Author Topic: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!  (Read 3993 times)

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Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« on: June 22, 2014, 11:08:48 PM »

Sun Jun 22 2014 18:01:30 ET


A new provocative work by bestselling author Ed Klein claims Hillary Clinton's health problems are much more severe than she has publicly revealed!

"She had managed to keep her medical history secret out of fear that, should it become public, it would disqualify her from becoming president," writes Klein in BLOOD FEUD.

BLOOD FEUD hits the street this week [it ranked #89 on AMAZON Sunday afternoon.]

Page 193

The true story of what happened to Hillary, which is being recounted in these pages for the first time, was radically different from Reines's version.

To begin with, Hillary fainted while she was working in her seventh-floor office at the State Department, not at home, as Reines told the media. She was treated at the State Department?s infirmary and then, at her own insistence, taken to Whitehaven to recover. However, as soon as Bill appeared on the scene and was able to assess Hillary's condition for himself, he ordered that she be immediately flown to New York Presbyterian Hospital in the Fort Washington section of Manhattan. When Reines subsequently released a statement confirming that Hillary was being treated at the hospital over the New Year's holiday, it naturally intensified speculation about the seriousness of her medical condition.

While she was at the hospital, doctors diagnosed Hillary with several problems.

She had a right transverse venous thrombosis, or a blood clot between her brain and skull. She had developed the clot in one of the veins that drains blood from the brain to the heart. The doctors explained that blood stagnates when you spend a lot of time on airplanes, and Hillary had clocked countless hours flying around the world.

To make matters worse, it turned out that Hillary had an intrinsic tendency to form clots and faint. In addition to the fainting spell she suffered in Buffalo a few years before, she had fainted boarding her plane in Yemen, fallen and fractured her elbow in 2009, and suffered other unspecified fainting episodes. Several years earlier, she had developed a clot in her leg and was put on anticoagulant therapy by her doctor. However, she had foolishly stopped taking her anticoagulant medicine, which might have explained the most recent thrombotic event.

"The unique thing about clotting in the brain is that it could have transformed into a stroke," said a cardiac specialist with knowledge of Hillary?s condition.

Page 195

According to a source close to Hillary, a thorough medical examination revealed that Hillary's tendency to form clots was the least of her problems. She also suffered from a thyroid condition, which was common among women of her age, and her fainting spells indicated there was an underlying heart problem as well. A cardiac stress test indicated that her heart rhythm and heart valves were not normal. Put into layman's language, her heart valves were not pumping in a steady way.

When the author attempted to contact the Clintons' cardiologist, Dr. Allan Schwartz, he refused to comment, which made it impossible to determine the exact nature of Hillary's medical status or its long-term significance. However, sources who dis- cussed Hillary's medical condition with her were told that Hillary's doctors considered performing valve-replacement surgery. They ultimately decided against it. Still, before they released Hillary from the hospital, they warned Bill Clinton: "She has to be carefully monitored for the rest of her life."

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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2014, 12:15:36 AM »
While it may be true, and while she can't be much more incompetent as a "leader", given her track record, she still has a good chance of becoming President....via the same route Obama had.....the novelty.  With Obama, many folks voted for him, not by his ability or lack there-of, but because he was Black.  Nothing more went into their thought process.  They were just giddy at the idea that they could be a part to electing the 1st Black President to the United States. 

With Hillary, they'll vote for her simply because she's a woman, nothing more.  They'll ignore her record, they'll ignore her tone deaf commentary, and with the help of the MSM, circle the wagons and proclaim any criticism is simply based of the fact she's black...(oops, that was Obama), that she's a woman.  Which of course means, any person that criticizes any part of her record must hate blacks....I mean must hate women 
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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #2 on: June 23, 2014, 12:40:21 AM »
In other words, the go to defense that will be employed by Hillary, the left, and the MSM, won't be the racist card, but the sexist card.  Watch and be amazed how fast its pulled out, and how often its used
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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2014, 11:37:35 AM »
You are already pulling it, for example.

That does not change the fact that this post was not written by any doctor, or that the GOP has nothing but moronic ideologues and bumbling fools to run against her.
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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2014, 11:44:27 AM »
See what I mean?  Criticism couldn't possibly be because of her piss poor record, it has to be because she's a woman.....right??
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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2014, 06:19:06 PM »
She has a pretty good record, but you are so misinformed that you are unaware of it.

Your criticism is the usual hate for all things "Liberal". Plus any crap you hear from the Vast Conservative Conspiracy.
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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2014, 07:29:18 PM »
For such a supposed "good record" no one ever seems to provide it when asked.   Very illuminating.    8)
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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2014, 08:16:57 PM »
She has a pretty good record, ........................


She really does not.


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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #8 on: June 29, 2014, 12:09:56 AM »
Yes! She did a GREAT job rebuilding the prestige of this country after idiots Cheny, Juniorbush  and Rumsfeld crapped all over our best allies, calling them "Old Europe".

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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #9 on: June 29, 2014, 12:16:16 AM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #10 on: June 29, 2014, 12:29:54 AM »
Yes! She did a GREAT job rebuilding the prestige of this country after idiots Cheny, Juniorbush  and Rumsfeld crapped all over our best allies, calling them "Old Europe".

I do not think this has happened.

Is she well known for mistranslating "reset"?

You know it was not really long ago that the US had a Secretary of State who actually spoke Russian.


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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #11 on: June 29, 2014, 12:49:18 AM »
Yes! She did a GREAT job rebuilding the prestige of this country

In fact, the opposite has taken place: although it seemed impossible to achieve, Obama has presided over an America that, in many respects, is now even more unpopular in the Muslim world than it was under George Bush and Dick Cheney.

That is simply a fact. Poll after poll has proven it. In July, 2011, the Washington Post reported: "The hope that the Arab world had not long ago put in the United States and President Obama has all but evaporated." Citing a poll of numerous Middle East countries that had just been released, the Post explained: "In most countries surveyed, favorable attitudes toward the United States dropped to levels lower than they were during the last year of the Bush administration."

A 2011 Arab American Institute poll found that "US favorable ratings across the Arab world have plummeted.

In most countries they are lower than at the end of the Bush".
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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #12 on: June 29, 2014, 12:49:56 AM »
America's Global Prestige Worse Under Obama, Majority of Americans Say
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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #13 on: June 29, 2014, 01:21:21 AM »
Even Liberal Bill Maher on Hillary: "Just go away....."
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Re: Hillary is not physically fit to be President!
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2014, 09:49:07 AM »
obama didn`t become president because of novalty.  race did not help al sharpton or jesse jackson. but the one difference is he`s was the first black candidate to run which the issue of his race did not come up till much later on the campaign. if race was an issue than more likely it`s racism which help because he was underestimated during the campaign.  actually this very topic is kind of proof hillary has a serious change. it does look like people are just looking for excuses to get her out of the running.