Author Topic: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades  (Read 4187 times)

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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2015, 09:36:11 AM »
Slavery probably IS in the natural order of things, along with rape, abuse of women and children, child abuse and buggery.  That is not to say that they are civilized behavior.  We can figure out a lot about the "natural order" of humans 10,00 years ago by observing our fellow primates: gorillas, orangutans, chimps binabos and baboons.

Slavery is not conducive to a high-tech, industrial civilization, as we can see from the development of this country in the early years. I do not believe that a high tech industrial civilization is   part of any 'natural order'. Natural order dictates that women begin to reproduce in their mid or even early teens. It also dictates that high status men should have as many wives as they can support, and that low status men have none. Mohammad's view of civilization is closer to a 'natural order' than pretty much any other society on this planet.

Without industry in the developed world, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the UAE and other oil countries would still be poor and primitive, since no one would need their oil.

Both the Baptist and the Methodist Church split over slavery into Northern and Southern factions. Each, of course, claimed God was on their side. God, as usual, remained silent on the issue. The Baptists have still not rejoined, and probably never will.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2015, 10:01:44 AM »
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2015, 11:29:14 AM »
WHat, precisely, do you think Jindal would do differently? Call the bad Muslims nasty names?  The American people do not want an0other major war in the Middle East. If we did have one, it would in all probability end up in exactly the same way that Juniorbush's futile war did. What the Iraq Wars proved is that the US can spend trillions and still not have a government in Iraq that we like that can defend itself.

President Obama was merely putting this in a historical context. The ratbag right is ignorant of history. They write their own false histories in which Republicans are champions of Civil Rights and peace.

Jindal is just grandstanding here. There is no chance he will get the GOP nomination. There is zero chance that his silly letter will result in anything positive occurring.

Tell us what the proper word for "IslamoFascist" in Arabic would cause more Muslims to line up against Dash. C'mon, tell us.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2015, 06:48:36 PM »
    President Obama invited a ridiculous reply by making a ridiculous statement.

     On the other hand I am pleased to think of how the typical Jihadist must be reacting to the news that the President of the USA considers them no more virtuous than a Crusader.

     In fact there is a real parallel between the behaviors typical of the Crusades and the Present Jihads , but there is a few centuries less excuse for one than the other.


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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #19 on: February 10, 2015, 12:05:06 AM »
There was nothing at all ridiculous about what Obama said.

I do not think that he was speaking to "jihadists", or that anything he said would change their minds in the least.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #20 on: February 10, 2015, 12:44:54 AM »
There was nothing at all ridiculous about what Obama said.

Some mighty fine tasting cool-aide there.   ::)   More and more Democrats, including liberal pundits, such as Andrea Mitchell, have publicly referenced that it was indeed an inappropriate analogy, both in time & context

Nor if it were made to somehow "change minds".  Again, the issue is simply calling this what it is.  Not name a duck that they are some flat billed flat footed feather brain......simply calling it a duck...or in this case, a war on Radical Islam.  Without a clear identity of who and what were at war with, the ongoing failure of Obama's current Foreign policy, will place this nation in greater and greater danger.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #21 on: February 12, 2015, 01:38:24 AM »
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #22 on: February 12, 2015, 08:40:49 AM »
This country is in no danger from Dash at all. The only Americans who it endangers are those who take a very lonf=g and difficult trip to the places where they are fighting. I do not actually give even a teensy shit about Andrea Mitchell's opinion, whoever the Hell she is.  Obama's c omments were entirely appropriate and reveal that he knows far, far more about human history that ratbag reactionary Obamahaters.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #23 on: February 12, 2015, 12:00:00 PM »
This country is in no danger from Dash at all.

We also believed that of AlQeada, Sept 10th, 2001.  Not to mention we're not at war with Dash.  We're at war with Radical Islam.  Obama's comments are not just ignorant of our current situation, but the effort to apply some perverted level of moral equivalence, is downright dangerous
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #24 on: February 12, 2015, 01:34:04 PM »
There in no organization called "Radical Islam". There are several factions of Fundamentalist Islam, and some of them Al Qaeda and Dash, are fighting the US.
He was putting the current situation into a historical context, because he is smart, he has read up on how religions have evolved, and you hate this because you are ignorant of history, you are not smart, and you know nothing of history, nor do you care, you just hateObamahateObaamahateObama.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2015, 02:29:10 PM »
There in no organization called "Radical Islam".

Didn't say there was.  It's what we're at war against, and all those "factions" are under the same ideological banner.  Nor is there any such historical context, since there are no radical Christians currently beheading or burning anyone alive.  What was done in the past, has no bearing on what evil we're dealing with in the present.

He maybe smart "intellectually", but he's an apparent idiot when it comes to dealing with current reality

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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2015, 03:56:35 PM »
Actually, you are dead wrong.

Note that the economy has greatly recovered, and it was not in anticipation of a GOP victory at the polls.
Many fewer American soldiers are dying, the deficit is shrinking, and the auto industry is prospering.
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2015, 06:36:48 PM » almost tweaked my neck with that deflection effort.....moral equivalency and the idiocy of trying to compare the crusades to radical Islam  --> the economy & auto industry??  Ouch

If you want to tangent to our exponential debt, run away taxation/regulations, and a bailout that has cost the tax payers FAR more than what was "saved", by all means, start a new thread.  As I recall a certain professor, not too long ago, had an absolute conniption, when I dared to stray from the title of the thread
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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #28 on: February 12, 2015, 09:24:43 PM »
  How is the finger of death being pointed?

    Every day we commit acts of war , just because our weapons are very long range does not make us innocent.

    When the president enunciates and explains our policies he does not need to be equivocating.

    He should make it clear as he can why we are choosing people to kill.

      If this is hard to explain, then he needs to try harder , or stop the acts of war.

     Somehow the guys that are committing acts of war on us are pretty clear to themselves, can't we manage something like that?


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Re: Obama's moronic analogy of Jihad vs Crusades
« Reply #29 on: February 12, 2015, 10:06:16 PM »
All those people in Iraq and Syria have been very close to death, bombings and shelling. In the US we have had very little of this.

Dash is comprised of leaders who kidnap innocent reporters and hold them for ransom. The reporters and the Japanese they killed were no threat to anyone.
The people doing the actual killings are demented psychopathic sickos.

We really do not need to emulate them.
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