Here's another news flash.....remember that whopper of a lie Obama pulled, when he claimed criminals can bybass background checks, by simply buying their purchases on-line?.....THAT'S ALREADY ILLEGAL, FOR A CRIMINAL TO PURCHASE ANY GUN
Need that repeated?? Any sale from any licensed dealer first has to go through a background check. It doesn’t matter if he’s selling the firearm at a store, online, or at a gun show. When it comes to online sales, guns can only be transferred to the buyer through a federally licensed firearms dealer – that’s the law.” A Criminal can not bypass a background check.
That means the private seller of the gun, is using someone already with an FFL, to facilitate the sale. He legally can't do it, by himself. Now, the criminal can LIE on the application, in an attempt to thwart the background check, but he still has one done. Or if the seller tries selling his gun without an FFL intermediary, is also in violation of CURRENT law
All Obama is doing is trying to place an additional burden on any seller, that they personally must have an FFL. This does nothing in stopping the criminal, but the added mandate is designed primarly to make it harder for people to simply sell their guns, to legal customers