The anti choice bunch is clearly led by religion.
Religion is unnecessary for morality. The Bible has many passages that, if followed, are both immoral and illegal, like killing your children if they fail to respect their elders.
If a religion wants to tell its members not to have abortions or use birth control, it is free to do so. But it has no business trying to use the government to impose its beliefs and penalties on the entire population.
Just as the government should not arrest and punish people if they choose to believe in idols or no god at all in violation of the Commandment to that effect.
Actual cannibalism is not addressed by the Christian religion, but ritual cannibalism is part of the ceremony. The Jewish religion declared rather indirectly that people should not be eaten because they were not kosher.
If Americans refrain from cannibalism, I do not think that the main deterrent is religion.