Author Topic: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.  (Read 1902 times)

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Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« on: April 18, 2014, 05:36:34 PM »

Default Rednecks, Guns, & FOX News

    Imagine a vendor on the National Mall, selling burgers and dogs, who hasn’t paid his rent in 20 years. He refuses to recognize his landlord, the National Park Service, as a legitimate authority. Every court has ruled against him, and fines have piled up. What’s more, the effluents from his food cart are having a detrimental effect on the spring grass in the capital.

    Would an armed posse come to his defense, aiming their guns at the park police? Would the lawbreaker get prime airtime on Fox News, breathless updates in the Drudge Report, a sympathetic ear from Tea Party Republicans? No, of course not.

    So what’s the difference between the fictional loser and Cliven Bundy, the rancher in Nevada who owes the government about $1 million and has been grazing his cattle on public land for more than 20 years? Near as I can tell, one wears a cowboy hat. Easterners, especially clueless ones in politics and the press, have always had a soft spot for a defiant white dude in a Stetson.

    This phony event has brought out the worst of the gun-waving far right, and the national politicians who are barely one degree of separation from them. Hundreds of heavily armed, camouflaged supporters of the scofflaw turned out Saturday in Nevada, training their rifles on public employees who were trying to do their job. The outsiders looked like snipers ready to shoot the police. If you changed that picture to Black Panthers surrounding a lawful eviction in the inner city, do you think right-wing media would be there cheering the outlaws?

    With their assault rifles and threats, the thugs in the desert forced federal officials with the Bureau of Land Management to back down from a court-ordered confiscation of Bundy’s cattle. One of the rancher’s supporters, Richard Mack, a Tea Party leader who is in the National Rifle Association’s Hall of Fame, said he planned to use women as human shields in a violent showdown with law enforcement.

    “We were actually strategizing to put all the women up front,” Mack said in a radio interview. “If they were going to start shooting, it’s going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot.”

    That’s who Fox and friends are playing with these days — militia extremists who would sacrifice their wives to make some larger point about a runaway federal government. And what’s more, the Fox host Sean Hannity has all but encouraged a violent confrontation.

    At the center of the dispute is the 68-year-old rancher Bundy, who said in a radio interview, “I don’t recognize the United States government as even existing.” A real patriot, this guy. You would think that kind of anarchist would draw a raised eyebrow from the Tea Party establishment that provides Bundy his media oxygen. After all, wasn’t the Tea Party born in a rant by Rick Santelli of CNBC about deadbeat homeowners? He complained about taxpayers’ subsidizing “losers’ mortgages” and he said we should “reward people that can carry the water instead of drinking the water.” Believe me, Bundy’s cattle are drinking an awful lot of our water, and not paying for it.

    But instead, people like Ron Paul have only fanned the flames, warning of a Waco-style assault. Paul and his son, Senator Rand Paul, further showed themselves to be stunningly ignorant of the public lands legacy created by forward-thinking Republicans a century ago. “They had virtual ownership of that land because they had been using it,” Ron Paul said on Fox, referring to the Bundy clan. “You need the government out of it, and I think that’s the important point.”

    The photo of the sniper with his AK47 aimed at federal law enforcement officers should be on the front page of every newspaper and the lead...

    No, the renegade rancher has no more right to 96,000 acres of Nevada public range than a hot dog vendor has to perpetual space on the Mall. Both places belong to the American people. Bundy runs his cattle on our land — that is, turf owned by every citizen. The agency that oversees the range, the Bureau of Land Management, allows 18,000 grazing permits on 157 million acres. Many of those permit holders get a sweet deal, subsidized in a way they could never find on private land.

    What’s more, the land is supposed to be managed for stewardship and other users. Wild-horse advocates would like a piece of the same range. The poor desert tortoise, which has been in Nevada a lot longer than Bundy’s Mormon pioneer stock, is disappearing because of abusive grazing on that same 96,000 acres.

    Ranching is hard work. Drought and market swings make it a tough go in many years. That’s all the more reason to praise the 18,000 or so ranchers who pay their grazing fees on time and don’t go whining to Fox or summoning a herd of armed thugs when they renege on their contract. You can understand why the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association wants no part of Bundy.

    These kinds of showdowns are rare because most ranchers play by the rules, and quietly go about their business. They are heroes, in one sense, preserving a way of life that has an honorable place in American history. The good ones would never wave a gun in the face of a public servant, and likely never draw a camera from Fox.

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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2014, 08:53:56 PM »
1.The BLM shows up with a little army of marshals and hired cowboys and starts shooting up the place burying cows rather than allowing the owner to recover them.

2.Fox news talks about it .

One of these is an overreaction.


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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2014, 05:03:28 PM »
The overreaction would have been Bundy grazing his cattle for 20 years, refusing to pay the fees for doing so, stating that he does not recognize the government at all, and saying that any attempt to collect his debt would be opposed with guns. 
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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2014, 07:46:27 PM »
  So shooting was totally justified for the Feds?


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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2014, 07:04:29 AM »
They did not shoot anyone, did they?
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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2014, 03:45:47 PM »
They did not shoot anyone, did they?

    They killed about a dozen cows.
   Perhaps due to the immanent threat they posed.


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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2014, 07:31:09 AM »
I am unimpressed.
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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2014, 10:58:23 AM »
Yea, me too.  I'd have been more impressed if our firepower was actually aimed at some of those armed terrorists, in Benghazi, when we did have the chance
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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2014, 11:55:32 AM »
Attention, sirs!

The Bureau of Land Management has no connection in Libya... except in your mind.

You do not give a shit about the dead ambassador, all that concerns you is being annoying, aping Faux Snooze and badmouyhing Obama likre Faux News tells you you must.

There is no-t a single of creativity in any damned thing you say.
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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2014, 01:40:49 PM »
Attention, sirs!

The Bureau of Land Management has no connection in Libya... except in your mind.

Except of course....DEFLECTION ALERT!!.....I never said they did.  I'm referring to the Federal Government, in particular the Executive branch, who DOES have a DIRECT connection to both the BLM and Security of our folks abroad, such as Libya

and you DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE, as far as my so-called not caring about Ambassador Stevens.  What is annoying you is my ongoing caring about what happened, and how now its been factually uncovered that not only was the death of our Americans preventable, but then this Administration lied about the whole event, trying to pin it on some damn video, that no one saw, so as not to improperly influence the electorate just how bad his foreign policy has been, just before the elections. 

THAT is truly pathetic

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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2014, 07:40:43 PM »
................. this Administration lied about the whole event, trying to pin it on some damn video, that no one saw, so as not to improperly influence the electorate just how bad his foreign policy has been, just before the elections. 

   Yes exactly !

   That is what brings the problem to the level of Watergate or worse.


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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2014, 08:20:18 PM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #12 on: May 01, 2014, 03:03:21 AM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #13 on: May 01, 2014, 02:05:15 PM »
All you ever care about is spouting crap you heard elsewhere, sirs. You are a bore. I learn a lot from Plane, n=but all I have learned from you is how many ways arrogance and stupidity can be combined.
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Re: Rednecks, guns and Faux Snooze.
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2014, 02:25:45 PM »
Here's a news flash, Professor, we ALL "spout crap we hear elsewhere".  Unless you're an investigative reporter, nothing you spew here is coming from you, its coming from somewhere else, that includes even when Plane posts something.  So, give that deflection a rest, and try focusing on what's being said/reported.  Plane is just far better at schooling you, than I, but I'm glad you're a receptive student from his efforts, as he frequently reaches a plethora of bingos, on the point he's making
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle