I think I get your point.
One of the things that peeves me is the OSHA VPP program.
Volentary Protective Program.
Nothing at all is volentary about it, it is good to run a safe industrial establishment , but the mandated safety measures are often innapropriate or superflouous, for one I have to wear hearing protection in a silent hangar to be in complience. Because OSHA is large the customising of a safety program must be clumsy and include measures that play better in some places than others, calling it volentary is just an insulting cherry on the top.
I have worked for the government so long that I shall not pretend that I know a lot about the business world, but it is often a guy like me that becomes a regulator.
So what I should ask is , how do the best practices get developed and promulgated sans government and without busybodys?