When it comes to the issue of firearms, the 2nd amendment, and the use of guns in this country, the left goes into this hyperbolic mode of ignorance, using whatever tragedy to push a political agenda consistent with a socialist/fascist form of Government, where the people have less & less freedoms, and the Government has more and more control. When it comes to the gun debate, it reaches near screeching levels, crying out MORE GUN CONTROL...MORE LIMITS TO OWNING GUNS....IF OUR POLICIES WERE IN PLACE, THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED....garbage like that
Putting aside all the facts that debunk so much of the shrill proclamations, top of it being that more lives are saved in this country with the use of a gun, than those take, we have the latest FACT, that puts their call for MORE gun control left toothless. This SC shooter PASSED AN FBI NICS BACKGROUND CHECK, when he aquired the pistol. In other words, backround checks simply won't stop mass murderers
So, what exactly is the "gun control" that the left is foaming at the mouth for, that would have prevented this tragedy, but doesn't gut the consitutional rights of every other law abiding citizen??