I know that the trial process is not infallible and that even eyewitness evidence is ofter erroneous. I was not present at Momia's trial, have not followed it and do not care to deal with it in any manner because it is as irrelevant to my life as what Sly Stallone had for breakfast last Tuesday or whether Ted Cruz is wearisn boxers of tighty whities. Even if I knew every single thing about the incident Momia was accused of, I could change nary a thing.
I do not see Momia as any sort of hero. At most he is a crime celebrity. I doubt that most history professors of any race think of him as important to the civil rights struggle. On the other hand, this woman has a right to her opinion and to express it, just as Coulter has the right to say that the doctor who contracted ebola was wrong to go to Africa to help anyone.