Trump was AGAINST the war in Iraq....Trump was right again.
Hillary voted FOR the war in Iraq....Hillary was wrong again.
Trumps says when we invade countries like Kuwait, Iraq, etc...
We should take their oil to pay for our blood, sweat, tears, and dollars.
And of course we should do that!
Why the hell should we save Kuwait's ass (a very wealthy country) and get nothing in return?
Iran is now a huge influence in Iraq....calling a lot of the shots
Dumbass Obama signs "a deal" with Iran and they get 150 Billion to buy weapons from Russia.
So Iran benefits from the dumbass Obama deal
Russia benefits from the dumbass Obama deal
But what do we get?.....
We get an enemy with lots of cash to buy weapons to spread terror
In other words we dont get shit.
Americans are tired off this Crap!
Trump will put a halt to this non-sense.