What's funny is how this claim of how "bad" someone was while in office, is how many died while "on their watch". Using those parameters, Lincoln was apparently the worst President we ever had, while FDR was a close 2nd
In other words, its intellectual laziness to make such a claim, when the Bush administration, with Rice as NSA had been in office, for 9 months, still transitioning from the previous adminstration. Not to mention we weren't "at a time of peace", as we were at war with Bin Laden, and ongoing strikes against Iraqi targets. There was no credible intel of what AlQeada was about to perform, and no "anniversary" to proclaim to the world that "you better look out"
In the words of another poster I read before, Clinton is about as qualified to be President, as Paris Hilton. The incompotence alone, in how she handled herself as SOS would be enough. She was completely unqualified for the position and people died in Benghazi as a result of her incompetence. Put aside the fact that none of her supporters can ever provide any list of accomplishments, outside of traveling on the tax payer's dime. Corruption is rank with her and her foundation, and manifested itself on how she made sure to try and "wipe" both her computer AND her private server, before finally handing anything over, as the law required. This pathetic 2 sets of rules...one for the Clintons & one for the rest of us is tale of what can happen if you sell your soul for power. Her e-mail scandal alone would have anyone of us going to prison, but apparently, married to a Clinton gets you a get-out-jail-free card.
When people think of "politicians", they often think of "sleeze", regardless of party. And the queen of political sleeze, at this particular junction in time, is none other than Mrs Clinton. And the scary part, is that nearly half the population is ok with that. Thankfully, not a majority however