Is this the first modern school in Texas, or just in Stephenville? Stephenville is quite a ways from Houston, it is up around Dallas.
My father was born in Gainesville in 1902, but he grew up in a variety of tiny towns in the panhandle, because his father was a minister who had been a banker, and was good at rescuing impoverished Methodist Churches. Being poor than the Baptist churches was the worst thing that could happen then, other than twisters and fires. My grandmother wrote a book about her life, and mentioned how her kids were always properly shod. This must have been important then, because now I don't thing it is a detail anyone would mention.
When I visited the Dominican Republic in the late 70's for the first time, there were lots of barefooted people. This is very rare now, thanks to the Japanese, who spread their zoris (flip-flops, or chancletas) all over the world, and the Chinese who produce them. They sell them for around a dollar a pair. My guess is they cost less than 25¢ to make.
Here in the US, cheap shoes are as near as the closest thrift shop.