Ha Ha....you are an idiot.
Of course Carlos Slim has a lot of money....I am sure there is a rich man in North Korean too
but that's not the point again....and that's what makes you an idiot.
You always miss the point or try to change the subject.
There are wealthy people in all countries...BFD
But that certainly doesn't make all countries equal
The point is that your beloved Espanol countries are FAILED POOR societies.
They are what they are....those countries have not changed the world....innovation?....ha ha yeah sure.
That's why so many from there want to come here....
because they are fleeing FAILED POOR NATIONS.
And they want to tag on to what we've created here.
You want to pretend equivalency....but it is not there.
And Yes I know the majority of the poor uneducated south of the border peasants coming here illegally will not
be as successful and "not as capable" because they are not assimilating....thus they are not in tune with the American Spirit....
many of them don't give a rats ass about being an American....the dumb-asses wave the Mexican Flag the
shit-hole they had to flee from....as if that makes any sense....yeah wave the flag of the toilet you fled from!
BTW....BOTH Carlos Slim's parents were Lebanese...so even Carlos Slim isn't Hispanic
his Dad fled Lebanon to avoid being conscripted into the Ottoman Army.
And Slim Daddy hasn't beat me at anything....my life is exactly as I want it....maybe his is....maybe it's not!
I don't want to be ANYBODY else but me....and don't want be be any place else....or I'd be there!