Author Topic: More Than a Quarter-Million Refugees on Food Stamps - 74.2 percent in 2013  (Read 13529 times)

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The border will NEVER be 100% secure.

No border, on the globe is "100% secure".  That would include North Korea.  So you can dispense with the irrelevent tangent, that that's what's expected with increased border security.  The goal is to lessen illegal border crossings

The fact is that Obama has done more to make the border more secure than anyone in this century.

The fact is not only has he NOT made it more secure, he's pushed policies, even now unconstitutionally, to broadcast to all other nations, that if you can get here, you're in.  His policies, and that of these so called "sanctuary cities" are a proverbial magnet for increased illegal immigration, with numbers now that dwarf any other time in history, as it relates to illegal immigration (not to be confused with legal immigration, which is fully supported by us "rightwing clowns

The rightwing clowns that are backing inaction on immigration reform WANT insecure borders.

Now here's where you really fall off the deep end.  There is not one hard core conservative, ANYWHERE, who supports or wants "insecure borders".  Immigration reform is absolutely necessary, BUT you have to stop the copious bleeding and incentives to cross 1st, which includes secruing the border, FAR BETTER, than it currently is.  Not 100%, but with the goal of making it as secure as we possibly can.  THEN we can start some serious dialog on actual immigration reform. 

But it is beyond absurd to think that folks like myself or Cu4 actually wants a more pourus open border    :o
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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There are all manner of industries, especially in meatpacking and agriculture, that depend on illegals for their cheap labor. And they contribute to the same rightwing politicians that blather about "sealing" the border.
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And one more time...NOT ONE CONSERVATIVE I'M AWARE OF SUPPORTS THE IDEA, MUCH LESS WANTS, A POURUS UNSECURE BORDER.  Quite the polar opposite in fact.  But on planet Xo, up is down, and left is right apparently    :o
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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You claim that 100% of all conservatives are for "secure borders" . I am pretty sure that this figure did not emerge from any serious poll that you took.

All I hear from the immigrant-hating right is how they refuse to do anything until the "border is secure". But they never, ever, provide any figures regarding what they would consider a secure border. Unless it is absolutely demonstrably 100% secure, then, they will continue to repeat this mantra, never giving what they consider to be acceptable figures.

And establishing a plan to allow someone who a job that he does well has lived here for a dozen years and has several children born here is unrelated to other people ostensibly sneaking into the country. All we hear from the ratbag right is "no amnesty!, no amnesty!" to any and all proposals, even those that deal with people whose children were born here and have been model citizens. Of course, the ratbag right knows that most of these people will not vote for Republicans who think of them and their kind as undesirables. I suppose a hideous bigot like Tom Tancredo might get 2% of the Mexican American vote, but the other 98% want affordable health care, better education for their children, job training for the unemployed and other things that the ratbag right thinks of as "Socialist".
 Mexico has three major political parties: two of them have some form of the word "Revolucion" in their names, and the third, Acción Nacional, is affiliated with the Catholic Church, which these days is no best buddy of neocolonialism, either.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 05:34:24 PM by Xavier_Onassis »
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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You claim that 100% of all conservatives are for "secure borders" .

NO, I DID NOT CLAIM THAT.  I said there's not 1 conservative that has ever come out to support or want an "unsecure border".  Understand the difference now of what I claimed vs how you twisted into something I never did??  That's what you practice, on a daily basis.  But by all means, prove me wrong, and name a prominent conservative that does want an unsecure/porous border.

All I hear from the immigrant-hating right is how they refuse to do anything until the "border is secure".

Because until that is done FIRST, the motivation for those to come here illegally, remains.  The policies being pushed by Democrats, the unconstitutional acts being performed by Obama, and the exisitance of so-called "sanctuary cities" create the waves of increasing illegal immigration, where we are literally importing poverty. 

Not to mention that the "ILLEGAL immigrant hating right, can't trust a Democrat as far as they could throw one.  So to expect that taking the word of someone like Obama, or any other Democrat that they'll eventually get tough on border enforcement, after all forms of concessions regarding immigration reform, is a non-starter

THAT's why securing the border comes 1st
It slows down the massive waves of ILLEGAL imigration,
It demonstrates that Democrats are actually serious about dealing with ILLEGAL immigration, that can then be applied towards some serious immigration reform, that conservatives like myself actually do support and WANT.

It has absolutely squat to do with some nefarious under-the-table want of an unsecure border
« Last Edit: April 29, 2015, 07:30:01 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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   In Vidalia the onion fields depend on migrant harvesters, a few years ago a crackdown almost shut down the whole harvest.

     There used to be Americans  harvesting these Onions, now it is presumed that American labor would raise the price of these onions to the rates of luxury food.

      If the economy of our southern neighbors improves enough to keep these people at home , will we pay enough for our onions to hire Americans , or raise the pay of migrants enough to draw them across the border?


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The cost of picking an onion is only a teensy pert of the cost. The problem with harvesting crops is that it is sporadic. You have lots of work one month, then none for the next eleven months. There is no system for making this sort of work into a job that someone with a family could depend on.

sirs is, as usual fuller of crap than the proverbial Yuletide turkey. A plan to provide some sort of permanent residency for people who have worked here for years is entirely unrelated to  people sneaking across the border next Tuesday.  It fills me with glee to demonstrate to him that he is so utterly full of it.
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  From my vantage as a Union member , Sirs is far too mild .

   Illegal immigration drives down the floor for wages.

  As an onion consumer , it is the opposite, it is good for me that the cost of harvest is small. The cost to pick is only a small part of the total cost as long as there are energetic workers willing to be quite productive for small pay.

    So I am both ends of the problem, and from both directions I am disappointed in our government.

     Not just recently, our immigration policies have been a mess for decades.


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sirs is, as usual fuller of crap than the proverbial Yuletide turkey. A plan to provide some sort of permanent residency for people who have worked here for years is entirely unrelated to  people sneaking across the border next Tuesday.

Wrong yet again.  ITS ABSOLUTELY RELATED.  Intimate in fact.  FAILURE TO SECURE THE BORDER JUST INCENTIVIZES THAT MANY MORE MILLIONS TO ILLEGALLY sneak across our border next Tuesday, IN HOPES OF "Working here for years".  It's a perpetual self fueling POVERTY spiral, which provides me with glee to demonstrate to you that he you are AGAIN so utterly full of it.    ::)
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Illegal immigration drives down the floor for wages.

Absolutely it does!
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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uhm if it`s bad to drive down the floor for wages doesn`t that mean it`s a great idea to increase minimum wages.


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If you work in an old folks' home in Miami, you must be there 24 hours a day.
It pays $60, it you are lucky.
But you do get free food and a cot to sleep on.

If you are illegal, you get paid piecework wages. If they say you can pick 30 bushels an hour, then that is what you get. A minimum wage of $8.00 an hour comes to 26 cents a bushel.
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uhm if it`s bad to drive down the floor for wages doesn`t that mean it`s a great idea to increase minimum wages.

both are bad because they are artificial
the illegals are just that....they're illegal
so they should not even be here
minimum wage is also artificial in that the market is not setting the wage
raising the minimum wage is a hidden tax on soccer moms and everybody else.
Burger King simply raises the price of their food to cover the increased cost of wages
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987