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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2014, 03:55:01 PM »
Yeah, right.

You are standing up the PRINCIPLE. You complain about how Obama is taking your treasured guns. How he has not booted out enough Mexicans, how he has allowed Guatemalan children to actually enter this country, rather then just pushing them out and watching them starve in the desert.

Minus the rank hyperbole and misguided accusations....YES...., his not following what he took an oath to do is precisely standing up to both priciple and the Constitution.  And his skin color has absolutely nothing to do with it.  

Its so pathetically transparent, not to mention intellectually lazy, to actually ignore the specific points being made as it relates to the constitutional abuses and overt lack of transparency, and simply call your opponent a racist, and supposedly not have any other obligation to either back that accusation up or actually discuss the specific non-racial points being criticized

You want to talk about illegal immigrants starving in the desert, then talk about it in a manner that we would be talking about in no one is advocating that people should starve.  What you don't do however is reward criminal activity.  You also don't pledge conditions, COUNTER TO OUR CURRENT IMMIGRATION LAWS, that create an epic worsening of the problem
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 04:10:45 PM by sirs »
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2014, 04:12:52 PM »
Yes SIRS....if Holder and Obama were white and were pushing the same left-wing agenda
oh we'd be a lot more nice about the whole thing....we'd love left-wing policies if they were pushed by whites! ha ha
because after-all being held hostage by white control freaks like Nancy Pelosi is so much more appealing!  ::)
the Republicans impeached Bill Clinton because he was black...oh wait a minute....he was white
the lunacy of the race card default mode of liberals is hysterical

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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2014, 04:32:14 PM »
SIRS....what puzzles me and I am honestly curious about is....

do liberals really believe this kind of crap?
is it a deceptive way to try and put their political opponents on the defensive?
is it such a default mode that they don't even think through how illogical  they are?

I mean would anyone that is rational really think that we would be any less upset
if Obamacare had been proposed by a white liberal instead of a black liberal?

They claim we "hate" Obama because he is black,
but they know we love Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell,
Col Allen West, Alan Keyes, J.C. Watts, Condi Rice, Dr. Ben Carson, etc....

hell I donated to Mia Love's campaign!
look at her video....we like her for what she stands for
if she is black, white, yellow, red, brown....who cares as long as she supports our values?
her skin color means nothing!

So there is no logic behind their claims.....
How could you "hate Blacks" but have Black friends, black employees,
and support Blacks in Congress, support blacks in business, support Blacks for leadership roles,
and support Blacks for President of the United State?

So I am just trying to figure out if their motivation is mostly sinister race-baiting or ignorance?

« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 10:32:47 PM by Christians4LessGvt »
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2014, 04:54:26 PM »
Logic doesn't appear to be a prerequisate to recieve your liberal decoder card.  Sadly, and I've opined this in the past, with conservatives in general, issues are largely right vs wrong.  Yes, there's lots of gray, but the debates and arguements are ususally founded in logic, which would include rule of law. 

With liberals, it would appear that their issues are largely good vs evil, where of course they're good, and anything that runs counter to their thought process isn't just's evil.

It's that evil component that then allows an apparent "ends justifies the means" approach, where even points illogical are ok, because it supports the conclusions of evil they've already predetermined their opponent to be.  It allows someone to call the other racist, minus any actual proof/facts to support the accusation.  It allows one to ignore all the Constitutional end arounds and disregarding of current laws, because the folks they support did it, so apparently its a good thing, and anyone that doesn't agree must be evil. 

So, if I had to chose between your 2 options, I'd say its more race-baiting than ignorance.  Ignrance would require quite a level of blinded partisanship.  The former requires the person to know exactly what they're doing, but that its ok, because of course, conservatives are racist, and Republicans are evil, so the ends justify the means

This of course is all hypothetical, coming from a conservative slant, but I'd love to see that point refuted rationally vs just more name calling.  I won't hold my breath however
« Last Edit: September 25, 2014, 05:15:03 PM by sirs »
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2014, 06:18:37 PM »
Your racism sucks. Your "values" suck even more.

Conservatism should have died with Calvin Effing Coolidge. All the Conservatives have done to this country is screw things up.
Actually, the term "conservative" is not the proper term, which REACTIONARY. All you do is react to everything.

It is the "Let Them Eat Cake" mentality of the monarchists.

Liberals believe that government can actually improve the lot of ALL Americans. It might make the teensy 1% who own damn near everything slighly poorer, but it is not like they would have to sacrifice much...perhaps an elevator in the garage of their third home.

Government is NOT the problem, except when people are so idiotic as to elect reactionaries, religious fanatics, war lovers and such to public office.
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2014, 06:48:58 PM »
Liberals believe that government can actually improve the lot of ALL Americans.

Conservatives believe that government can actually harm the lot of ALL Americans,
and does so on a regular basis. Liberals want to control people because they think
they know whats best for people, better than the people themselves. Liberals
think they know better what kind of light bulbs are best for me. Liberals have a
general distrust of people. Free people are best left to make decisions
for themselves. Gvt often times does more harm than good and are huge
about causing negative unintended consequences from their naive "do-gooder"
agendas that actually turn into "do-harm" agendas.

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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2014, 07:22:43 PM »
Holder is Black, Obama is Black, buy Oh, no, that has NOTHING to do with sirs & Christians opinions of both of them from before they took office.

Holder is Black, Obama is Black, and this should not shield them from any criticism .


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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2014, 07:55:14 PM »
Your racism sucks. Your "values" suck even more.

Notice in all of your rant, never once did you refute the notion that to liberals like yourself, your "opponents" are not just wrong headed....but literally evil in their pursuits.  Am I not right?  But what really sucks is this pathologic inability at supporting even a shred of your asanine accusations, with any support/facts.  You seriously believe any critism of Obama must be racist....because he's black?  Because in that warped thought process if a President Biden were pushing the same agenda, policies, and executive actions, I'd be "ok" with it??    :o

And my values are hardly reactionary.  Quite the polar opposite when its simply support of the Constitution and rule of law.  I realize why the use of the term reactionary.  It can create an emotional negative....much like Climate Disruption.  It has no logical application, but it sounds menacing

Liberals believe that government can actually improve the lot of ALL Americans. It might make the teensy 1% who own damn near everything slighly poorer, but it is not like they would have to sacrifice much...perhaps an elevator in the garage of their third home.

And as Cu4 rightly points out, Government can do a ton to worsen the lot of all Americans.  Once again, facts trump emotion, in that you can tax the bejeebees out of that supposed evil 1%, which would barely address any of the problems that Government is literally creating.  FACT was that before the minimum wage went into effect, a business was more likely to hire a black kid over a white kid.  As soon as government became involved, with this twisted mindset that they needed to "help everyone", incentives were stripped from both business and the black community.  As a result of Government intervetion, Black unemployment has skyrocketed, and we won't even mention the debt/deficit

And what's the Left's answer??......more of the damn same...more Government, more taxes, more regulation, more mandates, and more control....since that's been working soooooo well     :o

Government is NOT the problem, except when people are so idiotic as to elect reactionaries, religious fanatics, war lovers and such to public office.

You're right Government is NOT the problem.  BIG Government that disregards its clear Constitutional boundries, ignores the rule of law, and has has a lapdog media more than willing to propagandize for them
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2014, 08:38:24 PM »

The first thing he would have to do would be to hit up the big money boys. If they don't like him, or think he will (1) and (2) OBEY them, he cannot even be considered for the nomination.

He could run as a Libertarian, and probably get more votes than as a Vegetarian.
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2014, 08:42:42 PM »
Because that makes sooooo much sense     :o

*ALERT*......professor has strayed off his meds again
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2014, 06:30:22 AM »
The first thing he would have to do would be to hit up the big money boys. If they don't like him, or think he will (1) and (2) OBEY them, he cannot even be considered for the nomination.

what like Obama did?
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2014, 10:58:14 AM »
If you actually understood what the Professor was actually ranting about, in that last posting....I'm impressed
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #27 on: September 26, 2014, 11:08:54 AM »
If you allow BIG Business, you need BIG government to keep it from taking over.

I do not have to refute all of the crap you post, sirs. It's crap, nonetheless.

Evil and wrongheaded from a pragmatic point of view equate to the same thing.

The "conservatives" are simply the hirelings of Big Business, and they hate competition and always have.
They are Reactionaries, they only want to conserve the ownership  the economy by people far above you that think of people who think the way you do as useful idiots.

FACT was that before the minimum wage went into effect, a business was more likely to hire a black kid over a white kid.

The minimum wage was begun in the FDR Administration. Black employment during that period was as high as 50%, while White unemployment was never above 30%.
You do not know dick, sirs.
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #28 on: September 26, 2014, 11:56:03 AM »
No you don't need a Big Government to control "Big Business"  Laws are all you need for that, which doesn't require a massive bureacracy

And yes, you do have to refute my point or claim, if you want to prove I was wrong.  I can opine the same garbage, in that liberals are the hirings of the same big business, big donors, Hollywood, and Unions.  They all hate competetion, so they buy politicians who then coat their industries with all kinds of perks, and screw the average citizen & tax payer.....useful idiots indeed

See, how easy that was?
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #29 on: September 26, 2014, 01:02:11 PM »
Notice also how you can't seem to muster any actual proof of either myself or Cu4 being racist, outside of the ususal, "because he's black" if we wouldn't have the same criticisms if it were spewing from Biden or Clinton.  The epitome of irrational illogic      :o
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle