[Interesting. Could you provide examples or explain further?
Yes, and I should have done so to begin with. The news that I have been watching - CNN Europe, as well as other regional news - shows things that we would never see on our news, like an excess of dead and dying people. Or an image of a person being shot in the head by a soldier (anywhere, anytime - this is not just Iraq) and dropping to the ground. And not just quick glances at the scenes, but lingering ones. I think American news is cleaned up a bit - there would be quite a bit of outcry for various reasons. Or perhaps Americans don't want another reaction like the one after the Tet Offensive?
Another example, when Saddam Hussein was hanged, some of the cell phone images got out and were broadcast on the evening news. I mean of him literally hanging, not just of the noose being put around his neck.
I also have an Israeli friend (peace activist) who lives between Tel Aviv and Atlanta, and she does some work for CNN. One thing we see on the news (ALL news) on a daily basis is the demolition of Palestinian homes, as well as the Israeli peace activist groups who work to help rebuild their homes. She inquired in Atlanta about WHY Americans don't see this happening on CNN U.S., because, quite literally, it's an everyday thing. She was told that it is against FCC regulations to broadcast images of Palestinian home demolitions. (And no, I haven't done any research to verify this, all I can verify is what we see here compared and what you see there.)
Receiving regional satellite broadcasts is also very enlightening. There are 2 conflicting channels - one we just call "Hizbollah TV," which broadcasts anti-Israel, anti-Jew, pro-resistance all the time. The other is a right-wing Israeli channel which broadcasts anti-Muslim, anti-Qu'ran all the time. Freedom of the press in the most interesting manner, as both channels - both the Israeli and Hizbollah - are filled with horrible images and hate that are completely at odds with each other.
The news here is all the time anti-Bush, and quite often anti-American. People seem to be fascinated to see everything that is happening in the U.S., but only to complain about it. LOL.
Living here and watching these things has given me a different perspective and has made me a bit more patriotic, but I can't deny the culture shock of watching the world from a perspective other than an American one.