The left and Obama sychophants literally decry every time Benghazi comes up, since what it highlights, is like a festering wound. As you look deeper, you see just how bad the situation is. Benghazi was a micro-window of just how disastrous his foreign policy has been
In a nut shell, he campaigns on being this "uniter", who will bring all these factions, both domestic & foreign together. Our allies will come to embrace our "non-cowboy posture, and our enemies will grasp how we are trying to .... "understand" their plight & grievences
Then reality sets in, where with our acute lack of leadership, we alienate our allies, embolden our enemies, and allow terrorists to flourish. Benghazi demonstrates that despite repeated efforts by those closest to the areas of danger, in requesting help, Our executive branch, led by the State Dept, IGNORED THE INCREASING WARNING SIGNS. (just as they ignored that JV team, ISIS). Benghazi demonstrated that we had no response to an attack, as the Executuve branch tried to lay blame on some obscure video, creating this completely "spontaneous protest". Benghazi demonstrates not just an acute lack of leadership & incompotence, but an ever growing requirement to play the CYA game, even going so far as blaming Ambassador Stevens for accepting such a dangerous assignment. AND THEY KNEW, from the outset, that this was a terrorist attack, and not some video....but lied to the American people, and those families who lost loved ones, since the truth would have been far too politically damaging to those in power
What's happening in Paris, may have not been preventable, but it could clearly be seen thru the eyes of what happened in Benghazi, as we watched a growing terrorist threat, go largely unchecked, outside of a few pin-prick drone strikes. And despite pleas for help and additional military force, we sat there, complacent to think by "being nice", that the terrorists would be nice in return
Incompotence in leadership, at an exponential level