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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2015, 06:16:12 PM »
This is a propaganda war, and the Muslim world are largely quite impressionable. 
Again, propaganda depends on language: if you don't know the language or understand the culture, then you are incapable of understanding the way Muslims will react.
Obama is far smarter about this than you are: he has advisers and the ratbag right has morons like Lintball and Hannity.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2015, 06:19:03 PM »
I heard it earlier.  Someone want to mention to Obama that the Crusades were THOUSANDS of years ago, and that its present day America with all the snazzy co-exist bumper stickers.  He needed to give a speech like that to the folks in Yemen, in Syria, in Gaza.  Those are the folks currently waging a present day holy Crusade     >:(
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2015, 06:39:23 PM »
They would not understand him, as they do not understand English.

We have a lot of people right here in the US that think that the Bible was written in English and Jesus spoke English. People whose education is limited to a Muslim madrassa are a lot like that. Arabic is God's language, that is why He dictated it to Mohammad in Arabic. People who do not speak Arabic cannot understand the Word of God.  Mohammad said that the Koran cannot be translated and must be read in Arabic, and they pray in Arabic five times a day, even if they do not speak Arabic. These people are not crazy, just medieval and extremely provincial.   
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #4 on: February 06, 2015, 07:14:42 PM »
They would not understand him, as they do not understand English.

HE'S NOT TALKING TO THEM.  He's talking to an audience that already accepts the idea of co-existance, lecturing us as if WE'RE the intolerant bigots, waging an idelogical war.  Languages can be interpreted, you realize.  Arabic speaking interpreters follow U.S. military all over the middle east, not to mention our Arab speaking soldiers.

Your perception of just how dumb/ignorant Muslims in general must be, is quite astounding....coming from someone who's  supposedly associated with the side of "tolerance & diversity"

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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2015, 12:02:13 AM »
There was a time when Christians burned a LOT of people to death. Joan of Arc was perhaps the most famous.
The Inquisition stopped burning people at the stake only after the Napoleonic Wars. I am sure it was just as painful.
Under Torquemada, if the heretic kissed the Sacred Cross of Jesus and asked for forgiveness while tied to the stake, they strangled him (or her) before lighting the bonfire.

Who were the heretics in Torquemada's Spain? Mostly Marranos (secret Jews) or Moriscos (secret Muslims) and a smattering of Protestants.

Most Muslims do NOT SPEAK ENGLISH. If they hear the words of our President, they hear them only in translated. And again, the distinction between "radical Muslims" and "true Muslims" would be hard to differentiate.

How about a bunch of Muslims that  said they only wanted to kill "fundamentalist Christians", and not the "good kind" of Christians? How would that grab you?

Shall I suggest that you are fucking ignorant because you do not speak Arabic?
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2015, 01:39:02 AM »
Those times were THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO. 

Most Muslims can listen to an interpreter, who's job it is in translating English to Arabic, and can easily be educated on the difference between radical and true

Show us some "fundamentalist Christians" beheading and burning alive folks

Shall I suggest that you are fraking ignorant because you do not speak logic?
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2015, 08:47:29 AM »
Christians were being burned at the stake after 1776. That is not thousands of years ago, not even 150.  Your knowledge of history is deficient, defective and warped.
Dash's most important message is to unemployed, undereducated Muslims in Europe the Middle East and North Africa. Not many of them speak English., and stupid terms like "Islamo-Fascist" are as meaningless to them as "Shiaholic" or Suffifanatic" would be to you.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2015, 10:19:08 AM »
As you keep helping to reinforce, CHRISTIANS were burned at the stake.  They weren't doing the burning.  They weren't doing the beheading.  It was Christianity, in fact, that spearheaded the the effort to end slavery.  Not to mention it was Obama citing the Crusades & the Inquisition, as some perverted attempt at staking a moral equivalence position, for anyone daring to condemn radical Islam.  I suggest that you are fraking ignorant because you can not speak logic
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 06:32:52 PM by sirs »
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2015, 10:26:49 PM »
The Holy Office, otherwise known as the Inquisition, was a branch of the Roman Catholic Church set up to root out the Albugensian heresy in France in the 1100's, but it took on a much more extensive role in mid-1400's in Spain to punish and make bad examples of heretics, especially Jews (marranos) and Muslims (Moriscos) beginning in the mid-1400's. It was granted the authority to arrest, detain, torture and burn suspected heretics by the pope, and was carried out by members of the Dominican order. This is a matter of record, the Church does not deny this.  CHRISTIAN MONKS BURNED AND TORTURED SUSPECTED HERETICS.

When a monk named Fray Bartolome de las Casas defended the American Indians of the Caribbean and Mexico against the Conquistadores who enslaved them, he pointed out that the Indians had never had a chance to hear about Jesus, and were like children and should not be punished. Furthermore, he suggested that Blacks from Africa, who HAD heard about Jesus and rejected Him, were more deserving of slavery. And thus the capture and enslavement of Blacks began by both the Spanish and the Portuguese.

The problem with Indians was they were not immune to common European diseases, like measles, chicken pox, and such and died like flies. The Black Africans were more hardy, and had experience growing crops that the Spanish were familiar with,

You do not know shit about history. You are pathetically ignorant, sirs.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #10 on: February 08, 2015, 10:13:18 AM »
Christianity only began to oppose slavery seriously in the 1700's, mostly in Protestant England. One of the radicals who took up the abolitionist cause was a guy named Wilberforce, who wrote "Amazing Grace". It took over a century for the Brits to outlaw the slave trade. It was not over legally until the Brazilians ended it in 1888. England, France, Portugal, The Netherlands, Denmark all had colonies in the Caribbean in which the really nasty job of cutting cane was done by slaves. I can attest to the nastiness of cutting cane, as I tried it for myself on the plantation of a Mexican friend in Tamaulipas. Picking coffee is a delight compared to cutting cane. Cane is sticky and covered with bugs, and it is hard to avoid slicing yourself with a machete when you cut way down on the cane. The cane leaves cut your hands. Of course, now they use gloves, but slaves did not get gloved or often even shoes. Jesus would not have enjoyed cutting cane. No one would have.

Jesus spoke not one word against slavery. He was outraged by poor exchange rates in the Temple, he got his loincloth in a knot when a fig tree failed to bear a fig, but slavery was one injustice that he pretty much took for granted, as did everyone in his times, even most of the slaves. The Holy Mother Church owned about half the sugar plantations in the Huasteca in Mexico at the time of Mexican Independence. They only gave them up when the Constitution of 1824 was enforced by (are you ready for this?) Los Liberales.  It was the same Constitution that made slavery illegal in Mexico. The one the Texans rebelled against. The Texas war of Independence was a pro-slavery war. They were not just remembering the Alamo, they were remembering that cutting cane was a very unpleasant job, one better left to the slaves.

As I said, the Church was pro slavery.  If you investigate the history of the South and plantation culture, you will find all sorts of books in which slavery was touted as being the natural order of things, something that Jehovah obviously favored, by making Africans so well suited to working in the hot sun. Slavery was said to be good for the slaves.  In return for a couple or three decades cutting cane for the Massa, the slaves would be rewarded with life everlasting in Heaven. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, comin' for to carry me home,  or in other words, let me die and go to Heaven because this job is really hard and there ain't no mo' cane on the Brazos, my Lord.

Of the first ten US presidents, seven owned slaves, and only two were opposed to to, John and John Quincy Adams.

Herein ends your lesson on Black History for Black History Month.

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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2015, 02:38:48 PM »
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2015, 03:54:57 PM »
Obviously, the President does not wish to appear to be declaring war on every Muslim on the planet. What possible advantage could it make for his to do as you say?
I observe that Christians get irritated when non-Christians refer to Communion as "ritual cannibalism", although that is pretty much what it is. If one wishes to get along with Christians, one does not mention this.

"I drink your blood, I eat your flesh" is something vampires say.

"Drink this, for it is my blood; eat of this bread, for it my flesh" is what the priest says.

But pointing out this similarity upsets Christians, because they prefer not to recognize  similarities between the Son of God and Vlad the Impaler.

In the same manner,most Muslims do not prefer to think that they have anything in common with the fanatics that burn pilots and behead journalists.

I do not think that this is at all difficult to understand.

Obama offers to shake the hand of most Muslims. You seem to think that an appropriate greeting would be to kick them in the nuts.

If King Abdullah of Jordon were to explain to you why President Obama has followed the proper course, would you agree with him?

Or perhaps kick him in the nuts as well?

Good diplomacy never consists of kicking people in the nuts.

True, you hate Muslims. True, you detest our President. But that is no reason to want him to monger another war in a Muslim country, or every Muslim country for that reason.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2015, 09:50:57 PM »
It doesn't matter what anybody says....(that is attemptin g to hide the obvious truth)
the truth shall set you free
and no matter how many dumb-ass rationalizations and lies you come up with
we should call who we are fighting what they are
it doesn't matter if they understand of not
it should not be hidden as to who the enemy is
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2015, 09:59:56 PM »
As I said, the Church was pro slavery. 

  The Church was anti-slavery too. Depending on when and where you look.

One of the radicals who took up the abolitionist cause was a guy named Wilberforce, who wrote "Amazing Grace".

    No. Wilberforce was an anti-slavery radical who liked to sing and was repeatedly elected MP where the discussion of slavery virtues and faults was spirited for years. There was a lot of money involved .

    John Newton wrote "Amazing Grace" and did what he could to help found the abolition movement after a career as a slave ship captain convinced him that slavery was a bad idea .

.......all sorts of books in which slavery was touted as being the natural order of things,...

  How do you argue that slavery is not the natural order of things?
  The time in which slavery has been forbidden in most countries is a small part of human history, the time in which slavery is universally forbidden has not happened yet.

   If you count serfdom and subjection to repressive government or repressive organized crime as some subsets of slavery types , then most of humanity is sometimes enslaved.