Don't stress.......they're just a JV team. They'll fold like a cheap suit...or so our Community organizer & chief has inferred
Seriously though, Obama’s response to these types of attacks continues to be pitiful. The message he conveys is hardly one of strength and commitment. More a look of hand-wringing and a deer-in-the-headlights. When he steps before a microphone he exhibits a look of cluelessness and weakness that our enemies clearly recognize. They just don’t take him seriously.
and NO....NO ONE IS BLAMING THE ATTACKS ON OBAMA....OR CLINTON. (I thought it best to kill that deflection attempt before it gets started). Point is, that We, as in America, and our military forces, WERE in a position to greatly blunt much of ISIS and its expansion. But instead, Obama decided to play nice and "hope" that Radical Islamic Terrorists would play nice in return. He, and the minions he ordered, including Clinton, continued to play the Politically Correct game, going completely out of their way to avoid "offending", ANYONE. (unless of course you're Israeli, Republican, or Conservative. It's open season on offending them)