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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #60 on: February 16, 2007, 07:54:37 PM »
<<And the converse is also true: Tee has NOT proven that the war's all about oil.>>

Actually, I did.  By eliminating the alternatives.  By showing the historical precedents for industrial powers attempting to dominate the region.  By showing the plans previously laid by the "President's" top advisors.  By reference to the draft hydrocarbons law recently presented to the Iraqi legislature.  But I guess your attention was focused elsewhere at the time.

      I think that the draft Hydeocarbon Law is the most interesting part ,especially that it must be presented to an elected legislature.

      I think that the elected representatives of the Iriqui people will look to their potential for reelection as they vote , and will not approve a deal that leaves Iraq poorly paid.

Michael Tee

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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #61 on: February 17, 2007, 01:40:49 PM »
    <<I think that the draft Hydeocarbon Law is the most interesting part ,especially that it must be presented to an elected legislature.

     << I think that the elected representatives of the Iriqui people will look to their potential for reelection as they vote , and will not approve a deal that leaves Iraq poorly paid.>>

That's hilarious.


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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #62 on: February 17, 2007, 03:16:42 PM »
    <<I think that the draft Hydeocarbon Law is the most interesting part ,especially that it must be presented to an elected legislature.

     << I think that the elected representatives of the Iriqui people will look to their potential for reelection as they vote , and will not approve a deal that leaves Iraq poorly paid.>>

That's hilarious.

I am serious bout it , if the Iriqui legisature is not looking out for the electorate then it must be something other than a democracy , and this would amount to a major failure on their part and ours.

Perhaps you think it hilarious becase your faith is settled in the idea that no American can be altruistic ?;_ylt=An37VeN0o5xgJKRT.HZk4wz9xg8F

"The U.S. has urged the government to move more quickly on benchmarks such as a national law governing the distribution of oil wealth. Iraqi leaders informed her that the oil deal was almost done, but Rice later told reporters she has heard that before. The secretary said she made clear to Iraqi officials that she hopes this time it is for real.

"The oil law is a proxy for something much larger," Rice said. "It's really important that they complete it, but it's also important that they have made progress."

Iraqi leaders know as well as she does, Rice said, about what must be done. "The American people are not the only ones who are impatient. The Iraqi people are impatient."

Iraq has missed its own target dates for making crucial trust-building measures, such as laws establishing provincial elections, equitably distributing the country's oil wealth and reversing prohibitions on government participation by many Sunnis because of membership in Saddam's Baath party.

"The wait for progress can't be endless," Rice said. "

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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #63 on: February 17, 2007, 03:36:08 PM »
<<Perhaps you think it hilarious becase your faith is settled in the idea that no American can be altruistic ?>>

Wrong again.  I think FDR and the people around him were very altruistic.  I just don't think that George W. Bush is another FDR.  Neither does anyone eles.


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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #64 on: February 17, 2007, 03:53:10 PM »
I just don't think that George W. Bush is another FDR.  Neither does anyone eles.

I don't believe Bush has claimed to be FDR though Hillary did claim to have had conversations (figurative?) with Eleanor


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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #65 on: February 17, 2007, 04:16:31 PM »
<<Perhaps you think it hilarious becase your faith is settled in the idea that no American can be altruistic ?>>

Wrong again.  I think FDR and the people around him were very altruistic.  I just don't think that George W. Bush is another FDR.  Neither does anyone eles.

FDR set a very high standard indeed , if Bush 43 can do half so well I would be happy with him.

Do you consider the Iriqui legeslature to be a rubber stamp? They certainly are struggleing greatly over this bill which Codeleza Rice is urgeing action.


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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #66 on: February 17, 2007, 06:19:28 PM »
I think FDR and the people around him were very altruistic.  I just don't think that George W. Bush is another FDR.  Neither does anyone eles.

Agreed.  He's more Abraham Lincoln, if we're going to aim at past Presidents to compare Bush to
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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #67 on: February 17, 2007, 11:17:44 PM »
I think FDR and the people around him were very altruistic.  I just don't think that George W. Bush is another FDR.  Neither does anyone eles.

Agreed.  He's more Abraham Lincoln, if we're going to aim at past Presidents to compare Bush to

The only person on the entire earth to echo those words might be his loser Supreme nominee, who once told a flunkie that George W. Bush was the smartest man she had ever met.

I would like to see those around Bush--Rove, Cheney, Neocon in and not in staff--respond to your comparison of Bush to Lincoln. 

My guess is that they would laugh harder at that than at the base Christians, to whom Rove referred to as "the nuts."

Religious Dick

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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #68 on: February 17, 2007, 11:47:32 PM »
I think FDR and the people around him were very altruistic.  I just don't think that George W. Bush is another FDR.  Neither does anyone eles.

Agreed.  He's more Abraham Lincoln, if we're going to aim at past Presidents to compare Bush to

No doubt. Had Lincoln not had the good sense to get himself assassinated at an opportune time, history would likely remember him as a provincial tyrant who led an incompetent, corrupt administration and bungled his country into a civil war. Which is likely the way history will be remembering Bush.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2007, 12:00:45 AM by Religious Dick »
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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #69 on: February 18, 2007, 01:06:56 AM »
The only person on the entire earth to echo those words might be his loser Supreme nominee, who once told a flunkie that George W. Bush was the smartest man she had ever met.  I would like to see those around Bush--Rove, Cheney, Neocon in and not in staff--respond to your comparison of Bush to Lincoln.   My guess is that they would laugh harder at that than at the base Christians, to whom Rove referred to as "the nuts."

You have a right to guess whatever you want Crane, as wrong as it ususally is.  In a nut shell, the Iraqis are to Bush, what the slaves were to Lincoln.  Only history will prove if I'm right or not
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #70 on: February 18, 2007, 10:33:31 AM »
<<Agreed.  He's more Abraham Lincoln, if we're going to aim at past Presidents to compare Bush to>>

Bush as the Abraham Lincoln of the Iraqis.  Hilarious concept.  While Lincoln. was busy liberating the slaves, how many of them did his armies kidnap, imprison, torture and murder?  How many slaves did it sexually humiliate, sic attack dogs on, form naked pyramids of?  How many slave quarters were bombed, shelled, mortared or set afire and how many slaves were killed as a result?  How many slave leaders were captured by Union forces and then turned over to their fellow slaves, the ones being liberatied, to be put on trial and hanged?

History will determine if you are right?  I'd be more concerned about psychiatry determining whether you are sane.


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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #71 on: February 18, 2007, 12:30:50 PM »
The one accomplishment of the Juniorbush administration is that the Bushes, the Cheneys and their cronies have, as a result of the Iraq War and the tax cuts for the plutocrats have become rich beyond anyone's imagination. Inside information on weapons, oil and other industries have enabled them to do this.

Stay tuned, there are sure to be hearings on this.

They are not patriots: they are THIEVES.
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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #72 on: February 18, 2007, 01:18:45 PM »
The one accomplishment of the Juniorbush administration is that the Bushes, the Cheneys and their cronies have, as a result of the Iraq War and the tax cuts for the plutocrats have become rich beyond anyone's imagination. Inside information on weapons, oil and other industries have enabled them to do this.

Stay tuned, there are sure to be hearings on this.

They are not patriots: they are THIEVES.

Do you suspect that is why running for president is worth the hundreds of millions to do so?

I noticed the previous president is quite wealthy now too.


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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #73 on: February 18, 2007, 01:52:02 PM »

Much of the success of the Bush Administration and its unprecedented thievery is now open for examination, but an impelling force used to avoid appropriate investigation has been the wearing of the holy mantle of the base Christians.

From everything from watching politicians fold, pundits treading very carefully to posters in political clubs on the internet becoming blank and near appoplexic when the authority of religious concerns in political matters are raised, one can see just how much clout this spun sanctimony possesses, or did possess.

Hopefully, while this administration is dissected legally and discredits and indictments are determined, America will finally become cognizant of how pretentious religious sanctimony can be so successfully utilized by political spin machines.

Let us look at our religions with a fresh, objective eye, ignoring the subtle conditionings that have stultified our thinking by sublimal guilt plants, remembering that while religious freedom is essential, the metaphysics of some of these bumpkin creations are silly beyond the pale, are often nothing more than money scams, and have actively contributed to the divisiveness of this country like no other force. 

Not saying they cannot exist--just saying that the mere fact that they claim fame to Jesus does not qualify them to be regarded as gospel. 


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Re: Targeting militias
« Reply #74 on: February 18, 2007, 02:01:24 PM »
I'm guessing religion is now a wedge issue, much like class and race before it.

Divide and conquer.