Author Topic: What's good for the goose....  (Read 3526 times)

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Re: What's good for the goose....
« Reply #30 on: July 01, 2014, 08:44:56 PM »
lol....and notice again the attempt to use me as a crutch in the inability to refute not mine, but Plane's deductions.  Bravo    8)
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Re: What's good for the goose....
« Reply #31 on: July 01, 2014, 08:46:57 PM »
If you live to be quite old you may actually get back the money you contributed to Social Security with a small interest.

If you correct for inflation , quite old indeed.

For the people who have not retired yet this is probably not true, the rates of COLA have been messed with so the return is generally shrinking.

I liked the Bush plan to privatize Social Security in a gradual way , not because it would have been enough , but because it would have been a start in the right direction.

Since this is not going to happen , Social Security is doomed to run out of money, if the unemployment rate stays high this decay will be accelerated.

So as more of us retire and fewer workers per retiree continues to become a more even ratio the tax that supports the Social Security will continue to become more ruinous.

When we were young the government was a small minority of the economy, we are rapidly on track to the Government being the strong majority of the economy.

We will either need to operate the government at a profit , or return the economy to private hands where a profit can be made, the other choice is a spiral into unsustainability.


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Re: What's good for the goose....
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2014, 08:50:33 PM »
Nixon did not much like Jews or Blacks, but he was not a rabid anti-semite or a segregationist. He did not need to affiliate himself with the rabid segregationists to get elected. They did not trust him much. If they had, Wallace would not have gotten so many votes in 1968 and 1972. In 1960, Nixon did not have to cater to Black voters, as they were few and mostly uninfluential.

    The bit I like here is that Nixon did not need the racists , Reagan did not need them either , Wallace got the full measure of their power and didn't find it enough.


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Re: What's good for the goose....
« Reply #33 on: July 02, 2014, 03:19:57 PM »
Nixon got some of the racists' votes,  Reagan got most of them, and Wallace's problem was his general unfitness to run the country, which went far beyond racism.

Wallace was more a politician than a true racist. Old Strom Thurmond turned out to be not all that much of a racist, considering that he was faithful to his Black mistress and her daughter for decades. James Eastland and Ross Barnett were more traditional racists.
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Re: What's good for the goose....
« Reply #34 on: July 02, 2014, 04:19:12 PM »
Nixon got some of the racists' votes,  Reagan got most of them,

Obama probably got the most racists votes in recent history.
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Re: What's good for the goose....
« Reply #35 on: July 02, 2014, 04:39:24 PM »
As I said....the novelty factor.  You're gonna get some similar ignorant folk voting for Hillary, based on nothing more than she's a woman.
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Re: What's good for the goose....
« Reply #36 on: July 02, 2014, 07:03:49 PM »
   I would be surprised if Hillary were elected , but if she were I would expect her to be a wartime president.

    Of course I kinda expect this of the next president no matter who .



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Re: What's good for the goose....
« Reply #37 on: July 02, 2014, 07:49:10 PM »
There will be many ignorant folk voting for everyone running. There always are.
Perhaps people will vote for Hillary for the wrong reasons. Others will vote for whatever chipmunk, hamster or gerbil the Republicans run as well.

If the brainless 30 second spots that constitute most election ads  did not bring the best results, they would not run them. The same is true of all advertising.It is made to appeal to the emotions, not the intellect.
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Re: What's good for the goose....
« Reply #38 on: July 02, 2014, 09:42:36 PM »
There will be many ignorant folk voting for everyone running. There always are.
Perhaps people will vote for Hillary for the wrong reasons. Others will vote for whatever chipmunk, hamster or gerbil the Republicans run as well.

If the brainless 30 second spots that constitute most election ads  did not bring the best results, they would not run them. The same is true of all advertising.It is made to appeal to the emotions, not the intellect.

All true , but it bothers me .

I suppose the wise also vote , and are presented the same choices as the foolish.

So do the wise want their favorite candidate to pick the easily persuaded ?

Just doesn't make me happy , and I feel not just insulted , but I don't have confidence that the experts can't push into election real boneheads who are photogenic.


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Re: What's good for the goose....
« Reply #39 on: July 03, 2014, 09:17:31 AM »
JFK vs LBJ was largely a contest of competence (LBJ had extensive experience in the House and the Senate and knwew everyone and even better, what made them tick) vs looks and glamor (JFK had a beautiful clothes horse for a wife and lots of good hair and a fancy Hahvard accent).

JFK won out, but LBJ was far and away the better qualified. Of course, LBJ sounded like a Texas hick to much of the country, and his charisma was not obvious on TV, but it was obvious in person: he was extremely tall, a giraffe in a roomful of hamsters.  When he was VP, he visites William Jewell College, where I attended and spoke at the Chapel.  He was extremely impressive.

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