Author Topic: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed  (Read 7957 times)

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The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« on: August 11, 2015, 11:11:31 AM »
Stupid Religious Tricks

The pro-lifers want to spend $4 million on a Super Bowl ad. What would possess anyone to waste that sort of money on an advertisement that will be tuned out by 99.99% of the viewership? Considering that such ads have not been approved by the networks or the NFL in the past, I sense that much of this story is an attempt to get some free publicity for the forced childbirth lobby.

But, for the sake of argument, let’s assume that the ad does air. And let us further assume that the true goal of the pro-lifers is reduction of abortions (this is debatable; and I say that as someone with deep experience in the pro-life community). Is this money well spent? In other words, will anyone considering an abortion not have one due to this ad? I would say that is very unlikely. But imagine if we used that $4 million to promote better access to birth control, or provide comprehensive sex education. In other words, why not spend the money on programs that will actually reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies in the first place?

I will tell you why. Because most of the pro-life community are religious zealots who not only oppose abortion, but also oppose birth control and sex education. And there is more than a little bit of a desire to “punish those dirty little sluts.” To the pro-life community, the fetus is nothing more than a fetish or idol. It’s tempting to say that their concern for life begins at conception and ends when the baby passes through the birth canal, but they do not even care about prenatal care for the fetus or its mother. You won’t see them lobbying for adequate children’s health care or increasing aid to poor families with children, either.

And beyond the lack of efficacy is an even bigger question about priorities. Why spend $4 million to air a 30 second ad about abortion when there are tens of thousands of children going hungry each day? Or when many of those same children do not have a bed to call their own?

It’s because the Religious Right is obsessed with sex. Never mind that the Bible speaks far more often about alleviating poverty and taking care of the needy than it ever does about human sexuality. Why bother helping to feed the hungry when you can rail against some gay people who want to get married? Why try to alleviate homelessness when there are women who want an abortion?

Nothing makes me more angry than these religious assholes. They are exploiting people’s faith for monetary gain. It’s all a fucking scheme. Many, if not most, of the leaders probably care very little about gays or abortion. What they do care about, though, is the amount of money that will come rolling in every time they attack the “sinners.” I hope that there is a special place in hell for these hucksters and their flocks.
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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2015, 11:15:23 AM »
Riddle me this. If lifers are so concerned with ending abortion, why does “your side” push to make it harder for a woman to prevent an unwanted pregnancy (throwing legislative hissy fits at the idea of insurance covering birth control, passing laws that would allow an employer to fire a woman for using birth control, insisting on “abstinence only sex ed” – a proven failure, etc., etc.)? Preventing unwanted pregnancy bypasses the abortion question altogether; if pro-lifers really thought abortion was murder, this would be the ideal solution: stop it before it ever gets to that stage. Turns out, though, that it’s the pro-choice community that works to avoid unwanted pregnancies altogether, and you guys who work hard to make sure they happen, women are forced to seek out unsafe abortions or give birth, and then raise the child that results in poverty afterwards (because the legislators pushing to shred the social safety net, cut foodstamps, etc.? They’re the fetus obsessed “pro-life” party). Pretty curious, eh?

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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2015, 06:48:10 PM »
  You have to be a fetus obsessed zealot to not want children to be killed by crushing their skulls?

  Just imagine your own head in a large set of forceps, and pressure is applied until you quit kicking.

    That is called "sympathy" in some quarters  I guess you can call it zealotry if you would rather, but it makes zealotry look good.


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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2015, 06:54:11 PM »
A fetus should be more careful about where it develops.

It is very likely that if it is born it will suffer for a lot longer if its mother does not want it.
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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2015, 07:00:29 PM »
  So there isa "likely" suffering and it is worse than certain suffering?


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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #5 on: August 11, 2015, 07:10:36 PM »
On the whole, I would say much worse.  5 minutes vs years.
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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #6 on: August 11, 2015, 07:41:35 PM »
    I know people who have put up with long term serious pain , in hope of survival , cancer survivors in particular I know a few.

    Life is sweet , but even when it isn't ,life is life.


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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #7 on: August 11, 2015, 08:41:09 PM »
There is a major difference between fetuses and adults.

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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #8 on: August 11, 2015, 08:45:09 PM »
There is a major difference between fetuses and adults.


Are these distinctions or differences that really matter?

If these "fetuses " are good for organ harvesting or make good cadavers , then they have all the parts we do.

Except teeth, is it teeth that makes a man?


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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #9 on: August 11, 2015, 08:46:38 PM »
Okay, I can go with that: teeth make us human.

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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #10 on: August 11, 2015, 08:56:43 PM »
Okay, I can go with that: teeth make us human.

  Don't loose your humanity to gingivitis .


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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #11 on: August 11, 2015, 09:28:43 PM »
Fetuses know nothing. They know how to do nothing. They have no personalities. It is easier to carry on a conversation with a cat or dog than with a fetus.
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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2015, 11:06:18 PM »
Fetuses know nothing. They know how to do nothing. They have no personalities. It is easier to carry on a conversation with a cat or dog than with a fetus.

This is true of everyone that does not have a language in common.

Is knowledge the test of Humanity?

Is knowing wrong stuff just as qualifying as knowing right stuff?

Babies before birth do have response to stimuli and have even been known to respond to familiar voices.


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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2015, 05:09:30 PM »
So do kitty cats, puppy dogs, and even bunny rabbits  gerbils and hamsters.
So what?
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Re: The religious, the fanatics, the obsessed
« Reply #14 on: August 13, 2015, 10:30:09 PM »
So do kitty cats, puppy dogs, and even bunny rabbits  gerbils and hamsters.
So what?

Thank you .

Having these children achieve the legal standing of rabbits would be a large step forward.

It is a felony to be cruel to an animal in Georgia.

You might sell the flesh of a Rabbit that you have killed , but if you are killing it by crushing its skull you are prone to get prosecuted.