Author Topic: The Administration's Lack of Political Courage  (Read 2339 times)

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The Administration's Lack of Political Courage
« on: October 01, 2006, 06:00:55 PM »
Conceding for the sake of argument that Iraq is essential to victory in the overall war against violent, radical Islam, the question has to be asked why we are not mobilized for the fight. Has anyone been asked to sacrifice on the homefront? And for so critical a battle, don't you think we'd invest MORE military resources? It's like saying, "The situation is dire, but I'm going on spring break." As all our armchair hawks crow about being tough (but never being smart), our military is overextended, our equipment is degrading, our resolve is flagging in the face of dithering by the administration, all as the American Dream runs its greatest risk of becoming the American Nightmare.


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Re: The Administration's Lack of Political Courage
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2006, 06:09:40 PM »
the American Dream runs its greatest risk of becoming the American Nightmare.

Better late than never, Dome. I have been saying that the RW cowards are only brave with others lives(especially minorities) and don't care about destruction as long as they get to keep their tax -cuts. But it isn't just the cowardly Bush Admin that is culpable. It is all the fat greedy cheerleaders that stuff their faces and pockets at the rest of our expense.


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Re: The Administration's Lack of Political Courage
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2006, 06:26:14 PM »
why we are not mobilized for the fight. Has anyone been asked to sacrifice on the homefront? And for so critical a battle, don't you think we'd invest MORE military resources?

Sheesch, how much is enough?

The US budget for Military spending is only a few billion behind all the rest of the world put together.

Tax cutting has resulted in tens of billons more Dollars in the Washington coffers so what really is the point of an austerity program?

The proisperity program has allowed reasonable military growth , what would be better about increaseing military spending till we spend more than all the rest of the world , includeing our allies?

Michael Tee

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Re: The Administration's Lack of Political Courage
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2006, 06:58:47 PM »
<<Conceding for the sake of argument that Iraq is essential to victory in the overall war against violent, radical Islam, the question has to be asked why we are not mobilized for the fight. >>

To ask the question is to answer it, domer.  Either the conquest of Iraq is NOT essential to victory n the "overall war against violent radical Islam," or there IS no such war, or if there is, nobody gives a shit about it, probably because it has very little to do with them. 

"Violent radical Islam" is best neutralilzed by defensive measures (as can be seen from the very obvious truth that a good defensive posture at the airline check-in counter could have prevented the whole 9-11 tragedy) and by the very nature of the enemy, going after them in their lairs is a self-defeating enterprise because their strength renews itself from the ground up, and they outnumber you and have much more motivation to fight and die than you do.

So the people have more sense than you give them credit for.  They don't have the balls to insist that their immature and dishonest leaders stop this ridiculous posturing precisely because it is NOT impacting on them in any real way - - not at the present time anyway, and few if any of the morons can see beyond their next income tax return.  The loss of a few thousand high-school dropouts and Hispanic green card aspirants every year means next to nothing to them.  The kind of effort you are asking about, which could very well involve a draft and a tax hike, would postitively incense them.  Particularly since they have the good sense, which you apparently lack, to know how bogus the entire "war on terrorism" really is.  They'll play along with the charade as long as it costs them - - personally - - nothing.  Beyond that, they'll revolt against the Republicans en masse.  Or the Democrats, if they ever got into power and took this bullshit seriously.


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Re: The Administration's Lack of Political Courage
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2006, 07:09:55 PM »
why we are not mobilized for the fight. Has anyone been asked to sacrifice on the homefront? And for so critical a battle, don't you think we'd invest MORE military resources?

Sheesch, how much is enough?

The US budget for Military spending is only a few billion behind all the rest of the world put together.

Tax cutting has resulted in tens of billons more Dollars in the Washington coffers so what really is the point of an austerity program?

The bizarre lie that taxcuts create revenues is as big a lie as as Iraq having WMD's or ties to Al Queaa. Oh- I forgot some of you still believe THAT bullshit as well.