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DOJ to Resign
« on: September 25, 2014, 12:31:02 PM »
One wonders if the timing has anything to do with a recent Judge ruling denying the DOJ's request to defer release of Fast & Furious documents, until just before the election.  Hmmmmmmm, the plot thickens
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2014, 12:39:46 PM »

probably connected SIRS

of course the next one will most likely be just as anti-American and corrupt,
but i suppose we couldn't do any worse than this son-of-a-bitch Holder
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2014, 01:28:23 PM »
Here's the biggest issue with me, C, and it floors me that the left isn't as equally outraged......the precedent being implimented.  To think that folks like Xo would be perfectly ok with a President Romney or President Cruz, and their administration, ACTIVELY ignoring current laws of this land, because they simply don't agree with them. 

Put aside the ridiculous notion that they've been running 'the most transparent administration" ever, the idea that folks would be ok with their ideological actions, despite it clearly going against the rule of law is mind boggling....when you consider the apoplectic outrage they'd have if it was a GOP administration stating that certain EPA laws are to restrictive to we're just not going to enforce them.  Or that there are already far too many gun laws, so we're just not going to enforce some of them.  That the President could say on 1 side of his mouth that he's limited in what he can do as President, impeded by laws currently passed by congress, only to say out of the other side of the mouth that because congress won't do what he wants them to do, he's going to simply write an executive order to bypass the entire legislative process.

I'd be mad as hell if a President Jindal tried that, yet not a peep of outrage by the left towards Obama.  What horrid hypocrisy on display
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2014, 01:36:08 PM »
Holder is Black, Obama is Black, buy Oh, no, that has NOTHING to do with sirs & Christians opinions of both of them from before they took office.
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2014, 01:38:24 PM »
Eric Holder Is Leaving Now, Because Obama Thinks The Senate Is Lost

It's busting out on to the wires today. Holder is resigning, effective as soon as his replacement can be confirmed.
He had to do this now, rather than wait until after the midterms, because Holder's tenure as Attorney General has been marked by a pattern of activist Leftism and constitutional/legal abuse such as has never been seen in American history, and if there is a Republican majority in the Senate next year they're not going to be able to confirm anyone like him. The current Labor Secretary, Thomas Perez, who used to be the head of the Civil Rights Division within DOJ, would be the first-round draft choice to replace Holder but Perez would never be confirmed by a Republican Senate majority.

But in a Senate Harry Reid controls, sure.

Erick Erickson has this absolutely right!

The only reason Eric Holder would do this now, before the mid-term elections, is if he was pretty sure he'd have to deal with a Republican Senate next year. A nomination and confirmation fight is just another area to be politicized before the 2014 mid-terms when the nation has turned against Barack Obama on a host of issues and Republicans are revving up attacks on both the IRS and Benghazi. It means a potential loss of control on another front when the Democrats are already on defense across the country. That instability does not happen unless the people in positions to control this decision see headwinds against them.

Eric Holder resigning is another sign the Democrats are worried about having to deal with a Republican Senate majority in January.

Understand this, if you had an Attorney General who was interested in faithfully executing his oath of office rather than serving as the palace guard for the Obama administration, you would have special prosecutors investigating the IRS scandal, the NSA, the James Rosen surveillance case, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the GSA scandal and several others. The corruption within the administration has been covered up by Holder as he focuses his efforts on destroying school choice and stopping states from implementing highly-popular Voter ID laws is absolutely endemic, and it is unpunished because Holder keeps it that way.

This administration simply cannot afford not to have an Attorney General who will continue to hold the line as Holder has. And if it were to lose the Senate before replacing Holder, it would be forced to appoint someone either incapable or less-than-willing to serve as Obama's protector.

And Holder not sticking it out until after the midterms, as Erickson says, means Obama thinks he's lost the Senate. Holder goes, they're going to make a run at appointing Perez or somebody like him and getting them confirmed in the lame-duck session and they'll hope that's enough to keep the house of cards from collapsing.

by MacAoidh/Scott McKay (e-mail)
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2014, 01:40:34 PM »
Very few people are going to vote for a senator because of Holder's presence or absence.

Most people are not ultra reactionary Obamahaters.
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2014, 01:42:04 PM »
Looky there...Professor pulling out the race card, yet again.  Any criticism of messers Obama & Holder can't POSSIBLY be because of their wreckless disregard of the Constitution......naaaaa.....must be because they're black.  Yea that's it....that way we can just call folks like Cu4 & sirs racists, despite their never referencing skin color at any time, while ignoring their actual actions that have been consistently and specifically referenced.  How convenient.......and transparent 

« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 02:24:36 PM by sirs »
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2014, 01:43:16 PM »
Holder is Black, Obama is Black, buy Oh, no, that has NOTHING to do with sirs & Christians
opinions of both of them from before they took office.

Yes that makes so much sense considering I want Dr. Ben Carson to be our next President!

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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2014, 01:44:05 PM »
Most people are not ultra reactionary Obamahaters.

As opposed to ultrareactionary Bushhaters?  Cruzhaters?  Palinhaters?  Teapartyhaters?
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2014, 02:30:45 PM »
Holder is Black, Obama is Black, buy Oh, no, that has NOTHING to do with sirs & Christians opinions of both of them from before they took office.

Newsflash for you ultrareactionary conservativehaters, I had no opinion of Holder before he took office.  I knew very little of him, including what his skin color was.....which also mattered nothing to me 

Obama on the other had, did have a legislative record to go on, & none of any criticism had squat to do with his skin color, since the same criticism would have been leveled if he were pearly white, orange, or green.  In fact, his predomiant speech he gave before he even ran for office, while Senator was strinkingly awesome.  It appeared, (apparetly falsely now) that he really was a politician that wish to transcend racial politics and poloarizing rhetoric.  Shame on me for beliving he'd stick to his word
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2014, 03:16:58 PM »
Dr Ben Carson will not be running for president, not ever.
You make up shit because you cannot admit to yourself that you are a racist.

Ben Carson is just another Herman Cain. Remember Herman Cain? You were all gooshy over his sorry ass as well.

You guys are just simpletons refusing to admit how simplistic you are. You do not convince me.

But you have to live with yourselves, you do not have to live with me.
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2014, 03:17:20 PM »
Yes SIRS....if Holder and Obama were white and were pushing the same left-wing agenda
oh we'd be a lot more nice about the whole thing....we'd love left-wing policies if they were pushed by whites! ha ha
because after-all being held hostage by white control freaks like Nancy Pelosi is so much more appealing!  ::)
the Republicans impeached Bill Clinton because he was black...oh wait a minute....he was white
the lunacy of the race card default mode of liberals is hysterical !
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2014, 03:21:00 PM »
Yeah, right.

You are standing up the PRINCIPLE. You complain about how Obama is taking your treasured guns. How he has not booted out enough Mexicans, how he has allowed Guatemalan children to actually enter this country, rather then just pushing them out and watching them starve in the desert.
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2014, 03:21:50 PM »
Dr Ben Carson will not be running for president, not ever.

"Former Johns Hopkins head of neurosurgery Ben Carson
says it's a strong likelihood he'll be in the race"
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2014, 03:28:56 PM »
You complain about how Obama is taking your treasured guns.

As if  we wouldn't be complaining if Nancy Pelosi as President was trying to take our guns?

How he has not booted out enough Mexicans

As if we wouldn't be complaining if Harry Reid was President and pro-Amnesty?

how he has allowed Guatemalan children to actually enter this country,
rather then just pushing them out and watching them starve in the desert.

As if we wouldn't complain if Hillary (who by the way supports sending the illegal rug-rats home!)
was allowing such a farce at our borders with the faux orchestrated child invasion intended
to garner sympathy.

Your race-baiting logic falls very short of any sane mind.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987