I should probably pray more, and I don't mind being reminded or even urged to pray for something in particular.If I agree with the prayer I might well join it.
I know that prayer and request for prayer can be insincere, even "political boilerplate" as mentioned in this article, but that doesn't mean that I can't be sincere and that I can join in a group prayer even if I know that not every one in the group is sincere. I just need to agree that the subject of the prayer is a good idea, the rest is between God and each of us individually.
I don't really know what this message means to someone who never prays, or who thinks of God as a fiction or an abstraction, this sort of thinking is quite alien to me , makes it interesting.
This article is about a kerfluffle in which some people are irate at mention of prayer when what they want is action.
But when a person tries to cast shame onto prayer or prayer request they are making a big mistake. Prayer is not asked or offered
instead of action, it is appropriate to pray before taking action, even before deciding to take action, thus the action is not prevented , it is just acted by cooler people who are more in tune with God.