Author Topic: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!  (Read 3502 times)

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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #15 on: August 29, 2014, 06:00:31 PM »
Supposedly, Rumsfeld was some sort of military genius. We saw how that went.

Every president has generals to advise him.
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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #16 on: August 29, 2014, 07:48:25 PM »
  So what is wrong with the advisors of President Obama?

   Would having the best in the world as advisors really correct abysmal ignorance on the part of the chief?

     Does the buck ever stop?

Chuck Hagel
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Robert O. Work
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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2014, 08:22:51 PM »
The US cannot be invading Syria alone. No one wants that except perhaps CU4 but he is a Muslim hating fanatic.
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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2014, 09:08:50 PM »
The US cannot be invading Syria alone. No one wants that except perhaps CU4 but he is a Muslim hating fanatic.

Well this is not really true, we can make war in the Clinton style , and why shouldn't we?

If all of Europe supported a bombing campaign they might be able to do almost as much bombing as the US. Europe really, really depends on us for their defense.

    Airpower is pretty fair for ruining stuff and taking the fight out of an enemy, but then just do not try to hold the territory, instead just keep bombing and bombing and bombing.

     The Serbs kept waiting for our invasion, they were well prepared to fight as an insurgency, imagine the moment of epiphany when they realized that the invasion would never be coming, President Clinton did not need anything that he was not getting by just bombing them and shutting down their infrastructure.

    Imagine waiting on Europe for leadership...infinite....wait...


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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2014, 09:31:35 AM »
No matter what you say, I am not going to vote for some politicians because he was in the military, no more than I would vote for someone who had a career in banking.

It is not as esoteric a field as you think. Romney, of course, spent the years he could have been a soldier as a missionary, failing to convert Frenchmen to Mormonism.
I am sure it was an endeavor that taught him humility and how to accept defeat.

For the French, wine is more important than religion. For some it IS their religion. My French girlfriend's brother, a retired postman, had hundreds and hundreds of bottles of wine in his basement. Most were from tiny chateaus that only sold to individuals, never through stores. I was there for four days, and three of those nights, some friend would drop by with several bottles to swap with him. They talked about wine the way guys at a dragstrip talk about engines.

Imagine trying to convert guys like this to a teetotaling religion.  C'est impossible!

Romney is a good loser. The GOP seems poised to allow him to lose again.
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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2014, 02:13:45 PM »
No matter what you say, I am not going to vote for some politicians because he was in the military, no more than I would vote for someone who had a career in banking.

  There two fields are exactly where Obama could use better understanding.

   Not having a job in the field is not an excuse for not doing the homework.


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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2014, 02:45:08 PM »
I have no evidence that Obama has not done his homework. He just does not agree with you about foreign policy.
The American Public has even less a clue what to do about ISIS than the President.
I think most Americans want the snap their fingers and make it vanish. They think it is unfair that after all we have spent on the Middle East, they should stop fighting and , as Bill and Ted might say, Be EXCELLENT to one another.

Lamentably, the world is unfair and this is not possible.
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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2014, 05:50:01 PM »
         I see no sign that President Obama has done his homework , and knows what his military can and cannot accomplish ,nor does he seem to know what is needed or what already works , nor what needs to be changed.

        Corpsmen , indeed.


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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2014, 11:01:32 PM »
Oh,wow, he mispronounced ONE WORD seven years ago and you are still harping on that?

Puh leeze!
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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2014, 11:41:50 PM »
Would you like to produce One Incident of president Obama showing profound understanding of military affairs?

    Not knowing how "corps" is pronounced merely proves that he seldom speaks to Marines, strange since they are in his household now.

      What bothers me a lot worse is that absence of any demonstration that he understands how these things work.

        There are serious choices to be made ,how is this man equipped?


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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #25 on: August 31, 2014, 12:36:16 AM »
He mispronounced that word ONCE. You have a spelling problem. Give the guy a break.
He certainly has showed that he knows more about invading Iraq than Donald Rumsfeld who was said to be some sort of expert and admired because he had a stand-up desk.
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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #26 on: August 31, 2014, 10:57:02 AM »
   When the Obama presidency comes to its natural closing , the blooper reel can be played and it will run for three solid hours.

     No one will produce this blooper reel because ex presidents are not that interesting.

    Rumsfeld was a strong believer in elite force placing the right size (often small)team in the right place just in time.
     This worked very well in making the Taliban give up power and chasing the AlQueda out of their holes .

      Less success in managing an ongoing insurgency.

     President Bush and President Obama were persuaded to go bigger and use the "surge" to get the insurgency sorted out, this worked better. But neither Bush nor Obama should claim to be the originator of this idea the "surge " was from their experts who were not Rumsfeld.

       But President Obama now is moving strongly in a rumsfeldian direction as he must to reduce the military in size anything like the amount he wants to.

         To Justify the military getting smaller he has to go  Rumsfeld and claim that the lesser and lighter can be effective if it is elite and modern.

        Remember the debate with Mitt Romney? When he claimed that the more modern Navy didn't need to be as big as the elder Navy.

    Obama just does not disagree with Rumsfeld except that he is looking through the wrong end of the telescope. Secretary Rumsfeld was going to war with the small force that was ready and available , President Obama is determining what shall be available in the future shall be small. 

"You Go To War With The Army You Have---not The Army You Might Want Or Wish To Have At A Later Time.   -Donald Rumsfeld



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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #27 on: August 31, 2014, 11:31:18 AM »
The new Navy does NOT need as many ships. We have more navy than the rest of the world put together.  Congress voted to build a carrier group that the Navy said it did not need.

I do not care if the President said "corpse man" once. It is the most trivial complaint than anyone has made about him. He was reading off a teleprompter , most likely without rehearsing it. If he mispronounced "acetaminophen", the doctors would not get upset. If he said Grand Proicks, Pontiac owners would not get upset. This is a very, very stupid issue.

Rumsfeld was a fool. The war was useless and a bad idea, and far worse because he had made no coherent plans for how to manage Iraq. 
I do not think anyone is going to call Rumsfeld a decent strategist. Al Qaeda has not vanished, Rumsfeld failed to catch Bin Laden, because of the war in Iraq.

He may become the Hero of Stand Up Desk manufacturers, though. There was not one story that did not mention his stupid stand up desks.
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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #28 on: August 31, 2014, 05:16:05 PM »

I do not care if the President said "corpse man" once. It is the most trivial complaint than anyone has made about him. He was reading off a teleprompter , most likely without rehearsing it. If he mispronounced "acetaminophen", the doctors would not get upset. If he said Grand Proicks, Pontiac owners would not get upset. This is a very, very stupid issue.
and when I bring it up a single time , you ping pong it back to me ad nausium, this is hardly the presidents worst faux pas , it probably won't make his top two hundred.

Rumsfeld was a fool. The war was useless and a bad idea, and far worse because he had made no coherent plans for how to manage Iraq. 
I do not think anyone is going to call Rumsfeld a decent strategist. Al Qaeda has not vanished, Rumsfeld failed to catch Bin Laden, because of the war in Iraq.

He may become the Hero of Stand Up Desk manufacturers, though. There was not one story that did not mention his stupid stand up desks.

The point here is that smaller force is very Rumsfeldian you cannot mock president Obama for imitating the Rumsfeld he emulates.

Oh wait , that is me that can't do that.

You can't praise President Obama for becoming more like Rumsfeld as you mock Rumsfeld.

Well, yes you can , but do be aware of how funny it really is.

The new Navy does NOT need as many ships. We have more navy than the rest of the world put together.  Congress voted to build a carrier group that the Navy said it did not need.

The Navy must have a right number of ships .

There must be a number that allows us to fulfill the treatys we have obliged ourselves to, a right number to surpress piracy and a right number to prevent war.

    Less than that right number is wrong , no matter what it is compared with.

    This makes it perhaps right to reduce the Navy to the right number to get its job done with a few in harbor or dry dock and a couple of spares to replace battle loss.

     BUT here is the point, reducing the Navy to this right number ought to be the responsibility of people who can define well the job the Navy is required to do.

    In this our President is woefully deficient.


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Re: Obama moves US Forces into Syria!
« Reply #29 on: August 31, 2014, 06:19:15 PM »
Rumsfeld mongered a war with too few troops and no plans.

I do not think Obama would have invaded in the first place. 
Piracy is not a major issue presently, and we are not in danger of .

So I deem the Navy has all it needs and not too many.
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