An excellent Romatic Drama movie a while back, was about a widowed Democrat President, who was both trying to function as President, while attemptint to woo an enviormental lobbiest. The movie of course is "The President", starring Michael Douglas, and the always goregeous Annette Bening. Without going into critiquing the move (since I found it very enjoyable despite how the Democrat president trashed the 2nd amendment in the big speech at the end), there was a point in that speech, that rang so that being President was partly about character. It was all about character
Now, being a politician, especially in DC, appears to require a stripping of one's character. At least that's what it appears, when you witness politician after politician placate constituencies & coddle their donors. You see it in all parties, and just appears to fester, cycle ater election cycle. The reason I bring this up, is its rare to see someone who is truly sincere in their beliefs in actions. What's a little less rare it to be witness to politicans that literally have no character. Most politicians have "some", even Obama. Despite his lying beyond belief whenever he's pusing a high priority agenda item, he did make it clear from the beginning his intentions of "changing how they do things in Washington". We have "new normals", that require us to consider piss poor economic growth and anemic GDP #'s as the new norm, and no longer something that's to be criticized
Then you have Mrs Clinton.....who is that rare jewel that appears to have absolutely no character, what-so-ever. Yes, she'll get the nomination. Too many have spent too much and invested too much that she not be their go-to girl. But even worse than her husband, is someone who will say anything, do anything, take anything, to climb that political ladder. Her incompotence as SoS, leading to the events of what happened in Bengazi opened that onion. And as she began to run for president, layer after layer demonstrated even more fowl smelling actions, exemplified by the entire e-mail debacle. Literally everything she has said about her improper e-mail scheme has been a now-confirmed lie. We all know why she kept it on a private server, in clear disregard to Obama & company indicating her need to function on the Government server, like everyone else, and it had nothing to do with "convenience".
Point being she has made lying such an intimate part of her rhetoric, that she doesn't grasp how time is catching up. Very soon, she will no longer be able to hide behind her and her sychophants trying to claim all this "took place so long ago". The trick of course was for her and the State Dept to drag everything out as long as it could to try and then make that claim about how everything was so long ago. Toe tag liberals & hard core Dems might buy it, but moderates & Independents? Nope. I still expec that Obama/Democrat controlled Justice Dept will rule that they've done a "thorough investigation", and conclude that Clinton didn't "actively" try to do anything illegal....move along
Then again, if she does get a Democrat in control of the Justice Dept.....Biden might want to reconsder about jumping in, to give Sanders some competition