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80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« on: March 08, 2013, 10:58:01 AM »
80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read   

By Ben Shapiro 7 Mar 2013
In his last State of the City address, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg bragged about his huge taxpayer investments in education. "Now, let me ask you: is there anyone who still believes that New York City can't get big things done? Since we're here in Brooklyn, I'll say it again: Fuhgeddaboudit."

Bloomberg was right about one thing only: forgetting about it. Because not only are big things not getting done in New York City on education, even small things aren't getting done. According to officials from City University of New York, a full 80 percent of high school graduates in New York City can't read when they graduate. As CBS Local reports, "They had to re-learn basic skills, reading, writing, and math, first before they could begin college courses."

And that's for the students who graduate. New York City has the lowest graduation rate for black and Hispanic male students in the nation, with only 37 percent graduating. But teachers start off making $45,530 with benefits, and max out at over $100,000.

It's not just Bloomberg and New York. In the city of Los Angeles, according to The Education Trust-West, just one in every 20 black kindergarteners will graduate from a four-year California college. Overall, a whopping 40 percent of high school students entering public colleges across the country require at least one remedial class in reading, writing or math.

This is the legacy of a teachers union-driven system in our major cities. And it is minorities who pay the highest price.
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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2013, 12:09:13 PM »
How about requiring every high school student each semester to take the GED as a prep . Then when senoir year comes by the test become a true requirement for graduation. Hell ,if a freshman pases the test.the kids has the option to continue high school or to go college.

Is my idea bad?


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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2013, 12:43:09 PM »
Yeah, sure, Breitbart says that 80% of all graduates are illiterate. That is clearly bullcrap. Blaming Bloomberg for it is absurd. Paying the teachers less is certainly not going to improve anything.

As for allowing students who pass a GED going directly to college, that would depend on the scores in specific areas, and the desire of the specific student and his/her parents. It would be great for some, a potential disaster for others. Of course, it precisely for students like this that Advanced Placement is designed. Young students can be overwhelmed in a college atmosphere. In a huge school district like NYC, they probably can already qualify for one of the specialized high schools for gifted students, of which there are several.
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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2013, 01:04:05 PM »
Yeah, sure, Breitbart says that 80% of all graduates are illiterate. That is clearly bullcrap.
Quit lying and demonizing the messenger.
Are you that stupid?
It's not Breitbart saying 80% fail at basic skills.
Breitbart reported what officials from City University of New York said
CBS New York also reported the 80% problem.
Is CBS New York also reporting "bullcrap".
I know reality is hard to accept when it upsets your fantasy-land.

Most NYC High School Grads Need Remedial Help
Before Entering CUNY Community Colleges

Basic Skills Like Reading, Writing And Math Need To Be Re-Learned

March 7, 2013

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) - It's an education bombshell.

Nearly 80 percent of New York City high school graduates need to relearn basic skills before they can enter the City University's community college system.

The number of kids behind the 8-ball is the highest in years, CBS 2′s Marcia Kramer reported Thursday.

When they graduated from city high schools, students in a special remedial program at the Borough of Manhattan Community College couldn't make the grade.

They had to re-learn basic skills, reading, writing and math, first before they could begin college courses.

They are part of a disturbing statistic.

Officials told CBS 2′s Kramer that nearly 80 percent of those who graduate from city high schools arrived at City University's community college system without having mastered the skills to do college-level work.

In sheer numbers it means that nearly 11,000 kids who got diplomas from city high schools needed remedial courses to re-learn the basics.

« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 01:11:08 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2013, 02:00:32 PM »
Saying that 80% can't read is clearly bullcrap. That is what you put in the title of this discussion.

If 80% of those beginning college need some remedial help, that is hardly the same as saying that they cannot read.

Breitbart is a waste of time as all they do is propaganda, which gets your jollies off, but is garbage and of no use in any intelligent discussion.

Neither Bloomberg nor the teachers unions are responsible for this. Parents and the students themselves are responsible for their own actions.

When you post garbage titles like this, always with a ! it convinces any thinking person that you are just a numbskull propagandist
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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2013, 02:08:02 PM »
You (XO) are so full of shit your eyes must be brown!

CBS News NY reports "It's an education bombshell"
"Nearly 80 percent of New York City high school graduates need to relearn basic skills"

Fricking basic skills!

Graduating morons!

Can you spell FAIL!

You racist Leftist think more of teachers unions than students...what an utter disgrace.'s all about POWER. more important than the children.

One day this racist left policy will be over-run by choice.
And the children will not be denied the education they deserve.

It is sad watching Leftist standing at the school house door
looking like DEMOCRAT RACIST George Wallace
preventing proper education.

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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2013, 04:00:28 PM »

People are BORN ignorant, all of them. If students do not study,they remain ignorant. If they prefer to watch TV and play video games to studying, they will remain ignorant,no matter what happens in the 7 hours they spend in school for 180 days per year.

If you want to understand the problem, try teaching yourself. Otherwise, shut the eff up, you know nothing.
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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2013, 04:15:16 PM »
not gonna blame teachers union on this issue. I brought this up before . The teaching policy needs to be address before placing blame on teacher. think real hard what is a teacher`s job today. it`s not just teaching anymore and remember it`s not the teacher who picks and choose  what they teach.


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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2013, 05:35:12 PM »
It is utterly absurd to claim that teachers are incompetent because they choose to protect their profession by joining a union. Effective learning is a cooperative, not a competitive, process. Teaching an English class has the objective of directing the efforts to EACH student.It is not like coaching a winning team, where  the coach caters to only the best players and throws those he thinks are inferior off the team.

People who know how to get the members of a group to cooperate toward a common goal are the best teachers. They are also those who will cooperate with their fellow teachers in developing and improving programs. Such people are the most likely to join and lead unions.
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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2013, 06:10:43 PM »
How Teachers Unions Hurt Schools, Kids and Education

Prager University: How Teachers Unions Hurt Schools

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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2013, 08:35:34 PM »
I agree that parents and the students themselves share responsibility with teachers and administrations for the woeful state of education today.

Where the  education  establishment is culpable is when they pass students who should repeat a grade and when they whine about testing the students on a yearly basis for proficiency at their grade level.


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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2013, 08:56:39 PM »
tell me if I`m wrong
But i believe the teachers union is the wrong focus and at best will get partial success.why is thier no attention why those students graduate. would allowing schools the power to flunk a student help?? remember NCLB means flunking is not an option.

I remember all this talk of raising the bar and I`m pretty sure the bar has dropped much further down.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 09:21:05 PM by kimba1 »


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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2013, 03:32:58 AM »
remember NCLB means flunking is not an option.

I don't recall any provision of NCLB that disallowed holding a student in grade until they reached proficiency to advance to the next grade, ie flunking them.

The biggest complaint i recall was that because the NCLB placed emphasis on teacher accountability that many felt they had to cheat by teaching to the test or manipulating the data afterwards in order to protect their jobs.


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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2013, 11:17:59 AM »
Actually bt thats what I'm trying to say but phrased it wrong.

I want to know is the top private schools k to 12 worth it? They cost up to 30k ayear.

I tried to find data comparing public schools to private and found none .only complaints about public schools. This really undermins the rep of these high performing public schools

Oops forgot mention  i meant magnet schools vs private schools

I ask because these schools tend to have a high percentage of chinese students and want to know if by american standards are these students educated.

So far it seems public school education is not educated.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 11:28:00 AM by kimba1 »


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Re: 80% of NYC High School Graduates Can't Read!
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2013, 12:04:01 PM »
Christians, you are wasting your time posting union hate crap. I do not bother to read it.

As I indicated, it is the school district that imposes rules on the teachers, and has nothing at all to do with the teachers unions.

In Miami-Dade County, the school board decided that they could only afford to have 6% of all students repeating grades or classes, so they told the teachers that to fail over 6% of your students, you must submit an override. The override requires information that is often unavailable, such as complete attendance figures (because they do not include attendance for the days that the teacher did not attend, because of illness or because he began the course after part of the term had been taught by some other teacher). You are supposed to indicate that you contacted the parent, but most of the time, the phone is disconnected, the parent does not return the call, or no one answers. This is common among students performing poorly.

Keep in mind that something like a quarter of the students do not speak English at home.Many parents speak only Creole or Spanish or some other language the teacher does not know.

Every school district has its own rules, so it is difficult to compare them.

The teacher's union has NOTHING to do with this override thing. You might as well add or subtract bonus points from the records of teachers who are members of churches, Kiwanis, Rotary,or archery clubs as unions.

The magnet schools generally submit their records publicly. The charter schools do not, or do not submit the sort of record that can be compared with the records of public schools. Charter schools here are exempt from many requirements of public schools: teachers are paid much less, administrators often much more,and then there are the"investors"and the people renting out facilities,many of whom make out like bandits.

You will never improve schools by making war on teachers, their rights, or their unions.
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