Fabulously wealthy people are not necessary for there to be an investment network. People invest for their retirement in IRA's and 401k's.
We would be better off as a society if we had 1000 millionaires than if we had one billionaire. 5000 millionaires would be preferable to one Donald Trump.
A wise small investor will devote 5% or so of his earnings to savings and investments . The investments need to be pretty conservative for a nest egg.
A very wealthy guy would be dumb to place only 5% of his fortune in investments, if he can live off interest he would be better off investing almost all of it.
A wealthy guy can afford to be an "angel" investor and buy interest in something new and risky without really risking destitution.
The more Americans are well off , the more Americans have opportunity to be entrepreneurs.
The more fortunes there are approaching Bezos and Branson level, the more seriously risky new technologies can be tried out ,