Author Topic: call the Jewish Anti-Defamation League Foolish, then get elected  (Read 4097 times)

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Re: call the Jewish Anti-Defamation League Foolish, then get elected
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2015, 08:17:42 PM »
Appreciate the Hell out of his forthrighteousness, but get serious. Do we need a president that causes constant useless controversy every time he opens his mouth?

Someone asks if you think a Muslim should be president, what you say is 'since we are talking about an imaginary person, I would say I cannot honestly comment on that: if there were a specific candidate, then I would do what every American should do when they vote:  judge his or her abilities carefully and then decide.'
  I love that very thing. I am sick of seeing triangulation happen and pandering follow polls . It is so gross and unhidden that it is practically nothing but an insult.
That is not dodging the question, and it would not provoke controversy.
What is the controversy? There is a clause of our constitution that makes a religious test for office forbidden , this is not going to change. An honest answer is very appealing , and it is an opinion that many Americans would agree with. I note that although there are a few Muslims in statehouses and congress there are none running for president , not even as a Democrat. If my advice was asked I might say much the same thing, Islam is problematic as a philosophy and scary as a social movement.

If you were asked that question , what would you say?

The Republican Party knows that there are a sizable number of voters who will vote against any Black person. They also know that they will get nearly all those votes UNLESS they run Carson. They need every vote then can get. Angry Old White Guys are a smaller percentage in 2008. They have been replaced by Millienian=ls, and that is why we will not be hearing much from the Republicans against Gay marriage this time around. They know that that is a losing issue.
If they can't vote for a black guy , then they are welcome to vote for a Democrat, it will be just like the old days.
How much did it cost to get all those seduced and abandoned White women to come out and denounce the philandering Herman Cain?
I don't know and I don't know who to ask .
They were not drugged or tricked into sleeping with the Boss Man. I tend to think that they did not all pop up out of a civic sense of responsibility.
It seemed to be quite effective to subject Ol' Herman to a public pussywhipping with the resolute Mrs Cain standing there presiding over the debacle.
Yes, I am also suspicious of this circumstance, it recalls strongly the attack on Justice
Thomas, ( But just because it is done the same way does not prove it is done by the same people.
Tho I really can't find evidence , I suspect the Democrats , but another Republican candidate is also possible.

Is there an ex-CIA Director still around in the Republican Oligarchy? Does he still have pals and buddies in the Dirty Tricks Department?
Might he have a motive?

As for motive , no, not against Herman Cain , that race was Bush free.


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Re: call the Jewish Anti-Defamation League Foolish, then get elected
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2015, 09:16:34 PM »
There were no Bushes running. That does not mean that there were no Bushes at work.

That does not mean that Olebush or perhaps some of his CIA pals did not cause those women to all come tell their tales of how Black Mr Cain seduced White women. It certainly put an end to his candidacy. I do not thin=k all those women told their tales  simply because they were worried about sedUctions in the White House.

After the Great Public Pussywhipping, Cain sank below the horizon and so did all those women. No books came t, no reporters investigated, it just *poof!* vanished.

In any event, this time there is Jeb! who has traded his reviled  surname for an exclamation point. Perhaps Carson will just fade away.
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Re: call the Jewish Anti-Defamation League Foolish, then get elected
« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2015, 11:01:37 AM »
Gotta love the rampant toothfairy-like accusations, with not one shred of any proof
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Re: call the Jewish Anti-Defamation League Foolish, then get elected
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2015, 02:46:28 PM »
Thomas attacked Carla Hill. She did not want to testify, she was subpoenaed and forced to testify. It is pretty obvious that Clarence Thomas was not qualified to be a Supreme Court Justice.He is the laziest guy that has served on the court in a century. He rarely speaks or asks questions and rarely writes much. And his wife is up to her neck in  conflicts of interest.

It seems that no one bothered to track down the women who ratted on Herman Cain. They would be the ones to ask. But after the Great Pussywhipping, Cain was no longer of much interest and no publication bothered to run an exposé.  He was not guilty of anything in any legal sense, but his fall from grace was probably considered something he deserved. The women were not lying, they were simple encouraged to tell the truth, and probably not out of any sense of civic duty. It is not actually illegal to bribe someone to tell the truth. On the other hand, they would not have wanted to become even more famous as women whose fame was derived from sleeping with the boss.
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Re: call the Jewish Anti-Defamation League Foolish, then get elected
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2015, 03:01:54 PM »
We'll all look forward to you getting back to us with even 1 bit of evidence to back up any of the ongoing speculative accusations & claims.  Until then, this could be the beginnings of a weak selling fiction novel.  Keep up the effort
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Re: call the Jewish Anti-Defamation League Foolish, then get elected
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2015, 06:33:45 PM »
So why did all those women rat out Cain after years had gone by?
That is the big question.
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Re: call the Jewish Anti-Defamation League Foolish, then get elected
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2015, 07:13:07 PM »
I guess you're going to have to ask them if you're that caught up in it, Notoriety?...Ideology?...Opportunity?  No one really knows since there's no EVIDENCE of anything stemming from the CIA or the Bushies.....unless you want to fantacize & brainstorm some more for your apparent fictional novel, you're working on.  Oh wait, you love to apply the backwards mindset that no evidence is concrete evidence, because they're just that good at hiding things, right?  Is that what you're going with?
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Re: call the Jewish Anti-Defamation League Foolish, then get elected
« Reply #22 on: October 20, 2015, 11:22:43 PM »
Thomas attacked Carla Hill.


There is not even an indication of such a thing.

The most she accused him of was ribald and sexist remarks that she found irritating.

Not so irritating that she didn't follow him to a new job when he was transferred.

Just how offensive is a boss that you can loose him by just doing nothing , but instead you follow him to his new assignment ?

I see her as a creature of the Democratic machine, here rewards since have been pretty good.

This is a little different than the incidents that sunk the Gary Hart candidacy and failed to sink the Clinton Presidency, Mz Hill was smoke with no fire.

I regret the loss of Herman Cain, he had some things in common with Trump , but one grade more reasonable.

I don't think that a conspiracy is necessary to explain the Herman Chain accusers , but it could be , and it could be those Democrats that conspired , as they sometimes do. 


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Re: call the Jewish Anti-Defamation League Foolish, then get elected
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2015, 09:41:51 PM »
I regret the loss of Herman Cain, he had some things in common with Trump , but one grade more reasonable.

Cain was less an egotistical bloewhard than Trump, but that is not hard to do.

I don't think that a conspiracy is necessary to explain the Herman Chain accusers , but it could be , and it could be those Democrats that conspired , as they sometimes do.

I see no reason why Democrats would have tried to torpedo Cain. Cain was a headache for the Republican establishment, and a blessing to the Democrats.

There is a PBS documentary on Carla Hill they ran earlier this year that explains her entire ordeal.
She did not want to testify at all.
But she felt bound to tell the truth.

Her motive was not to ruin Thomas's chances.

She was cruelly treated for simply telling the truth.
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