Yes , they have proven that they can be bi-partisans on something.
I would not favor a maximum limit on a companies size, but quashing or co-opting the competition ought to be discouraged .
I am not certain about the exact levels that trigger anti-trust laws to be enforced, but it seems that when a single company or a small number of companies owns enough of an industry to ruin the industry with a few mistakes the point where those laws would have been helpful has been passed.
In Particular the ability to build large and sophisticated aircraft seems far too concentrated in Boeing, the ability to build large aircraft engines too concentrated in Pratt & Whitney and GE.
Getting a dimwit in charge of one of these big companies is worse for the country than having six dimwit state governors.
And apparently getting a dimwit in charge is inevitable , state , corporate or federal, this is another good reason to prevent too much power in too few hands whether state , corporate or federal.