Author Topic: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?  (Read 71999 times)

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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #210 on: October 25, 2015, 04:35:54 PM »
Only gods are godly, by definition. Dogs are doggish and cats are catty and fish are fishy. I am human, so I am humane, and occasionally humanitarian.
 So did Satan really cause Darwin to dream up Evolution, as Carson suggests?  You have yet to answer the question.

So Jesus is his own father. Was he always his own father, or only  since the affair with Mary?

The general gist of the thing is that there was just God the father until Mary got pregnant. Some say the Holy Ghost did it, but not everyone agrees.
The Holy Ghost did not make an appearance until the New Testament

So there was just One and then there were Three.

I am curious: did Satan plant the idea of Evolution in Darwin's head?
God supposedly does not plant ideas in people's heads unless he gets the urge to do it.
It sounds a lot like magic, doesn't it?
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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #211 on: October 25, 2015, 06:02:00 PM »
And only humans are human by definition...and so on and so on.  Satan does, whatever Satan does.  His strength is casting doubt and deception.  Only God (& Satan) know how Satan impacted Darwin.  It's safe to assume, FROM A CHRISTIAN STANDPOINT, that Satan likely steered Darwin in whatever way was contrary to God's wishes

The rest of your literal puny human card grasp of Christ is, shall we say....pleasing to Satan's eyes
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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #212 on: October 25, 2015, 06:42:04 PM »
So now you know what pleases the Devil.

I cannot give my opinion about God's apparently wacky behavior, but you know that I am pleasing the Devil.

It seems to me that Darwin was some form of believer all his life. But he was a scientists and he saw the world as a scientist has to see the world, and he drew conclusions from what he saw. It is pretty clear that the Universe is not six thousand years old, that there are thousands of creatures who once lived on this planet that have gone extinct, and that men have had a dandy time fiddling with the chromosomes of dogs, cats, chickens, turkeys and all sorts of other livestock so that they will serve out purposes. Dog breeders, horse breeders and pig breeders  and others had been adapting animals to their specific desires since the times of the Romans. Perhaps Satan loves them as well.  God designed wolves, and is probably unhappy with men changing them into Chihuahuas, poodles, collies and Corgis.

I wonder what Carson says about this sort of deliberately unnatural selection.
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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #213 on: October 25, 2015, 06:51:12 PM »
ALL Christians know what pleases the devil.  Anything & everything that displeases God.  It isn't rocket science     ::)

And no one claimed you can't give a damn opinion, about ANYTHING be it God or Sushi.  It's just often proven to be wrong, but no has claimed you can't peddle it
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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #214 on: October 25, 2015, 07:36:55 PM »
So where do you stand on washing your hands before dinner:  are you for hygiene and cleanliness or with Jesus?

Seriously, why would an all knowing entity claim that washing your hands was not a good idea?

Of course, the average Jew in Judea would not have heard about  germs, but hell, God INVENTED germs.
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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #215 on: October 25, 2015, 07:58:15 PM »
My washing my hands has nothing to do with my faith in Christ.  But yes, God created everything, including germs, diseases, and all sorts of natural nasties
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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #216 on: October 25, 2015, 10:19:49 PM »
I always find it baffling that people whose homes are blown away by hurricanes and tornadoes tend to thank God for not blowing them away as well.

Jesus seems to have confused spiritual defilement with disease. Of course all disease was incorrectly attributed to spiritual stuff back then.
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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #217 on: October 25, 2015, 11:26:20 PM »
I always find it baffling that people whose homes are blown away by hurricanes and tornadoes tend to thank God for not blowing them away as well.

Jesus seems to have confused spiritual defilement with disease. Of course all disease was incorrectly attributed to spiritual stuff back then.


Do you think that the accusing Pharisee was concerned with pathogens?

The confusion is all on our end.

I do consider it possible that Jesus understood Germs better than we do yet, but this was not the subject of this conversation as it was recorded.

One of the things in the law of Moses is instructions for using latrines when camping, keeping the camp clean.

This was imperfectly understood until recently , many of the casualties of the civil war were communicable diseases.

Or do we understand perfectly now?

Probably not.

Following the instructions for use of latrines would have saved many lives, and probably did, without any understanding of why, or even any realization that there was an advantage to the practice.

What scriptures we ought to be following now , but science has not yet discovered the reason , we can only guess.


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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #218 on: October 25, 2015, 11:52:08 PM »
The simple truth behind faith in God, is that God won't allow anything greater than what someone can handle
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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #219 on: October 26, 2015, 12:27:39 PM »

The simple truth behind faith in God, is that God won't allow anything greater than what someone can handle.

By definition if there any survivors, God had graciously spared them.

If it is a mass extermination, as occurred with the Mandan people in the 1830's, or the mass extermination ordered by God of Malekites and other original inhabitants of Canaan, well that was God's will as well. God was displeased with Malekites and Mandans, and the Anasazi pueblo dwellers of the Southwest. Or the people of the Roman City of Pompeii, burned to a crisp when Vesuvius erupted. Was the Lisbon Earthquake on All Saints' Day in 1755, or the Holocaust a bit too excessive or harsh?Nawww, it was all ''God's Will''. Maybe in the long run it was good for all those Portuguese and Jews to die. It was just a bit of Divine weeding and culling.

I don't blame God for this attitude it is a peculiar form of human stupidity.

The reality is that entire populations have been destroyed by natural calamities.

There is no reason why hurricanes have to make a landfall. Most of this planet is covered by water. But somehow, all natural disasters are God's plan and people still prefer to see it as a personal blessing when God has merely destroyed their home and business and spared them. Of course, if they had not been spared, they would not be around to quote.
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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #220 on: October 26, 2015, 12:42:03 PM »
The simple truth behind faith in God, is that God won't allow anything greater than what someone can handle.

By definition if there any survivors, God had graciously spared them.

God spares every in it wasn't their time.  And NO, you don't get to decide when that time is.  If you were to throw yourself off the Empire State building, and it was your time, God would spare your life.  However, if you did decide to do that, God would likely allow you your choice to end your life.

Whatever happens, happens.  We choose our direction, and as Christians we know that God wouldn't put us into a situation he knew we can't handle.  It's up to us to handle it though.  Christians get it.  Others obviously don't

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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #221 on: October 26, 2015, 12:53:26 PM »
So we supposedly have free will, but we cannot actually even commit suicide unless God wills it?

You appear to have a very confused concept of free will.

Everybody dies. But suicide is always an option.

God seems to spare a lot more people who overdose drugs than use a gun.

God can prevent a volcanic explosion, a hurricane, an earthquake if he wants to, those affected would seem to have less free will about staying alive than others who have decided to live in places where such disasters never happen.

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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #222 on: October 26, 2015, 01:00:16 PM »
You've already burned enough neurons on a concept you simply can't grasp.  In fact, if you had spent even a 1/4 of these neurons on explaining how one would legally classify a "lazy mass shooter" with a "crazy mass shooter", so we could better figure out how to keep firearms out of their hands, we might have made some progress, vs this black hole effort in trying to debunk a faith that by definition can never be debunked, since it isn't based on anything humanly scientific

But by all means, knock your socks off.  I've decided to get off your merry-go-round
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Re: Ben Carson thinks Charles Darwin was encouraged by SATAN?
« Reply #223 on: October 26, 2015, 01:19:27 PM »
All faith is eminently debunkable. It is just that in some cases it is possible to debunk it with facts, and in others the facts are unavailable.

The Book of Revelations says that in the final days 'the stars will fall from the Heavens'.

Well, no, they won't. Maybe it could LOOK that way, but we know for a fact that Betelgeuse, Vega and Polaris are not going to fall from the sky into Earth.
This is because we know that they are (1) very, very far away, thousands of light years away, actually,  and (2) they are headed AWAY from us, and (3) if any of the stars or other heavenly object that we can see in the night sky were to fall to Earth, that would be the end of Planet Earth. A second object would merely whiz through the cloud of rubble that once was Earth. A plural shower of stars is an impossibility.

Of course, a METEOR shower is possible, but as we know, meteors are not stars.

So we can prove that faith in that sentence of the Book of Revelations is simply bunk. This diminishes the credulity that any sane person would have in the rest of that Book of what appears to be mostly nonsense.
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