Kimba, you're absolutely right about what teachers have to deal with today, the pressures, placed on them, the frequent lack of support by administrators, and how often they're abused politically by the unions. It really is a sucky job, and my compliments to those who sincerely see it as a calling to educate our young and deal with all the suckiness.
That said, Tee, Miss henny, and Miss De are dead on, that despite what pressures and suckiness has been bestowed upon them, does not give them the right to push their personal political vies to a captive student audience. Kids go to school to learn math, english, science, etc. They go to College to learn what occupational pursuit they need to absorb themselves in. They don't go to be told how evil Bush is, or how fantastic Bush is. They don't go there to be told how terrible war is. That's not what teachers are payed to do. If they wish to press their 1st amendment right to dissent, by all means do it on THEIR time, not the tax payers. We tell students they're not allowed to wear pro-Christian shirts, or anti-abortion shirts, or the dreaded implied anti-gay t-shirt, despite they aren't being payed, so should have more a right to wear them than teachers.
If teachers are so bent out of shape in that they feel they need to balance out what the ROTC is doing, where's the demands for speakers and displays in presenting that man is not responsible for global warming? Demands for fairness in presenting the NRA's position on the 2nd amendment? Ooo, how about a White's Only student caucus, to compliment the Blacks & Hispanic's only clubs/organizations?
Keep the teachers neutral, while in school. They're payed to teach, not propogandize. By all means bash Bush at will, if they're that overwrought with anger, ON THEIR OWN TIME, not while during school hours.