Author Topic: We have a deal!  (Read 7575 times)

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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2015, 12:58:28 PM »
There is no way to cause Iran to forsake building nukes forever. If you know of how to do this, you should share it with Kerry and Obama in lieu of blathering on and on as usual.

It is actually quite easy and would involve ZERO ground troops.

The Plan:
State to Iran "Cease all nuclear activities by Sept 1, 2015 or bombing begins".
On Sept 1 if Iran has not followed directions, then begin a 1 week bombardment of Iranian Army bases.
Next state the same to Iran with 2nd deadline Oct 1.
On Oct 1 if Iran has not cooperated begin massive bombardment of all Iranian military airfields.
Next state the same with a Nov 1 deadline.
If Iran has not complied begin a massive bombardment of Iranian Naval facilities.
New deadlines would continue until Iran complied or was reduced to rubble as far as military and infrastructure.

The end game would be totally up to the Iranians when or if bombing starts/ends.

The two options for the Iranian Regime:

#1. Iran complies and drop all nuclear programs and nuclear aims.

#2. Iran's military and much infrastructure is bombed into rubble
which would greatly reduce their ability to export terror and revolution.
If they rebuild, they would immediately be bombed again.
Plus with a greatly reduced and bombed out military facilities on a grand scale
the regime would be much more likely to be overthrown without a strong
military to protect them.

Again this could all be done without ground troops.

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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2015, 01:02:54 PM »
Israel has been nattering about this for at least a decade.

I suggest that there is no way to negotiate a deal that will be entirely one-sided against Iran. There is no way to cause Iran to forsake building nukes forever.

Your attempt to make this all about Israel just demonstrates both your antisemetic foundation, and ignorance of CURRENT reality, as in our Arab allies are just as pissed at this non-binding agreement to an understanding of a concept to a foundation for a framework

I suggest that there is many a way, both diplomatic and non-diplomatic that would prevent the chief sponsor of terrorism in the region, and on public record of chanting death to America, from building nukes

Kerry and Obama already know this as well.  It starts with maintaining the strictest of sanctions, until Iran allows for unfettered access to any and all nuclear facilities, and complete disclosure of all past and current WMD programs, including nuclear.  The latter would be far harder to verify, but the former is cut and do this, we do that.  THAT's a treaty

What Obama and Kerry have done is to placate the masses that they supposedly "did something", when they didn't, and to put forth a timeframe that when Iran does launch its nukes, it'll be during someone else's adminstration, and thus they're supposedly off the hook.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 01:35:41 PM by sirs »
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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2015, 01:25:28 PM »
There is no way to cause Iran to forsake building nukes forever. If you know of how to do this, you should share it with Kerry and Obama in lieu of blathering on and on as usual.

It is actually quite easy and would involve ZERO ground troops.

The Plan:
State to Iran "Cease all nuclear activities by Sept 1, 2015 or bombing begins".
On Sept 1 if Iran has not followed directions, then begin a 1 week bombardment of Iranian Army bases.
Next state the same to Iran with 2nd deadline Oct 1.
On Oct 1 if Iran has not cooperated begin massive bombardment of all Iranian military airfields.
Next state the same with a Nov 1 deadline.
If Iran has not complied begin a massive bombardment of Iranian Naval facilities.
New deadlines would continue until Iran complied or was reduced to rubble as far as military and infrastructure.

The end game would be totally up to the Iranians when or if bombing starts/ends.

The two options for the Iranian Regime:

#1. Iran complies and drop all nuclear programs and nuclear aims.

#2. Iran's military and much infrastructure is bombed into rubble
which would greatly reduce their ability to export terror and revolution.
If they rebuild, they would immediately be bombed again.
Plus with a greatly reduced and bombed out military facilities on a grand scale
the regime would be much more likely to be overthrown without a strong
military to protect them.

Again this could all be done without ground troops.

Also keep in mind, there is no rational reason for Iran, who sits on a vast field of oil, to "need" nuclear power, to begin with.  So, there is every reason to deny them the ability to build nukes, at any time.  The idea that supposedly we can't prevent them from doing it forever, so we should just go ahead and let them do it sooner than later, is preposterus.  Especially given their current position with Radical Islamic Terrorisism & threats of death to both America & Israel
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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2015, 04:12:57 PM »
That would never actually be acceptable.

It also would be rather impossible, as compliance in a bombed out area would be very difficult to verify.

The current regime in Iran has never agreed to the non proliferation agreement, so it has precisely the same right to have nukes as the Israelis.

Nuclear power does not produce greenhouse gases, while burning hydrocarbons does. Iran does not need to prove what it needs to you or anyone.

The US is now supposedly energy independent, so that would suggest that we shut down all nuclear plants.

This is not going to happen.
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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2015, 04:22:15 PM »
That would never actually be acceptable.

This isn't as much about what's acceptable as much as what can be done to facilitate compliance with the #1 goal of Iran NOT becoming a nuclear power....period.  This isn't about delaying the inevitable, this is about preventing the possible (the possibility of Iran becoming a nuclear threat to the region)

We have nuclear weapons to use as a deterrent, to anyone thinking about using them against us.  That's not, and never has been a planned goal of an Iranian regime
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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2015, 05:31:02 PM »
You think that because I do not think that the US should attack Iranians who have done nothing against this country or people should be bombed, I am somehow "antisemitic".  That is nonsense. I am anti Zionist. I get along with Jews just fine.

I am against all forms of unprovoked aggression.

North Korea has this far only used its nukes as a deterrent. If North Korea had no nukes, the chances are that the regime would have been overthrown.
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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2015, 05:45:01 PM »
You think that because I do not think that the US should attack Iranians who have done nothing against this country

DEFLECTION ALERT....I NOR ANYONE ESLE SUPPORTED THE IDEA THAT WE SHOULD INVADE IRAN.  That is nonsense.  Any military intervention would be if Iran failed to comply to any clearly layed out stipulations, upon a country and its regime, actively trying to aquire nuclear weapons, and on record as proclaiming death to America, as well as Israel.  How many videos do we need to provide you, including your prescious Obama, declaring how that's simply not acceptable??

or people should be bombed, I am somehow "antisemitic".

You are antisemitic in your ongoing hatred of anything Israel.  That countries actively enaged in attacking and killing Israelis is justified, based on your warped notion of how evil Israel is supposed to be, and that any effort countries like Iran trying to obtain a nuclear weapon, is perectly ok, simply because Israel has them.  Isreal isn't on record as proclaiming death to Iran, or death to anyone for that matter.  Israel isn't attacking anyone.  They are merely defending themselves from Arab nations & Islamic terrorists, actively trying to kill them
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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2015, 06:09:10 PM »
Israel has attacked Gaza repeated times. Israelis have attacked Palestinians unprovoked in Hebron on a regular basis for years.

Iran has not attacked Israel. You are the one who wants to bomb Iranians.

I am not anti-Israeli, I am anti-Zionist. That means that I do not believe that there needs to be a country in which Jews (or anyone of a particular religion) are given special treatment by the government. The idea of separation of religion and government is  one of the things that has made this country great, and I do not think that my taxes should support any country in which members of one religion or sect or another are given special privileges.

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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2015, 06:44:14 PM »
Israel has attacked Gaza repeated times.

Now, let's add some clarity to the initial statement.....Israel has attacked Gaza repeated times, IN RESPONSE TO ONGOING ROCKET ATTACKS INTO ISRAEL, OUT OF GAZA.  As in they are NOT initiating anything

Israelis have attacked Palestinians unprovoked in Hebron on a regular basis for years. 

NO, they haven't  It's has been CONSISTENTLY in response to attacks made upon Israel or its soldiers

Iran has not attacked Israel.

Sure they have, they have thru their proxies Syria, Hezbolla, & Hamas.  They routinely arm any and all who have attacked Israel, they are on record as proclaiming death to Israel, and they now want to acquire nuclear weapons.  This isn't rocket science.  I also noticed how you avoided, like the plague, the point made regarding a boatload of Democrats, Obama included, that made it crystal clear that a Nuclear Iran is simply unacceptable

You are the one who wants to bomb Iranians.

Show me precisely where I support or "want" us to invade or even bomb Iranians, just to bomb them.  Go for it.  Here's a're not going to find one.  Not to mention you are the one who supports Israelis being bombed, nuclear even.  What I do support is the maintaining of sanctions, and strategic military strikes, in the event Iran doesn't comply with subsequent requirements related to complete disclosuere & inspection, of any and all their nuclear sites.  Added strategic military strikes against military instilations if Iran can not demonstrate their taking down the cetrifuges capable of making enriched uranium

I am not anti-Israeli, I am anti-Zionist.

Potato, support their removal, one way or another apparently.  Even if it requires some Iranian nukes.  They aren't being given "special treatment" outside of being allowed to simply exist

« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 08:02:51 PM by sirs »
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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2015, 10:45:51 PM »
Jews get special license plates, permitting them to travel on Jews-only highways in Israel. They get subsidies from the Israeli government and are permitted to build houses, and if Palestinians try to do thsi, they get no permits and their houses are bulldozed.  You do not know shit, sits. It is incredible that you have existed so long  and remained so utterly ignorant.
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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2015, 11:12:52 PM »
What do you care what Israelis do in Israel??   I realize the effort in trying to deflect from the reality of this piss poor agreement to an understanding of an arrangement for some framework, that Iran has no intention of abiding by, but its transparent, not to mention demonstrates how little you contribute in debate, in having nothing left but perpetual 3rd grade immature attempts into making this about me.  Every juvenile insult you throw at me, is just more projection of what you bring to the debate table

a) Israel attacks IN RESPONSE to attacks upon them
b) Iran is perpetually attacking Israel thru its proxies
c) Iran has declared, via their leaders, death to America, and death to Israel
d) Iran is working towards nuclear weapons, and some experts have them a mere 3+months away from it
e) Our leaders, INCLUDING OBAMA, have previousely declared a nuclear Iran is UNACCEPTABLE

Now, you do the math
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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #26 on: April 04, 2015, 10:08:06 AM »
Israel sends raiding parties into Lebanon all the time.

I have heard Netanyahu speak about Israel  sending troops to destroy Iran's nuclear program  many times. If you have not heard this, you are deaf.

Your plan has ZERO chance of being carried out. 

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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #27 on: April 04, 2015, 10:20:07 AM »
Israel sends raiding parties into Lebanon all the time.

IN RESPONSE, be it rocket attacks, attacks on its soldiers, and/or actionable intel of terrorist activity

I have heard Netanyahu speak about Israel  sending troops to destroy Iran's nuclear program  many times.

Well D'uh.......that's the whole issue......that a nuclear Iran is UNACCEPTABLE.  Israel's very existance is at risk in that scenario.  Of course he's going to consider military intervention, to keep that from happening.  Oh this your attempt to equate those comments with Iran's "death to Israel"??   :o

Your plan has ZERO chance of being carried out.

And what plan is that....the ongoing non-existant plan that we invade Iran?? the non-existant plan that we bomb Iran into the stone age??  What other point/plan do you want to argue, that no one is making??
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 12:00:46 PM by sirs »
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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2015, 10:26:43 AM »
The plan that you suggest will never happen. It would not work, anyway, so it is just as well.

If Iran having nukes is a threat to the existence of Israel, then Israel having nukes is also a threat to the existence of its neighbors. It is what provoked the deal with Sadat and Begin that has the US sending bazillions to Egypt to not attack Israel.

If Israel nuked Egypt, hundreds of thousands might die, the US would  end up paying for the mess caused, and Israel would lose the support of the US.

The deal certainly seemed to favor Egypt, but it clearly did not favor Sadat, who was assassinated for making the deal by his own army.

Israel also has its fanatical assassins, such as the one who killed Yitzak Rabin. 
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Re: We have a deal!
« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2015, 02:20:54 PM »
You make so little sense sometimes.....but then again, you have to be yourself I guess

a) You still didn't indicate what "my plan" is that supposedly "wouldn't work", much less why it wouldn't
b) Putting aside for the moment that even your god, Obama, made it clear that a nuclear Iran isn't acceptable, Israel isn't threatening its neighbors.  It never has.  It's never publicly proclaimed Death to Syria, or Death to Iran, or even Death to Egypt.  Peace would exist if everyone just left Israel alone.  They have every rational right to carry a nuclear deterrent, given the enemy nations that surround them.
c) So what if Israel has its own radicals that target and try to kill Israeli leaders.  I'm sure that must be what you're hoping for Bibi, since you're already on record as accepting that scenario, but that's completely irrelevant to the topic of the thread
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle