Yeah, right. If the Pope were to denounce kidnappers and thieves, it would end theft and kidnapping as well.
Right out of the box....deflections. There is no organized global catholic kidnapping ring to denounce. There is no organized global catholic theft organization. Those are just bad guys being bad guys, kidnapping & robbing for the selfish pleasure of trying to acquire more money. Not to mention, the Pope denounces evil around the clock.
Maybe if some major rabbi would speak out, the Israelis would stop slaughtering the people of Gaza.
Perhaps if that's what the Israelis were actually doing, you might have a credible leg to stand on with that accusation. Hyperbole might be your friend, bot neither the truth or reality are, I'm afraid
You have no power to make Muslim clerics say anything.
Been a while since this deflection was pulled out. At no time have I ever claimed, yet alone implied that either you or I have the power to make anyone say anything
You do not understand Muslims, you do not understand how religion works even in your own country.
The laundry list of items I could present demonstrating your overt inability to understand....anything political could take up far too much bandwidth. Why Muslim clerics don't are largely divided into 2 categories
1) those who are afraid of retribution
2) those who agree/support what radical Islamists are actually doing in the name of Islam
As Plane accurately highlighted, this is a cultural phenomenon, and cultural leaders, such as Muslim Clerics/leaders, could have a huge impact at reducing the #'s radical Islamists