This insidious notion that "you simply know everything, but can't be bothered to back it up" is truly nauseating. For instance, how exactly was Wilson a dummy? Because he lived and Brown didn't?? Because he used a gun to defend himself, when he should have let Brown kill him instead??
For another instance, what exactly do you think I blame Sharpton, JJ, or Obama for?? Here's a hint, it wasn't blaming them for Brown's death
And the last instance, goes without saying....Brown could have been white, and given the same circumstances, I'd be claiming the exact damn same thing, regarding both Brown & Wilson. Your all-to- frequent putrid racist references, have no place in civil conversations, so can it.
The only dummies here are Brown, and anyone that thinks Wilson was a dummy. Lesson learned: WHATEVER COLOR SKIN YOU HAVE, - Don’t rob a convenience store. - Don’t fight with a policeman when he stops you. - Don't try to take his gun. - And when he yells at you to stop with his gun drawn, you stop