Author Topic: It sure don't take long for the perverts to move towards the next perversion....  (Read 1752 times)

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After winning some battles on the "homo-marriage" front,
it sure doesn't take long for the perverts to move quickly
to start the process of trying to convince society of the next
perverted behavior that should be "accepted".

Many researchers taking a different view of pedophilia

Pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life.
Now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change.

By Alan Zarembo, Los Angeles Times

As a young boy, Paul Christiano loved the world of girls, the way they danced, how their spindly bodies tumbled in gymnastics.

In adolescence, as other boys ogled classmates, he was troubled to find himself fantasizing about 7- to 11-year-olds.

His desires remained stuck in time as he neared adulthood. Despite a stable home life in suburban Chicago, he was tortured by urges he knew could land him in prison.

"For having these feelings, I was destined to become a monster," he said. "I was terrified."

In 1999, Christiano was caught buying child pornography. Now 36, he said he has never molested a child, but after five years of state-ordered therapy, the attraction remains.

"These people felt they could snuff out the desire, or shame me into denying it existed," he said. "But it's as intrinsic as the next person's heterosexuality."

In the laboratory, researchers are coming to the same conclusion.

Like many forms of sexual deviance, pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life. Now, many experts view it as a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality or homosexuality. It is a deep-rooted predisposition limited almost entirely to men, that becomes clear during puberty and does not change.

The best estimates are that between 1% and 5% of men are pedophiles, meaning that they have a dominant attraction to prepubescent children.

Not all pedophiles molest children. Nor are all child molesters pedophiles. Studies show that about half of all molesters are not sexually attracted to their victims. They often have personality disorders or violent streaks, and their victims are typically family members.

By contrast, pedophiles tend to think of children as romantic partners and look beyond immediate relatives. They include chronic abusers familiar from the headlines ? Catholic priests, coaches and generations of Boy Scout leaders.

Other pedophiles are "good people who are struggling," said Dr. Fred Berlin, a psychiatrist who heads the Johns Hopkins Sexual Behaviors Consultation Unit. "They're tortured souls fighting like heck not to do this. We do virtually nothing in terms of reaching out to these folks. We drive it underground."

Studying criminals

Some of the new understanding of pedophilia comes from studies done on convicted sex criminals at the Center for Mental Health and Addiction in Toronto, where researchers use a procedure known as phallometry to identify men whose peak attraction is to children.

A man sits alone in a room viewing a series of images and listening to descriptions of various sexual acts with adults and children, male and female, while wearing a device that monitors blood flow to his penis.

Like men attracted to adults, nearly all pedophiles respond most strongly to one gender or the other, females far more often than males.

In searching for causes of pedophilia, researchers have largely dismissed the popular belief that abuse in childhood plays an important role. Studies show that few victims grow up to be abusers, and only about a third of offenders say they were molested.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Oh good god    >:(   So NOTHING is off limits.  Everything is "hardwired", and as such, any and every perversion, immoral, even illegal act, "can't be helped".  It's not a matter of personal responsibility any longer.  We act the way we do, because....we apparently don't have a choice.  This is where moral equivalence x political correctness = the destruction of our society
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NOWHERE in this article says that pedophilia should be legalized. This is simply an abbreviated report on a psychological study.  Your analysis of this is simply wrong.
The roots of all human behavior can be found in the behavior of the lesser primates. Behavior is often related to genetics. What is the previous view of this?  That the <cue echo chamber> SATAN <uncue echo chamber> is the cause of all things labelled as taboo or sinful.

There is nothing wrong with analyzing human behavior, which is what this article is all about. What is the very worst thing that could be construed as a conclusion here? Than one guy is excited by child porn.

The key to solving human problems is analyzing and understanding as much as possible about them.

People with pedophilic tendencies that do not engage in pedophilia exist, just as people who fantasize about hijacking yachts exist, and people who stand on cliffs and fantasize about jumping off and flying exist. Men exist that fantasize about porking the woman in front of them at the checkout line in the supermarket.  What is the traditional response to such issues?  Guilt, suppression, confession and Jesus. Neurosis and shame are among the results of this.

There are kleptomaniacs that get a thrill from shoplifting.  There are others who only fantasize about the thrill that shoplifting might produce in them. Does locking up kleptomaniacs result in their ceasing to think about it?  Perhaps they might find that they have a basic need for an occasional adrenaline rush. So they could take up bungee-jumping, parachuting, roller coaster riding, motocross or parasailing instead.

What makes Olebush, who is over 80, want to jump out of airplanes? Perhaps he just cannot get any orgasm porking his wife  Barbara anymore.  It is perfectly legal for him to jump out of planes for a thrill: he can afford it and he even gets publicity from it.  Much better than him going all Cosby on the therapist or shoplifting Snickers bars.

What is wrong with studying human behavior scientifically?

The more we understand, the more we can prevent unharmonious behavior.

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Like many forms of sexual deviance, pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life. Now, many experts view it as a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality or homosexuality. It is a deep-rooted predisposition limited almost entirely to men, that becomes clear during puberty and does not change.

Only one characteristic of human personality is "immutable " and it has to be sexuality?

     Is it a valid argument to say that they are born that way?


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Not a defense but seriously. Do you guys have that short of memory.  Marraige used to arranged at quite a very young age. The majority of what we think is wrong on this matter was acceptable in a not so very long ago.

We seem to forget an actress named brook shields who profited in those very folks who has those tendancies. Just pointing out how acceptable it was. I got no interest due to breast size. But i still remember snl buck henry's babysitter skit. So i have context that this outrage is abit missplaced. You can be upset about the subject but note our past on this subject.


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This is not any sort of outrage. It is just an article on some scientists doing totally valid research. The outrage seems to be exuded by CU4 with a second from sirs. No one is proposing that pedophilia should be legalized or tolerated. I am pretty sure that it has existed since we came out of the caves and down from the trees, and still in India, children are betrothed at eight years or younger.

The mating instinct is one of the most powerful that humans have, only a bit less intense than hunger or thirst or the need for shelter. Humans have existed for way over a hundred thousand years, and modern society for less than a couple of thousand.

You should see the Cuban Independence Day parade here in Miami: they have little girls marching with batons, dressed like somewhat modest Tropicana dancers, with  lipstick, eye shadow  and all that. An d of course, there is the Jon Benet Ramsey Little Miss Beauty Pageant stuff.

The Cuban Parade thing is a foreign custom, the Little Miss Pageant thing is All-American, and of course, involves, franchising, product placement and money, which makes it uniquely American. 

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The issue i have to the research is it's male centric. Not saying it's false but it'll give us more crap to deal with from women. Lets just say i was never appreciative to the legal and social  bias that men are bad parent and women are great mom. Of course that's not true.

Truthfully i'm more inclined to believe this subject is tied to men incredibly unstable sex drive. I've seen so many stupid irrational behaviours  just for the  possibility of sex. Not just  for women in general but specific  person.  So  this matter is just about over riding impulses.


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Remember isis and what they did to the children they captured and thats culture based not orientation.


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tied to men incredibly unstable sex drive. I've seen so many stupid irrational behaviours  just for the  possibility of sex.

Kimba I would think internet based porn has in some ways greatly reduced women's power over men.
I know several women that have told me their hubby prefers internet porn over the real thing.
These women are flabbergasted that this could be a reality, but indeed that is what their marriage has become.
Some of the women who have been married ten years or more state that in some ways they prefer this new reality
instead of having "that bad breath guy I now hate crawl on top of me and have to pretend 3 mins of joy".
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Internet porn can be a lot better than what some women provide, it is true. It is, of course, as unreal as Chewbacca: they shot the same couple (or group) over several days and edit the film to produce monumental sex lasting 45 minutes. But sex is largely fantasy already, so I agree on this.

"Don't knock masturbation: it is sex with the person I love." --Woody Allen.

Dash is clearly an exaggeration of Muslim reaction. They are fanatical, brutal, unthinking thugs, and they will never accomplish their goal: they could not do this even if they had no Western resistance. Islam has had several similar outbursts: the Almorávides and the Almohades that originated in Morocco were sort of Muslim Vikings, and they did not last all that long. Fanaticism defeats itself, eventually. The Cultural Revolution, Enver Hoxha in Albania, Pol Pot in  Cambodia and of course the Fascists and Nazis.
The problem is they do so much harm before they vanish. Burning a fellow Muslim alive is NOT the way to win converts or sympathy. It would be perhaps an effective way to quell dissent, but for that to work, they would have to already be the actual Islamic State, and not a wannabe  movement.

The Egyptian government uses fear most effectively: they put prisoners i cages and try whole bunches of them at once, then issue a death sentence, I do not think that the eventual result will be a pleasant one for Sisi and his military pals.
« Last Edit: February 11, 2015, 11:33:23 AM by Xavier_Onassis »
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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The internet is a very difficult thing for women to compete. You can pick who you look at online. The real thing is alot less flexible on the matter.  Even physical sex  is  not that competative. Lets just say the computer never judge on performance issues. 

Bad breath?? Really. Hmmm. Us guys sometimes  are not exactly 100% into this also and wish we didn't  pick up that call.

Oops correction is was boka harem not isis.  Both are bad but  we should never  mix them. Sorry


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Oops correction is was boka harem not isis.  Both are bad but  we should never  mix them. Sorry

On the contrary....they are all part of the same brand of radical Islam we are at war with. 
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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I meant the capturing,selling and marrying child for profit.  We shouldn't blame isis until they actually do it. I'm a very firm believer in villians should only be blamed for only for they actually did. I defended mitt romey for this very reason


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Boko Haram seems to be even nastier than Dash, but it is not reviled as much in the media because Boko Haram's victims are  not White, not people that are seen as being of much consequence, and of course, they do not murder people on camera and post it on YouTube. So far all of Boko Haram's victims have been African villagers and a few soldiers.

We do not really know what Boko Haram did with the girls it kidnapped. We only know what they SAID they did, and they do not exactly exude even truthiness. They did not release the girls, but I have no doubt the girls are any a happy place.

Syria is fighting a Civil War and therefore cannot eliminate Dash. Iraq is trying, but so far has not succeeded. Nigeria's army should be able to defeat Boko Haram, but Nigeria is a disorganized and extremely corrupt nation.

I don't think we should send troops to Nigeria at all.  Eliminating Dash is probably not something the US could do, either, it is the job of the Muslims in Iraq, Syria and elsewhere to do this,
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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I meant the capturing,selling and marrying child for profit.  We shouldn't blame isis until they actually do it. I'm a very firm believer in villians should only be blamed for only for they actually did. I defended mitt romey for this very reason
