collecting is a type of obsessive behavior. Pocket mice do it,some dogs do it, it is largely harmless.

I am not deciding what sorts of obsessive behavior you should have: I was just pointing out that buying guns (or anything else) as an investment is not really an true investment until you sell one.
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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #21 on: February 10, 2013, 03:55:36 PM »
And yet none of those other items are constitutionally protected, either.  His gun collection could also be a huge investment to his family, or a historical record for future generations.  You have no fricken clue what "could" happen, without know Cu4 personally. 

From what's been reported this leftist murderer here in CA apparently collected all sorts of guns and just had them laying all around the house, be it kitchen tables or on top of the TV.  Point being, he was the poster child of who shouldn't have a gun, with how wrecklessly irresponsible he was prior to his murdering spree.  Not 1 item that's in Feinstein's bill would have prevented him from aquiring what he was able to, being he was a former military & police officer

Your ignorance on this matter is truly horrid.  You literally think anyone that owns a gun is a "gun nut".  I suppose I could opine that anyone that exercises their 1st amendment right is a speech nut.
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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #22 on: February 10, 2013, 04:52:04 PM »
I do know that he will die,and once dead, his responsibility for keeping all those guns away from homicidal maniacs ends.

The gun nut in LA apparently was a truly dangerous gun nut, of the sort that should not have been entrusted with guns, but who guys like LaPierre do not wish to deprive of their weaponry.
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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #23 on: February 10, 2013, 05:57:40 PM »
I do know that he will die,and once dead, his responsibility for keeping all those guns away from homicidal maniacs ends.

Actually, it's not your business, what arrangements HE'S made for where they're to go after he passes.  Family, historical societies, who knows.  What we do know is its his right to own them, FAR more of a right than any woman has in killing their unwanted unborn child, not to mention none of your GD business

The gun nut in LA apparently was a truly dangerous gun nut, of the sort that should not have been entrusted with guns, but who guys like LaPierre do not wish to deprive of their weaponry.

Nice deflection.  Care to address the issue that nothing being proposed by Obama, Feinstein, & company would have prevented this former military officer from not just acquiring firearms, but IIRC, he could even acquire actual military assault rifles.....the kind that perform like a machine gun, that the rest of us ARE banned from purchasing.  Class 3, I believe its called, restricted to military and police personel only
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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2013, 06:14:07 PM »
Isn't that just SPECIAL!
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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2013, 07:09:07 PM »
It is an INVESTMENT only when you sell it.

It is an investment when you buy it.

The success or failure of the investment is determined when you sell it, or you can decide to hold on to the property and reap the dividends as they come.


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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2013, 09:04:25 PM »
Plane I bought my Norinco Mak 90 Sporter (Chinese) 7.62 at a gun show in about 1998 for $130.
I wish I would have bought a trainload of them at that price.....would have been a great investment.

I have recently added more 30 round clips, and a muzzle suppressor.
Very nice powerful gun....only negative may be a tad on the heavy side if you were lugging it around all day.

Norinco makes guns like this just for the American market, they have most of the virtue of the AK-47 without the auto fire that would cross our laws.

I do not think 30 round clips are important , the small time it takes to change clips is a small price to pay to get the greater feeding reliability of smaller clips. In any case I would want good quality and fit for any clip.

I think large clips are one of the very likly things for us to loose in the coming fight over gun laws, they are not very important in reality , but they loom large in the imagination.


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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2013, 09:17:17 PM »
By the way, NOTHING is an investment until you have sold it.

You buy a gun, an antique, a share in some company, a mutual fund share, it is a speculation until you sell it and have the proceeds in your hands or at least your account.

When you sell it at a profit, it is a good investment.

When you sell it at a loss, it is a bad investment.

When someone breaks into your house and shoots you with a gun you are speculating on, that is the very worst sort of investment.

I think we should worry that as an investment , these guns will turn out to be like Tulip bulbs.

Very hot during the bubble and fad , once the market is sated , the price can fall precipitously , all that would have to happen is the election of a very pro-second amendment President or Congress, then the fad will end and there will be too many of these things for their value to stay high.


We could elect an even more anti-second amendment President , congress or appoint an unfriendly Supreme court justice or two. Then the owners of these guns might be very happy to be grandfathered in and pass the now very highly valued guns down to their heirs .


We could elect a ridiculously anti gun administration , which would attempt to confiscate this class of gun , or perhaps all of them. What would this sort of gun be worth if it were as contraband as cocaine?

In any case , the materials and energy it takes to produce them is a lot less than their cost, an equivelently complex sewing machine wouldn't cost half as much. Most of their present value depends on the fear that they may become unavailable.


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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2013, 09:30:59 PM »
Very hot during the bubble and fad , once the market is sated , the price can fall precipitously

what guns have "fallen precipitously" in value/price in recent times?
i can name lots of stocks that have.
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Re: Soviet SKS 7.62 -Unfired,w/bayonet,30 x mag,sling
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2013, 09:41:54 PM »
This would make sense if you were buying FIVE fire insurance policies, or if you bought them to resell them at a higher price.
This has been done , but it is hard to accomplish now without breaking some rules

As it is, buying FIVE military rifles is just as stupid, and far more expensive, than buying five Darth Vader Action Figures in their pristine bubble paks.
  I have owned three of the ones in that film, but not recently. When I resold I doubbled my money, but I would have been better off to have held till now and quardrupled it.

They will not be any more effective at saving you from aggression than  Darth and his special light saber.
No sane person COLLECTS mutual funds. They have a purpose. Unlike your military toys, you can check their price daily FBIOX was $118.89 today, up $1.10 from Thursday market close.

Fidelity does not have to change its name because those who understand investments, unlike you military toy collectors, understand how investments really work.

No matter how easy it is to sell your stupid unnecessary toys, it is far easier to sell any mutual fund. You don't even have to leave the house.If you hold it for 90 days, there is no commission.

Even if your home is endangered by stampeding herds of deer, packs of coyotes or mobs of menacing zombies, ONE rifle is all you can fire at a time. The other four are ornamental (need I remind you?) toys.

Maybe if your wife can reload for you, TWO is all you's need..
That depends on how your friends and family feel about being armed and assisting.

You can always get trampled by deer or eaten by coyotes to prove me wrong.

Zombies also might be a threat, but perhaps not. I hear that they are interested in: BRAAAAIIIINZ! So to keep them away, leave that Romney Ryan sign in the yard. It should keep away the LITERATE zombies, at least.

  In the event of Zombies , Hurricane , Flood ,Power blackout , Virululent disease, Failure of Government or Asteroid impact. A gun or two will be nearly as valuable as canned food. In this sort of circumstance an extra wepon would be a lot easyer to trade in on other valuable items than any amount of Treasury bonds.

None of these events are especially likely to happen tomorrow , or the next day , but taken as a group it is impossible to have a decade without one of them happening and all of them (except the Zombies) are totally inevitable in the long term.

The Zombie danger is highly overblown. In Florida the dead generally behave well untill election day then they all very quietly vote for Democrats. Solid proof that they care nothing for brains.