Author Topic: I hope the President explains something.  (Read 7243 times)

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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #15 on: November 22, 2014, 05:35:32 PM »
He did the right thing. He did at the right time.  I do not give a shit whether it conflicts with what he said or not.

Of course you don't.  Like Obama, you simply don't care....about much of anything outside of implimenting socialist doctrine, any way, shape, or form.  Ends justifies the means, even if that requires lying to the electorate  and/or ignoring the Constitution. 

Just better not see any bellyaching, when/if the next GOP or Libertarian president decides to ignore Roe v Wade, or existing tax code laws, or existing enviromental laws
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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #16 on: November 22, 2014, 07:47:59 PM »
I do not actually CARE what Obama n=may have said in the past. Perhaps he was wrong when he said it.

There you go, total bonehead for six solid years.

Finally he realizes that it is time to do his job.

Why not sooner?

Boneheadedness,of course.


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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #17 on: November 22, 2014, 08:55:41 PM »
I think he was waiting for the dummies in Congress to do their job.

It is pretty hard to expect any action from dolts like Darrel Issa and Jeff Sessions.
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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #18 on: November 22, 2014, 09:49:29 PM »
I think he was waiting for the dummies in Congress to do their job.

It is pretty hard to expect any action from dolts like Darrel Issa and Jeff Sessions.

Perhaps he finally realized that he is the emperor of the USA?

Or that he has to pick a fight quickly before the logjam is broken and a lot of legislation lands on his desk.


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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #19 on: November 23, 2014, 01:01:39 AM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #20 on: November 23, 2014, 10:00:58 AM »
I think he was waiting for the dummies in Congress to do their job.

It is pretty hard to expect any action from dolts like Darrel Issa and Jeff Sessions.

During the Obama administration
Two years - Democratic majority in House and Senate Immigration reform is low priority.

Four years- Republican control of House , Democratic control of Senate all House efforts at reform of anything stop at Senate.

Two Years- Republican control of house and Senate has not yet begun potential for reform of immigration is high , but any bill that does not suit the President will have to overcome a Veto.


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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #21 on: November 23, 2014, 12:30:29 PM »
Only a pathetic 65% of the country bothered to vote. About half of those voting agree with the Prent's action, so if Obama flipped the bird at voters, it was only at perhaps 35% of them at most. The President did the right thing, and you can fling all the Foxshit and Coultercrap you wish, but you are just wrong, wrong wrong.

If Congress does not like what he did, they can get their shit together and pass a law and do their job for a change.
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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #22 on: November 23, 2014, 01:06:44 PM »
  When the next Congress meets it will have fewer Democrats.

    This might be a good thing , if it makes the congressional product more logical and effective.

     If it makes the congressional product more voluminous , this is no good thing at all.

    The Republican controlled Congress has a chance to prove something , I hope they do well .

    The Congress you are complaining about, the one that has forgotten how to work.... This is the Democratic controlled Congress and I think they have indeed proven something.


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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #23 on: November 23, 2014, 03:55:46 PM »
I fully expect the Republican'ts to prove that they are slaves to the Oligarchy and do not give a sh¡t about the people.
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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #24 on: November 23, 2014, 04:42:47 PM »
So if they are frustrated and cannot enact any new laws , you will be just as happy?


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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #25 on: November 23, 2014, 04:55:27 PM »
Only a pathetic 65% of the country bothered to vote. About half of those voting agree with the Prent's action, so if Obama flipped the bird at voters, it was only at perhaps 35% of them at most. The President did the right thing, and you can fling all the Foxshit and Coultercrap you wish, but you are just wrong, wrong wrong.

If Congress does not like what he did, they can get their shit together and pass a law and do their job for a change.

Your contempt for this country, the rule of law, and the Constitution is truly tangible.  You're like a cyber version of Gruber, with how you view the people that don't agree with you as literally stupid.  And whatever means is required to ram down your view of how things need to be, by all means, ends justify the means.  Lying?  no problem.  Hypocrisy?, bring it on.  Constitutional limitations?, what Constitution

We have a process here.  Rules & laws that make this country what it is.  The President doesn't simply get to ignore his sworn duty, because he doesn't like what the congress is or isn't doing.  Reagan never had a congress that was supportive to his conservative ideology, and he managed to do just fine.  Obama had 2 fricken years of complete congressional filibuster proof Democrat control, and he did squat on this supposedly important issue

The worse part is how you'd be going apoplectic if the roles were reversed.  If some Republican President decided to stop enforcing various firearm laws, because congress wouldn't pass what he/she wanted.  No longer need to enforce RvW at the Federal level, because the President has decided it really isn't a Federal issue, no problem.  The President is just listening to those voters who didn't vote. 

You may think I'm some polar opposite partisan than yourself, but once again, you'd be wrong, since I'd be going apoplectic if a Republican DID attempt to simply disregard current laws and constitutional boundaries, even if it were trying to push positions I support. 

You see, I actually do have respect for this country, how it was founded, and our Constitution.  Without it and the rule of law, there'd be chaos, and a President could do anything they wanted.  Thanks now to Obama, the next Republican President can do just that
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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2014, 05:25:54 PM »
   Well the next president is very likely to be a right wing type, seems as if the pendulum is due for a return.

    Would you really object to a president setting up a very pretty agenda that we on the right would really like , by blanking out sections of constitution?


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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #27 on: November 23, 2014, 06:00:34 PM »
An "agenda", sure.  But ignoring the Constitution in the process, no, absolutely not.  The Founders, along with MLK are already rolling in the graves with what the left is trying to pull, and has pulled.  I don't think we need to send them into a seizure as well, by piling on to their unethical & unconstitutional efforts

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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #28 on: November 23, 2014, 06:01:33 PM »
I fully expect the Republican'ts to prove that they are slaves to the Oligarchy and do not give a sh¡t about the people.

Obama just gave the middle finger to the people, with what he just pulled.  So best not go there
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Re: I hope the President explains something.
« Reply #29 on: November 23, 2014, 07:36:55 PM »
I will go where I please, you unspeakable dork.

You have zero proof that what Obama did was not what a majority of the people wanted.
It is obvious to anyone with a brain that what he did made complete sense.

Even Boehner knows that his fellow representatives are fools on this subject.
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