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Discussing Faith in the Faith section
« on: February 12, 2013, 11:32:26 AM »
Returning to our regularly scheduled programming, a quick chronology of recent faith tangent

Bt; The reason i ask is that if you claim the the Bible is inspired by God and XO claims that the Bible is not inspired by God and both positions are based on Faith (as concluded by Bt) or lack thereof, why is XO wrong and you are right?

Sirs; Because I'm on the record as referencing that its an act of faith.  I'm not proclaiming it as some logical fact based conclusion

Bt; That does not answer my question. Why are you right and xo wrong on a faith based position? (notice again how Bt ignored my reference as to how I answered his question, and instead applied his conclusion that Xo was providing a faith based position)

.................... *drum roll*

Xo then seals the deal with: I beg your pardon?  I do not have a "faith based" position. I simply said that the Bible is not the word of God, and explained why it is entirely logical to say this

That felt good.  Thanks Xo
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Re: Discussing Faith in the Faith section
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2013, 11:33:28 AM »
The Bible is not the word of God because the Bible does not claim anywhere that God wrote it. The various books of the Bible are attributed to several individuals.

The Acts of Paul are attributed to Paul. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as well as Peter and Timothy are attributed to their authors, and bear their names.

It is claimed by some that men were INSPIRED by God to write the various books of the Bible.
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Re: Discussing Faith in the Faith section
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2013, 11:36:57 AM »
The Bible is not the word of God because the Bible does not claim anywhere that God wrote it. The various books of the Bible are attributed to several individuals.

The Acts of Paul are attributed to Paul. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as well as Peter and Timothy are attributed to their authors, and bear their names.

It is claimed by some that men were INSPIRED by God to write the various books of the Bible.

Outside of the erroneous premise, no one has claimed otherwise.  It IS the word of God, as written thru all those several individuals       ::)
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Re: Discussing Faith in the Faith section
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2013, 02:00:09 PM »
my question is how is the bible viable medium to spread the word of god. it takes time for the information to spread to other parts of the world . does this mean people go to hell because they were just borne in the wrong part of the world?`

doesn`t the presence of missonaries gives doubt to the wisdom of god?


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Re: Discussing Faith in the Faith section
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2013, 02:52:30 PM »
my question is how is the bible viable medium to spread the word of god. it takes time for the information to spread to other parts of the world . does this mean people go to hell because they were just borne in the wrong part of the world?`

Doesn't seem fair, does it, but not being a theologian, I'd say yes, though way back when, when I was taking a few courses in the Bible, at my university, I do recall that topic came up, but my memory is letting me down as to how the instructor was answering that.  It's also one of the reasons, so many Christians go on missionary projects, all across the globe to spread God's word, to those regions that have had little no expsoure in the word of God, so no I don't see that "poor wisdom" on God's part.  The only area that God seemed to get wrong is putting the legs to ostriches on backwards

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Re: Discussing Faith in the Faith section
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2013, 10:44:35 PM »
I mean the fact god needs people from only one starting point as a delivery system for his word to spread.

what about venomous egg laying duck billed mammal with a beaver tail. proof something is messing with us.

i wonder if thier edible


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Re: Discussing Faith in the Faith section
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2013, 01:20:13 PM »
The only area that God seemed to get wrong is putting the legs to ostriches on backwards

You seem to be unaware of Guinea worms, elephantiasis,  hideous diseases like that of the Elephant Man, and of course, God Himself sort of effed up when, after he creates a bunch of people, decides that only eight humans and two of each animal are really worth the bother and drowns the rest.

That makes it sound like God is NOT omnipotent, because if he had been, he would have foreseen all this and done a better job at creation in the first place.

I disagree about ostriches. Their ankles are where their knees should be,and even a small South American rhea ostrich can do 20 mph for around two minutes, which is better than any human, including sirs, can do. I have seen this personally.
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Re: Discussing Faith in the Faith section
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2013, 12:42:02 AM »
Not referring to diseases & mutations, Xo.  Just making light of a simple issue, and if you didn't notice, their knees bend opposite of what pretty much every other mammal does     ::)
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Re: Discussing Faith in the Faith section
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2016, 11:36:32 AM »
 if you didn't notice, their knees bend opposite of what pretty much every other mammal does     ::)

They are not mammals, they are birds.

Birds lack mammaries, therefore they are not mammals.
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Re: Discussing Faith in the Faith section
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2016, 01:06:36 PM »
And that changes my lighthearted again??  oy vey
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle