<<Common sense and realism haven't shown themselves in that Bush lied diatribe, since the get go>>
Common sense manifests itself in that when a preposterous excuse is made to invade a small country (we are afraid of what damage Iraq will do to us) bullshit is recognized as bullshit; furthermore, when the original excuse is exposed as the bullshit which it always was, and the army stays and continues fighting the people of the country, and a new excuse is invented, that also is recognized as bullshit.
Realism manifests itself in the realization that ever since oil was discovered in the Middle East, foreign powers have invaded and interfered in local governments to control the oil supply and that this doesn't just stop for no reason the night before Bush and his British partners in crime decide to invade Iraq. Conversely, absence of realism manifests itself in the willingness of people to believe that the same U.S. government that props up the dictatorships of Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia is very, very interested in promoting "democracy" in Iraq.