Google has no obligation to acknowledge Easter or any other day or religion. If you boycott Google, they will not know that they are being boycotted,
Who said Google was under any "obligation"?
SIRS is create all these lies and misreps....Strawman Alert!
Companies can cater to clients or take a big ole greasy shit on them.
Taking greasy shits on your customers isnt a long term winning strategy.
Google chooses what they "honor"....this is just an example of their agenda.
They choose to "honor" someone most people could not even tell you who he was,
as opposed to "honoring" one of the most important events in human history.
Billions of people can explain Easter....vs Chavez?....Ha Ha...yeah sure!
So be it...that is their choice...obviously Google has a leftist humanist agenda.
It is also our choice on who to use for a search provider.
And we will make that choice....
If more and more people boycott Google I assure you they will know.