There is little change that there will be a "President Trump" running this country.
And what "change" would that be? Oh wait....a spelling error? What was it you were saying about anyone making spelling/grammar errors, again?
I do not actually care much about "Operation Choke Point" I am not interested in guns. uninterested you'll parrot every leftist talking point, without once explaining how any of the unconstitutional efforts of mass registration and banning of various weapons actually prevents the mass shootings the left keeps crying about
The point Cruz so artfully brought up was how Government, especially this one, has no problem using any of its branches to impose the might of the Federal Government's agencies to push a political agenda. Be it the Justice Dept, the EPA, the IRS....all of which would have the left demanding indictments, prosecution, if not impeachment, if this were under the umbrella of a Republican Administration