Take the bias test.
Your Result
Your data suggest a moderate association of Black Americans with Weapons compared to White Americans.
The interpretation is described as 'automatic association between weapons and White Americans' if you responded faster when weapons and White American images were classified with the same key than when weaponse and Black Americans were classified with the same key. Depending on the magnitude of your result, your automatic association may be described as 'slight', 'moderate', 'strong', or 'little to no preference'. Alternatively, you may have received feedback that 'there were too many errors to determine a result'.
I do not like this test and I reject its validity and its premise.
I already am aware that White Americans are gun owners much more than black americans are, measuring my twitch rate while mismatching stimuli seems to have produced a strong error.
I am a white wepons owner myself as certainly more than 1% of respondants.
I see the test as a set up to validate a false premise.
I do not see wepons as negative at all,I like them,... so am I moderately biased in favor of Black people vs white ones?