Author Topic: XO: what do you advise the US do if N. Korea launches nuke @ Japan or Alaska?  (Read 3154 times)

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I included a link.
Yes and that link showed ZERO examples of what I asked you for.

It included a list of all the major regional power outs we have had in recent decades. That is about the most a single or a small number of EMP events could cause, it can be crippleing , but we deal with simular damage every three or four years. The grid is gradually being improved such that the failure of one is less likely to drag down its neighbors, Texas is years ahead of the rest in this respect. There are not any examples of EMP being used in warfare because this tactic has not been tried yet.

An EMP event would not be more destructive than a major storm that caused a regional power out.
Your statement shows you do not understand what a major EMP attack would entail.

A major storm is not going to be anything like what the EMP Commission found:

"The electromagnetic pulse generated by a high altitude nuclear explosion is one of a
small number of threats that can hold our society at risk of catastrophic consequences"

"This broad band, high amplitude EMP, when coupled into sensitive electronics, has the capability to produce widespread and long lasting disruption and damage to the critical infrastructures that underpin the fabric of U.S. society"

An EMP Attack could be more damaging than an Nuke Bomb

Perhaps it is smart to talk that way where the North Koreans can hear it?

A high altitude burst can indeed slam the area below with a strong pulse , ruining a lot of switching equipment , computers , transformers and generators. Could start fires.
But the area of effect is not really all that large. The North Koreans don't have a large number of A-bombs and don't have a way to lift a lot of a-bombs to high level and cover a large reagion.

The threat they do have is the ability to kill huge numbers of SKoreans , thousands of American soldiers and perhaps supply a serious terrorist with a  few giant suicide bombs. This is a pretty bad threat , but they don't have any way to apply such a threat without being exposed to retaliation.

So do we believe that tey are so stupid that they might accept the return stroke we would deliver ?

Perhaps they are , they certaily seem eager to convince everyone that they are exactly that stupid.

But as for the EMP threat , far better to live without TV for the time it took to repair than to loose a city , permanantly.