Lemme set the record clear, from my standpoint.....The shoe throwing was very uncalled for. It was bogus when done to Bush, its bogus when done to Hillary. But that's really irrelevant to the point I'm making, as is this cartoon. She, and the media may be able to "dodge this shoe", but if she thinks for a moment, that her "accomplishments" as SoS (a severe lave there-of, in actuality), punctuated by the height of incompetence, that led to 4 Americans that should have never died in Benghazi, she and her cool-aide drinking sycophant supporters, have another thing coming.
And try as they will to deflect and misconstrue the incident as somehow this criticism is aimed at Hillary/Obama should have known of an attack, that again, has never been the issue. So, make a mental note Kimba, of how many times that effort is tried, knowing full well, that's never been the issue