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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #30 on: September 26, 2014, 04:15:46 PM »
Government is NOT the problem, except when people are so idiotic as to elect reactionaries, religious fanatics, war lovers and such to public office.

You're right Government is NOT the problem.  BIG Government that disregards its clear Constitutional boundries, ignores the rule of law, and has has a lapdog media more than willing to propagandize for them this point, it wouldn't take much to go from this to a full-on oppressive regime, especially if the military were to simply take orders from the WH.  Especially if the effort were cloaked in "national security".  That said though, I have confidence that our military, in general, would likely see thru the attempted power grab, and support the citizenry instead.  And then we also thank God and our founders for the 2nd amendment
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #31 on: September 26, 2014, 05:42:21 PM »
If we had some ham, we could have some ham & eggs, if we had some eggs.

WATCH OUT!  Ooops, I thought that someone was reaching fpr your guns, but it was just a squirrel.
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #32 on: September 26, 2014, 07:44:28 PM »
QUICK!!........Professor's med drawer is empty again
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2014, 08:01:11 PM »
Now returning us back to the realm of actual debate, couldn't help but notice the constant efforts to avoid addressing any of the substantive points being made, such as
- no support to the cries of racism
- no refuting how the race card is consistently pulled by the left, when issues of critism to any/all Obama or Holder is brought up
- no refuting the increasing size, scope of the Federal Government, and tactics of this Administration, outside its clear boundries, as delegated in the Constitution
- no refuting how liberals tend to see issues as good vs evil, not just wrong (yes, there is a distinct difference between the 2 terms)

« Last Edit: September 26, 2014, 08:31:20 PM by sirs »
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #34 on: September 26, 2014, 11:56:11 PM »
I do that just to piss you off, sirs.

I  have learned that debating with you is a total waste of time, you are just on some sort of ego trip.

What you say turns out to not mean what you actually meant. You are always right, and no one has the proper sources but you. God sends the proper websites unto you, even though the "truth" you believe in is identical from the morons at Fox, you never bother to watch Fox.

So I will never give you what you want. You cannot win any arguments except with yourself. No one can tell you the way things really are, because you already know. And unlike Plane, you have no sense of actual intellectual curiosity and no sense of humor. I am the cat and you are the humble ball of yarn.

It is best, I have decided, to allow you the joy of believing you are right, it is the debate form most like masturbation that could exist.

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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #35 on: September 27, 2014, 12:04:02 AM » doesn't piss me off.....just shows off how fast you try to change the subject.  Can't defend the indefensible so you distract & attack. ...all while avoiding the actual points being made,  like the plague.   In that endeavor,  bravo
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #36 on: September 27, 2014, 11:04:50 AM » other words, I'm not demanding anything from you that gives you some sense that you're going to then refuse to give me what I want & declare some form of victory.  Sure, I'd love to see some sensible, respectful, civil responses from yourself as the norm, since that's the only thing that I'd really "want", but given your track record, I don't expect it. 

So you may think this ploy works, where you supposedly could refute, not just my points, but everyone else's who you may disagree with, and your choosing not to, because you want to "stick it to sirs", but you only fool yourself.  What you provide is 2 fold, with postings like this.....

- the mindset of a typical hard core leftist, unable to defend the indefensible, (like the hypocrisy of so many uber-rich, pro-global warming twits, or how both Cu4 & I are racist)
- and almost clock-like reinforcement that whatever point I was making, or C, or Plane, or Kimba, was apparently spot on, with your inability to refute it, and instead the endless efforts of trying to argue points never made, trying to change the subject, and these juvenile linguistic games

By all means, keep demonstrating how not just myself, but the rest of us apparently are right in our claims/commentary     8)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 03:50:12 PM by sirs »
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #37 on: September 27, 2014, 11:20:23 AM »
And you can continue with your constant dumb questions how utterly dim your wick is.
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #38 on: September 27, 2014, 11:56:56 AM »
Was there any question in that last post of mine?   lol    Didn't think so.  Keep up the good work at "sticking it to sirs"     8)
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #39 on: September 27, 2014, 04:14:20 PM »
Your problem, sirs, is that you never admit that anyone else is even ever the teensiest bit correct. When your argumane becomes indefensible, which is often, you askj stupid questions and harp on them (rather than look up the answer for your own damned self) or change the discussion by saying "no, I was not talking about THAT: I was actually talking about THIS, and I am right and you are stupid.

You are on some sort of inferiority-complex based ego trip, and unwilling to carry on a polite or civilized discussion. Plus you are boring as Hell and have no since of humor.
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #40 on: September 27, 2014, 04:59:11 PM »
Your problem, sirs, is that you never admit that anyone else is even ever the teensiest bit correct.

LOL...I do it all the damn time, when you see a "BINGO", or when you see me say "right on point, or when you see me say, "precisely".  So, wrong again, as I admit to nearly everyone else, when I seel they were right, on some point they were making.  Your problem is that I've rarely referenced where YOU were the teensiest bit correct. 

When your argumane becomes indefensible, which is often, you askj stupid questions and harp on them

Notice how fast the change of subject....what specific arguement have I been defending that is indefensible?  I've given a plethora of examples for you, (the racist accusations, the hypocrisy examples, etc., in this thread alone)  You have YET to support or refute any of them outside of your simple say so......which carries nothing but an unsubstantiated opinion, with a track record of being wrong in so so many previous claims/accusations....

(rather than look up the answer for your own damned self)

....which dovetails nicely right here...where YOU'LL make some outlandish claim/accusation, then expect others to support it for you.  It doesn't work that way....not if you want your word to include some credibility.  It's intellectual laziness at minimum, and overt ignorance at worst. You make the accusation, YOU back it up.  You make the claim, YOU support it.  don't expect others to do it for you

or change the discussion by saying "no, I was not talking about THAT: I was actually talking about THIS,

That's yet another deflection effort, when the point is made, you try to claim it was a different point, when it clearly wasn't ---> arguing a point never made.  Classic

and I am right and you are stupid. 

Yea, that about sums up your approach to debating anything politics, unfortunately.  Hit enter

You are on some sort of inferiority-complex based ego trip, and unwilling to carry on a polite or civilized discussion. Plus you are boring as Hell and have no since of humor.

LOL....did you manage to keep a straight face with that entire tirade?  I actually do, all the time with everyone else who debates politely & respectfully.  And yet, with all that bloviation, not once did you make the slightest effort to respond with any form of civility, or even attempt to address the actual points being raised, like the error-riddled racist accusations. 

Notice also how I did LOL?  Wrong about no sense of humor as well.  You're on a roll....keep "sticking it to sirs"     8)
« Last Edit: September 27, 2014, 05:58:51 PM by sirs »
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #41 on: September 27, 2014, 08:03:17 PM »
I call them as I see them.

Yeah, your sense of humor is pretty much limited to LOL.
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #42 on: September 27, 2014, 08:17:06 PM »
Which demonstrates again that you were wrong, in claiming I have none.  Please keep up the good work at trying to refuse to give me what I want, while you "stick it to sirs"     8)

By the way.......any chance you're going to be able to back up yet another erroneous claim, such as what specific arguement have I been defending that is indefensible?  This is exactly the kinda stuff that keeps demonstrating where I'm right, when you decide to try and change train tracks.  And sorry, personal insults at how much of a sleeze or jerk I supposedly am doesn't cut it, as some supposed example, since that's just your misguided opinion.  Specifics are required
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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #43 on: September 27, 2014, 10:18:49 PM »
Sirs and XO seem to have some reciprocity going on , perhaps even equilibrium.

It is a tough game to show respect to a person as a person , while at the same time ridiculing that same persons deepest and closest thoughts.

I hope we can do it , reason is the hope of humanity to achieve peace.


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Re: DOJ to Resign
« Reply #44 on: September 28, 2014, 12:13:15 AM »
Sirs has this hideous inferiority complex that causes him to be a huge prick.

I suppose he cannot help it.

And no, he has NEVER shown that he has a sense of humor, for he has none.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."